Title: Implementing Rational Features for Agents in Logic Programming
1 ImplementingRational Features for Agentsin
Logic Programming
Logic-Based Agent Implementation An
AgentLink/CoLogNet Symposium
Luís Moniz Pereira
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- E-mail lmp_at_di.fct.unl.pt
- URL http//centria.fct.unl.pt/ lmp
3rd February, 2003 Barcelona, España
- This work has been developed by (cf.
publications) - João Alcântara
- José Júlio Alferes
- António Brogi
- Carlos Damásio
- Pierangelo DellAcqua
- João Leite
- Luís Moniz Pereira
- Teodor Przymusinski
- Halina Przymusinska
- Paulo Quaresma
- Implementations of rational agent features
- Available at site http//centria.fct.unl.pt/j
ja/updates/ - Overview of select features
- Dynamic Logic Programming
- Evolving Logic Programs
- Reasoning Integration Framework
- Semantic Web Application
- Implemented features left out Belief Revision,
Abduction, AbductionUpdates, Constructive
Negation. - W4 project Well-founded semantics for the
World Wide Web
4Rational Agent Features Implementation
- DLP - Dynamic Logic Programming
- PDLP DLP with preferences
- MDLP - Multi-Dimensional DLP
- LUPS - Language for Dynamic Updates
- EVOLP Evolving Logic Programs
- Prolog based standard XML tools
- W4 project WFS for the WWW
- DLP is a semantics for successive updates of LPs
by other LPs, with generalised rules (nots in
heads and bodies). - Guarantees the most recent rules are in force,
and that previous rules are valid by inertia
insofar as possible - i.e. they are kept as long they do not conflict
with more recent rules, and become revived if the
latter are in turn superseded. - DLP default negation is treated as in the Stable
Models semantics of generalized programs. - presently DLP is also defined for the WFS.
- A Logic Programming language generalizing DLP and
LUPS - For specifying evolution of knowledge bases.
- Allowing dynamic updates of specifications.
- Capable of dealing with external events.
- Deals with sequences of sets of EVOLP rules.
- EVOLP rules are generalized LP rules (i.e. nots
in heads and bodies) plus the special predicate
assert/1, which can appear both in heads or
bodies. - The argument of assert/1 is any EVOLP rule (and
so asserts can be embedded). - Sequences may fork due to alternative assertions
in alternative models.
7EVOLP semantics
- The meaning of a sequence is given by sequences
of models. - Each sequence determines a possible evolution of
the KB. - Each model determines what is true after a number
of evolution steps in the sequence (i.e. at a
state). - A first model in a sequence is built by
computing the semantics of the first EVOLP
program, where assert/1 is treated as any other
predicate. - If assert(Rule) is true at some state, then the
KB is updated with Rule in the next state. - This updating of the KB, and the computation of
the next model in the sequence, is performed as
in DLP.
8Email agent core example
- Personal assistant agent for email management
able to - Perform basic actions of sending, receiving,
deleting messages. - Storing and moving messages between folders.
- Filtering spam messages.
- Sending automatic replies and forwarding.
- Notifying the user of special situations.
- All of this dependent on user specified criteria.
- The specification may change dynamically.
9email EVOLP rules
- By default, messages are stored in the inbox
- assert(msg(M,F,S,B,T)) ? newmsg(M,F,S,B),
time(T), not delete(M). - assert(in(M,inbox)) ? newmsg(M,F,S,B), not
delete(M). - assert(not in(M,F)) ? delete(M), in(M,F).
- Spam messages are to be deleted
- delete(M) ? newmsg(M,F,S,B), spam(F,S,B).
- The definition of spam can be done by LP rules
- spam(F,S,B) ? contains(S,credit).
- This definition can later be updated
- not spam(F,S,B) ? contains(F,my_accountant).
10More email EVOLP rules
- Messages can be automatically moved to other
folders. When that happens (not shown here) the
user wants to be notified - notify(M) ? newmsg(M,F,S,B), assert(in(M,F)),
assert(not in(M,inbox)). - When a message is marked both for deletion and
automatic move to another folder, the deletion
should prevail - not assert(in(M,F)) ? move(M,F), delete(M).
- The user is organizing a conference, assigning
papers to referees. After receipt of a referees
acceptance, a new rule is to be added, which
forwards to the referee any messages about
assigned papers - assert( send(R,S,B1) ? newmsg(M1,F,S,B1),
contains(S,PId), assign(PId,Ref) ) - ? newmsg(M2,Ref,PId,B2), contains(B2,accept).
11Our XML Tools
- A non-validating XML parser supporting XML
Namespaces, XML Base, and complying with the
recommendations of XML Info Sets. - It can read US-ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, and
ISO-8859-1 encodings. - A converter of XML to Prolog terms.
- A RuleML compiler for the Hornlog fragment of the
language, and extended with default and explicit
negation. - Query evaluation procedures under our
paraconsistent Well-Founded Semantics with
eXplicit negation (WFSXp).
12Semantic Web Application
- Logic Programming and the Semantic Web
- RuleML group.
- Implementation of Prolog based standard XML tools
- Namely a fully functional RuleML compiler
for the Horn fragment with two types of
negation, default and explicit. - Evolution and updating of knowledge bases
- The existing implementations are being
integrated with RuleML. - Semantics of logic programming
- Supporting uncertain, incomplete, and
paraconsistent reasoning, based on
Well-founded Semantics and Answer Sets. - Development of advanced Prolog compilers
(GNU-Prolog and XSB) . - Development of distributed tabled query
procedures for RuleML. - Constraint Logic Programming.
- Applications.
13W4 project Well-founded semantics for the WWW
- Mission Statement
- The W4 project aims at developing Standard
Prolog inter-operable tools for supporting
distributed, secure, and integrated reasoning
activities in the Semantic Web. - Project Goals
- Development of Prolog technology for XML, RDF,
and RuleML. - Development of a General Semantic framework for
RuleML including default and explicit negation,
supporting uncertain, incomplete, and
paraconsistent reasoning. - Development of distributed query evaluation
procedures for RuleML, based on tabulation,
according to the previous semantics. - Development of Dynamic Semantics for
evolution/update of Rule ML knowledge bases. - Integration of different semantics in Rule ML
(namely, Well-founded Semantics, Answer Sets,
Fuzzy Logic Programming, Annotated Logic
Programming, and Probabilistic Logic
14W4 project Well-founded semantics for the WWW
- Why Well-founded Semantics ?
- THE adopted semantics for definite, acyclic and
(locally) stratified logic programs. - Defined for every normal logic program, i.e. with
default negation in the bodies. - Polynomial data complexity.
- Efficient existing implementations, namely the
SLG-WAM engine implemented in XSB. - Good structural properties.
- It has an undefined truth-value...
- A lot of extensions are built over WFS, capturing
paraconsistent, incomplete and uncertain
reasoning. - Update semantics via Dynamic Logic Programs.
- It can be readily "combined" with DBMSs, Prolog
and Stable Models engines.
15W4 project major guidelines
- Tractability of the underlying reasoning
machinery. - Build upon well-understood existing technology
and theory, and widely accepted core semantics. - General enough to accommodate and integrate
several major reasoning forms. - Should extend definite logic programming (Horn
clauses). Desirable integration with
(logic-)functional languages. - Most of the reasoning should be local (not very
deep dependencies among goals at different
locations). - Fully distributed architecture, resorting to
accepted standards, recommendations and protocols.
16Why ?
- Theoretical Issues current proposals are
limited to classical definite logic programming,
meaning that - Atoms are either true or false no form of
naturally representing uncertainy (fuzzy,
probabilistic, etc.). - No default (non-monotonic) negation for
representation of incomplete information. - No negation(s) for stating explicit negative
information. - No handling of contradiction/paraconsistency.
- No way of extending the language with new
connectives. - Most of the above is raised in the Semantic Web
Activity Statement, and there are solutions to
them in the LP lore.
17Why ?
- Practical Issues current proposals seem not to
address some important problems, namely - What happens if a computation fails on the Web ?
- What happens if a loop is introduced in the
course of distributed inference (positive or
negative) ? - Can the computation safely proceed while answers
do not arrive ? - How to share and avoid redundant computations ?
- How to update knowlege (in the Web) ?
- How to handle event-condition-action rules ?
- Logic programming based semantics and
corresponding implementation technology has
answers to these questions.
18Integration issues
- Integration of existing engines and semantics.
- Integration with XML technology
- namely RuleML, RDF, and OWL.
- Integration with database systems.
- Integration with Web Services.
- Both for WF and Stable Model/Answer Set
semantics. - Several reasoning engines are functioning, namely
our W4 RuleML query engine, and EVOLP over the
Well-Founded Semantics, and others. - We take part in the implementation of advanced
Prolog compilers, namely GNU-Prolog and XSB with
threads and distributed tabling. - We are working on the implementation of tabled
distributed query engines for RuleML.
20Tabling in a Nutshell
- The first time a goal is called a new table is
created for storing its answers. - The engine resolves the goal as in SLD resolution
except that - Answers are put in the appropriate tables.
- Repeated answers are discarded.
- Calls to goals in already existing tables do not
start new derivations each goal becomes a
consumer of its table. - Completion detection algorithms are necessary to
ensure termination, via SCC detection algorithms. - Goal "identity" may be found by variant checking
or by subsumption checking. - Handling of default negation requires additional
21Distributed Tabling
- We have implemented and defined a general and
open architecture for distributed tabled
query-evaluation of definite logic programs. - It has a low message complexity overhead.
- The architecture assumes two types of main
components table storage clients and prover
clients. - Addresses the issue of table completion by
resorting to known distributed termination
detection algorithms. - Can be immediately extended to handle stratified
22...More on the third value
- The existence of an undefined logical value is
fundamental. - While waiting for the answers to a remote goal
invocation it can be assumed that its truth-value
is undefined, and to proceed the computation
locally. - This is the way loops through negation are dealt
with in XSB, via goal suspension and resume
operations. - Tabling IS the right, successful, and available
implementation technique to ensure better
termination properties, and polynomial
complexity. - Tabling is also a good way to address distributed
query evaluation of definite and normal logic
- The Table Storage clients are responsible for
- Keeping the answers for given goal calls,
avoiding redundant answers. - Managing the delivery of solutions to the
appropriate invoking goals. - They act simultaneously as proxy and cache
systems. - The Prover clients perform the logical expansion
operations on the set of active goals. - We have a prototype meta-interpreter running on
top of XSB-PVM Prolog (1000 lines of code!) on a
PC-cluster. - In this setting we have two other software
components a goal manager and a table manager.
24Building Systems
- The construction of prototypical systems depends
on the definition of - Syntactic extensions (apparently, not very
difficult). - Semantics (should we adopt WFS/SMs or any of its
extensions as a core semantics ?). - Goal invocation method (Namespaces, XLinks, SOAP,
etc.). - Selection of distributed query evaluation
algorithms and corresponding protocols. - Formatting of answers and substitutions (should
be XML documents). - Integration with ontologies.
- Further applications, testing, and evaluation is
required for the construction of practical
25What About Paraconsistency ?
- With the introduction of explicit negation,
contradictions may arise in knowledge bases. - We have defined a paraconsistent well-founded
semantics with explicit negation, with very
interesting properties - contradiction is "propagated" by the coherence
principle, corresponding to a localized Reductium
ad Absurdum. - we can detect dependency on contradiction, so we
can reason safely in the presence of
contradiction. - contradiction can be blocked by resorting to
normalized default rules. - there is a program transformation into WFS.
- there are polynomial inference procedures.
26Reasoning Integration Framework
- We are able to integrate in the same logic
programming framework incomplete, uncertain and
paraconsistent reasoning forms. We can say neg
strike ? lt0.87, 0.13gt True
figures !! strike ? lt0.87,
0.13gt change_law ? strike - In certain well-defined circumstances, our
semantics detect the dependencies on
contradiction, such as in the example above.
27Extended Antitonic Programs
- We have a proposal of a semantics allowing the
integration of explicit negation with default
negation in a many-valued setting. - We adhere again to the coherence principle.
- Our main algebraic structures are bilattices, as
defined by Ginsberg and Fitting. - Our results have been submitted. They are very
28Existing Embeddings
- Ordinary Horn clauses.
- Generalized Annotated Logic Programs.
- Fuzzy Logic Programs.
- Probabilistic Deductive Databases.
- Weighted Logic Programs and Statistical Defaults.
- Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs.
- Possibilistic Logic Programs.
- Quantitative Rules.
- Multi-adjoint Logic Programming.
- Rough sets (with Jan Maluszynski and Aida
29What is missing
- Theory
- The floundering problem ...
- Constructive negation ...
- Abduction ...
- Disjunction...
- Constraints ...
- ...
- Pragmatics
- Integration with ontologies.
- A proper type system.
- A RuleML syntax in order to start developing more
advanced systems. - Guidance of the community regarding direction of
research. - Control problem.
- ...
30WWW LP Agent Server
Machine 1
Semantic WebServer
Machine 3
Machine 2
32W4 project Conclusions
- In our opinion, Well-founded semantics will be a
major player in RuleML, properly integrated with
Stable Models. - A full-blown theory is available for important
extensions of standard WFS/SMs, addressing many
of the open issues of the Semantic Web. Most
extensions resort to polynomial program
transformations, namely those for evolution and
update of knowledge bases. - Can handle uncertainty, incompleteness, and
paraconsistency. - Efficient implementation technology exists, and
important progress has been made in distributed
query evaluation. - An open, fully distributed, architecture has been
33RationalReactive Agent Architecture
Control Cycle
Rational P
Reactive PR
can abduce
cannot abduce
XSB Prolog
XSB Prolog
34Rational Reactive Agent Architecture
35The End