Title: British Academy of Advance Training
1British Academy of Advance Training
- Seminars
- And Courses
- For Academic Year 2007 -2008
3The skills and techniques given at this workshop
can be immediately applied within a week with no
installation cost to the school
Brain Compatible Classrooms
In this one Seminar you will learn how to make
your classroom compatible with the learning brain
of your students
Teachers will find this day an unforgettable
4You have read the theory Now attend and go back
with practical approaches
The Seminar you must attend
A Curriculum Approach to teach Emotional
What you need is Practical Solutions for your
classroom Systems you can adapt for your school
Adaptable for childrenFrom Toddlers to Year 13
5Spend an Unforgettable experience with Shahid
A Day of Knowledge
Understand the thinking behind Islam
Ignorance comes from a lack of understanding this
seminar is not to convert but to understand the
thinking of Islam
6For those who attend this day will stay with them
for Life and thats a promise
Bring a problem to the seminar and take back a
Learn on one day the BACT system of Creative
Creativity And Innovative Thinking Seminar
Discover Creativity The Lord of the MIND in
The only seminar that pays for itself on the day
8The Neural Learning Programme
It as no Equal
CD borderline Students go up a grade
New this yearPower Writing has been added to
this Powerful Programme
650,000 students have lifted there grades by this
power programme
9Commitment to Excellence
Benefits to the school Student classroom
behaviour is improved Students learn with greater
focus Homework and assignments are completed on
time Students have purpose to achieve
Sets new standards for students commitment to
their learning
Merging EQ and IQ in Learning
10A Curriculum Approach to Teaching Emotional
EQ subjects Self Awareness Self Control Self
Responsibility Understanding feelings Assertivenes
s Anger Management Active Listening Empathy Active
Listening Communication Friendship and
relationships Social Skills And others
IQ subjects Mathematics English Science IT Geograp
hy History RE Drama PE And others
In IQ we have a precise curriculum In EQ no such
curriculum exists
11The Ultimate Resource to Teach Emotional
Intelligence to others The Emotional Intelligence