Title: This is Rotary
1This is Rotary
2Rotary is an International Organization
- There are 530 districts in over 204 countries
throughout the world. - There are over 1.2 million members and over
33,000 clubs worldwide. - Our club, Milford is in District 7980 comprising
61 clubs with over 2,700 members. - The district covers 4 counties New Haven,
Fairfield, Middlesex and New London.
3- Rotary International is governed by a president
and a board of directors elected from all over
the world.
- Annually each district elects a District Governor
- Milford has had 5 members elected as District
4In the beginning
- The first Rotary club was organized in Chicago in
1905, by Paul P. Harris. - The club, with four members, met in rotation at
the offices of the members - thus the name
5Women in Rotary
- Originally, an all male organization, Rotary
opened membership to women in 1984. Today 17
clubs in our District have women Presidents, and
Milford has had 4 women Presidents in the last 12
6Service Above Self
- The members quickly recognized that fellowship
alone would not keep the group together there
needed to be a purpose. - The first service project was to build public
restrooms in downtown Chicago, IL, USA. - Rotary became the worlds first service
7Object of Rotary
- The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster
the ideal of service as a basis of worthy
enterprise specifically
8Object of Rotary
- First The development of acquaintance as an
opportunity for service.
- Second High ethical standards in business and
professions and the opportunity to serve society
through each Rotarians occupation.
9Object of Rotary
- Third The opportunity for service by every
Rotarian in his or her personal, business and
community life.
- Fourth Advancing international understanding,
good will, and peace through the fellowship of
business and professional people united in the
ideal of service.
10We implement the Object of Rotary through the
Four Avenues of Service
11- Club Service -
- - Doing things to help build camaraderie and
ensure the club runs successfully. - Vocational Service -
- - Promoting the ideal of service throughout
the business - and professional world to our youth.
- 3. Community Service -
- - Participating in all activities that make the
community a better place in which to live. - 4. International Service -
- - Supporting projects that encourage and foster
the advancement of understanding and good will
among people of the world.
12THE FOUR-WAY TESTof the things we think, say or
- 1. Is it the TRUTH?
- 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER
FRIENDSHIPS? - 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
13Rotary Club ofMilford
Chartered February 13, 1924.
14Board of Directors
- The 2008-09 Officers of the Rotary Club of
Milford are
President Dave Hulme President-elect Chris
Cody Vice-President Blake Conant Secretary Tra
cy OBrien Treasurer Rich Weir and the
following Directors Frosty Smith, Aldo Rascati,
Bob Bogert, Doug Ardrey, Bill Parry, Terry Munk,
Christine Dellarocco, Kevin Cody and Bob
Macklin A new board is elected to take office on
July 1st of each year. All positions in Rotary
are a one-year term.
15The Rotary Club of Milford
- Once a year, we identify possible projects
- Committee prioritizes list to match club
goals - Board of Directors approves projects
- Milford club members carry out the projects.
16Our Fundraisers include
- Lobster Bake
- Golf Outing
- Oyster Festival
- Outdoor Movie Night
- Dancing with Milford Stars
- Gas Raffle
17Lobster Bake
18Golf Outing
19Oyster Festival
20Outdoor Movie Night
21The Rotary Club of MilfordProjects - Literacy
Dictionaries Annually, our club purchases and
distributes dictionaries to each third grade
student in the Milford Elementary Schools.
Books for Babies We provide funds to purchase
books for every baby born at Milford Hospital.
Milford Memories Audio and video history of
early residents and historic places.
22The Rotary Club of MilfordProjects - Scholarships
- Wasson Scholarship to a police officer seeking
higher education - College scholarships to High School students
23The Rotary Club of MilfordProjects - Amber Alert
- A child identification program linked with the
State Police to provide vital information in the
event a child is lost or abducted.
24The Rotary Club of MilfordProjects For those
in need
- Toys for Tots Beth-El Shelter
25The Rotary Club of Milford Interact Club
- Our club sponsors the Interact Club at
- Foran High School
- A High School service club affiliated with Rotary
26The Rotary Club of MilfordProjects
- Youth Exchange
- Group Study Exchange
- Ambassadorial Scholars
- The fight against Polio
- Haiti Project
- Philippines emergency medical center
- Africa water project
27The Rotary Foundation
- World Peace through Understanding
28The Rotary Foundation
- The Foundation enables Rotarians to
- advance world understanding,
- goodwill and peace.
- The Foundation sponsors programs
- that improve health, supports
- education, and alleviates poverty.
- The Milford Rotary Club is a District
- leader in Foundation giving.
29Why participate in Rotary?
- The opportunity to SERVE your community
understanding - To BUILD HIGHER ETHICAL STANDARDS within your
vocation and - The opportunity to be part of a group that
changes and saves lives locally and in the world
and has fun doing it.
30- Attendance
- Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of
Rotary. A minimum of 50 is expected. - You can easily maintain your attendance levels by
making up at another Rotary club meeting,
participating in club service projects, and
31Your Annual Financial Obligations
- Initiation Fee 52 one time fee
- Annual Dues 200 /year
- Meals 14 /week
- TRF Support 100 /year
- Fundraisers 150/yr (approx.)
32Your Obligations of Membership
- Participation
- To be a Rotarian you must give of your time and
talents - in community work
- in fellowship and social functions
- in club and district activities.
33Milford Rotary
- Milford Rotary is an award-winning club with
special distinction as a two time recipient of
District 7980s Charles W. Pettengill Award for
the years covering 1982-84 and 2003-06. This
award recognizes the outstanding club in the
34Where do you go from here?
- Attend a lunch meeting as our guest
- Talk to a current member to find out if this is
the right place for you
35- Welcome to the
- Rotary Club
- of
- Milford