Differentiation Chemical Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Differentiation Chemical Evolution


We learned in last class that wide range of primary basaltic magmas can be. generated by partial melting ... Can be difficult to unravel relative contributions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Differentiation Chemical Evolution

GEO1003Spring2008Lecture 8 (Differentiation of
Ch.11 in Winter
Differentiation (Chemical Evolution) of Magmas
Differentiation of Magmas Introduction
  • We learned in last class that wide range of
    primary basaltic magmas can be
  • generated by partial melting of mantle lherzolite
  • We also learned that many of these same magmas
    may also be generated by
  • fractional crystallization of ultramafic (eg
    lherzolite) melts
  • Fractional crystallization of basaltic melts can
    also lead to an even wider
  • variety of magma compositions
  • Fractional crystallization (FC) is just one of
    several mechanisms by which basaltic
  • magmas can generate magmas of different
  • Other mechanisms of diversification
    (differentiation/evolution) include
  • filter pressing (compaction), flow segregation,
    various mechanisms of volatile
  • release, liquid immiscibility, magma mixing,
    thermal diffusion, compositional
  • convection
  • All these processes involve SEPARATION of
    crystals from liquids, vapors
  • from liquids, liquids from liquids etc, or some

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Processes of Crystal-Liquid Separation
  • Three main processes FC, filter pressing and
    flow segregation
  • FC often considered dominant mechanism by which
    magmas differentiate
  • (but important to note that it is only one of
    many such mechanisms)
  • Process of crystal settling (gravity settling)
    where crystals are denser than
  • magma usually invoked
  • Olivine and pyroxene commonly settle out from
    mafic magmas
  • Concentrations of settled crystals are called
  • Crystal accumulation at top of magma chambers
    also possible if crystals are less
  • denser than magma (feldspar can do this). These
    are called flotation cumulates
  • Crystal settling is extremely slow (but possible)
    in most intermediate and felsic magmas
  • (because they are so viscous)
  • FC often involves settling of more than one phase

Analyses of products (glass) from 1959 eruption
of Kilauea. Parental magma most primitive
glass other glass analyses plotted to show that
range of chemistry can be explained by either
olivine accumulation or extraction
Filter Pressing and Flow Segregation
  • Two other mechanisms of crystal-liquid separation
  • Filter pressing is the expulsion of liquid from
    around crystals due to compaction
  • (for example in a cumulate layer) or constriction
    (filtering) or crystals through
  • a narrowing or obstruction in magma flow path
  • Flow of magma against walls, other areas of
    cooler magma, lithics, crystals
  • creates differential flow, and provides a
    mechanism for segregating crystals
  • and liquids (flow segregation)

Flow segregation of olivine crystals towards
centers of dikes is fairly common (these examples
are from Skye, Scotland)
Liquid-Vapor Separation
  • Mechanisms of liquid-vapor separation also lead
    to magma differentiation
  • Almost all magmas release vapor phase(s) as they
    rise to lower pressures and the
  • solubility of the volatile is lowered. Water
    vapor is by far the most important
  • Vapor has a lower density than melt so rises (and
  • Water-rich fluids escaping from magmas are
    responsible for wide variety of
  • hydrothermal alteration/metasomatism
  • Water may also be release by retrograde (or
    second) boiling following
  • crystallization of anhydrous phases and the
    concentration of water in the remaining
  • melt. The solubility of water in the melt is
    exceeded (but for a different reason
  • this time)
  • Vapor separation is significant for magma
    differentiation because certain elements
  • partition into the vapor also. These include K,
    Na, S, Cl, F, B and many other large
  • or highly charged ions that dont fit easily into
    crystal lattices

Liquid-Liquid Separation (Liquid Immiscibility)
  • Liquid immiscibility (two liquids that dont mix)
    is not uncommon with magmas
  • Liquid immiscibility provides a mechanism for
    liquid-liquid separation
  • Liquid immsicibilty textures can be observed in
    micro and macroscales
  • (droplet or blebby textures)
  • Liquid immiscibility is most common in three
    magmatic systems
  • 1. A granitic melt may separate from Fe-rich
    tholeiitic basalt magmas
  • that are gt70 crystallized. Very small volumes
    of granitic melt
  • 2. Sulfide droplets often separate from basaltic
    liquids. May be very large
  • Volumes (some massive sulfide deposits are
    economically viable)
  • 3. Carbonatite magma can separate from some
    highly alkaline magmas
  • (eg phonolites, nephelinites)

Liquid immiscibility texture thin-section from
Suswa volcano, Kenya, illustrating immiscibilty
between trachyte magma (now brown glass globs)
and carbonate magma (grey matrix)
Magma Mixing (Liquid-Liquid Mixing)
  • Magma mixing is a common process of magma
  • It involves the initial mingling and variable
    degrees of (homogenous) mixing
  • of two magmas
  • Whether two (any two) liquids mix depends on
    their densities, viscosities,
  • velocities etc
  • Liquids (eg magmas) mix most easily when their
    densities and viscosities are
  • similar
  • Abundant field and microscale evidence for magma
    mixing (eg swirls etc)
  • Replenishment of a magma chamber with more mafic
    magma is a common
  • Process and provides a likely mechanism for much
  • Magma mixing may also be due to convection

Basalt blobsin granite, formed by magma mixing
Thermal Boundary Layers and (Independent) Magma
  • A thermal boundary layer is a boundary between
    two areas of a fluid, across which at least one
  • form of heat is not transferred in the case of
    magmas, this is convection
  • Many magma chambers now thought to have stagnant
    caps separated from a convecting interior
  • by a thermal boundary layer
  • Formation of this upper layer is complex (and
    controversial) but can involve (as one example)
  • input of H20 into magma from wall rocks and
    formation of a less dense (water-rich) cap
  • (density stratification)
  • Boundary layer effectively separates the cap from
    the rest of the chamber and allows some

Example of Thermal Boundary Layer Compositional
Here crystallization against the cooler walls of
minerals denser than melt, allow melt to rise and
possibly spread out as a less dense stagnant top
(or it may sink if it cools significantly (ie if
it becomes more dense than underlying magma
due to lower temperature). This process is
called compositional convection. Note cap and
wall boundary layers, and note that this process
can be isothermal (in theory), hence thermal
  • Assimilation is the chemical contamination of
    magma by interaction and incorporation
  • of wall rock
  • Evidence from geochemistry and partially resorbed
  • Most important when melting point of wall rock is
    much less than magma, and volume
  • of magma is large (eg large mafic intrusions into
    continental crust)
  • Higher surface area of contact (eg from
    stoping) favors assimilation
  • Best way to detect if assimilation has occurred
    is by using isotopes (esp of Sr, Nd, U and Pb)
  • that we will discuss later in the course

Combined Differentiation Mechanisms
  • Two or more differentiation processes can operate
    at same time, one common pairing is..
  • AFCassimilation plus fractional crystallization
  • FC recharge of mafic magma is also common
  • Can be difficult to unravel relative
  • Sometimes several models of differentiation
    mechanisms fit the data for a cogenetic suite of
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