Slides by Dana Moshkovitz' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slides by Dana Moshkovitz'


1. Slides by Dana Moshkovitz. Adapted from Oded Goldreich's course lecture notes. ... In order to understand the notion of Proof Systems, let us reexamine NP ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Slides by Dana Moshkovitz'

Interactive Proofs
Slides by Dana Moshkovitz. Adapted from Oded
Goldreichs course lecture notes.
  • Proof systems NP revisited.
  • Interactive proofs
  • The complexity class IP
  • Example An interactive proof for Graph
  • Public coins

Proof Systems Back to NP
  • In order to understand the notion of Proof
    Systems, let us reexamine NP
  • In a way, the complexity class we will define and
    discuss later is a probabilistic analog of NP.
  • The languages in NP are those whose members all
    have short certificates of membership, which can
    be easily verified.

Proof Systems Back to NP
  • We can view this as follows
  • There is a mighty powerful Prover.
  • The Prover needs to convince a Verifier that the
    input is indeed a member of the language.
  • So it sends the Verifier a short (polynomial)
  • The Verifier has limited resources the
    verification of the certificate cannot take more
    than polynomial time.

Proof Systems Back to NP
  • Let us demonstrate this process for 3SAT

We would like to check the membership of a given
The verifier simply needs to check the truth
value of the formula under the assignment it
received in order to find out whether the prover
was right. This merely takes polynomial time.
polynomial in the number of variables
The prover must convince the verifier this
formula is satisfiable, so it sends it an
assignment, which supposedly satisfies the
formula. It is not difficult for the mighty
prover to find such, if such exists.
Proof Systems Requirements
  • Let us specifically define the properties of a
    Proof System
  • The verifiers strategy is efficient
  • Correctness Requirements
  • Completeness For a true assertion, there is a
    convincing proof strategy.
  • Soundness For a false assertion, no proof
    strategy exists.

Make sure you understand why does the the proof
system we presented for 3SAT satisfy these
Interactive Proofs
  • We will introduce the notion of Interactive
    Proofs, which is a generalization of the concept
    of a Proof System we have already observed.
  • This generalization is obtained by adding two
    more features to the model
  • allowing a two-way dialog between the parties
  • allowing the verifier to toss coins (randomness).

Interactive Proofs
  • An Interactive Proof System for a language L is a
    two-party game between a verifier and a prover
    that interact on a common input in a way
    satisfying the following properties
  • The verifiers strategy is a probabilistic
    polynomial-time procedure.
  • Correctness requirements
  • Completeness There exists a prover strategy P,
    such that for every x?L, when interacting on a
    common input x, the prover P convinces the
    verifier with probability at least 2/3.
  • Soundness For every x?L, when interacting on the
    common input x, any prover strategy P convinces
    the verifier with probability at most 1/3.

  • The complexity class IP consists of all the
    languages having an interactive proof system.
  • The number of messages exchanged during the
    protocol between the two parties is called the
    number of rounds in the system.
  • For every integer function r(.), the complexity
    class IP(r(.)) consists of all the languages that
    have an interactive proof system, in which, on
    common input x, at most r(x) rounds are used.
  • For a set of integer functions R, we denote

IP Observations
  • NP?IP
  • Since the verifier must run in polynomial-time,
    IPIP(poly), where poly is the set of polynomial
  • The definition of IP can be expanded to require
    Perfect Completeness (acceptance probability 1).
  • On the other hand, if we demand Perfect
    Soundness, the class will collapse to NP-proof
  • Again, the constants 1/3 and 2/3 in the
    definition can be amplified to probabilities
    1-2-p(.) and 2-p(.), for any polynomial p(.).

Would IP Retain Its Strength Even Without Either
Interaction or Randomness?
  • If we omit randomness, IP collapses to NP-proof
    systems (Make sure this is clear).
  • If we omit the interaction between the parties,
    we get IP(1) (also denoted AM), which seems to be
    a randomized (perhaps stronger) version of NP.
  • Together these two features yield a very powerful
    complexity class. How powerful? This will be
    clarified later.
  • First, let us observe an example.

Isomorphism between Graphs
  • The graphs G1(V1,E1) and G2(V2,E2) are called
    isomorphic (denoted G1?G2) if there exists a 1-1
    and onto mapping ?V1?V2 such that (u,v)? E1 iff
    (?(u),?(v))? E1.
  • A mapping ? between two isomorphic graphs is
    called an isomorphism between the graphs.
  • If no such mapping exists, the graphs are called
  • We define the language GNI as follows
    GNI(G1,G2) G1 and G2 are non-isomorphic
  • We will use this language in order to demonstrate
    an interactive proof.

Isomorphic Graphs Example
  • Take these two graphs
  • Although they seem very different, they are in
    fact isomorphic. Click to see the isomorphism
    between them.

GNI Motivation
  • This illustration shows us that GI is in NP
  • Interestingly, it is not known whether it is
    NP-hard, neither that it is in P
  • GNI - on the other hand - seems much harder (We
    need to check no isomorphism exists).
  • And indeed, it is not known whether GNI is in NP.
  • Thus it will be interesting to show that if two
    graphs are non-isomorphic, a Prover can convince
    a Verifier of this fact.

An Interactive Proof for GNI
  • Common Input G1(1,...,n,E1) and

Make sure you understand why could we assume,
without loss of generality, that V1V2.
  • The Verifier chooses randomly i in 1,2 and a
    permutation ? of 1,...,n.
  • Then it applies ? on the i-th graph to get
  • And sends H to the Prover.
  • The prover sends j?1,2 to the Verifier.
  • The Verifier accepts iff ij.

An Interactive Proof for GNI Simulation
The Prover
  • The verifier chooses one of the two graphs
  • The verifier constructs randomly a graph
    isomorphic to the graph it chose.
  • If the two input graphs are truly non-isomorphic,
    the prover can find which of the two graphs is
    isomorphic to the graph he received from the
    verifier, and send it the correct answer.
  • The verifier sends the prover the graph
  • The verifier can check the answer easily (The
    verifier knows which graph was chosen)

The 2nd Graph
The Verifier
  • The described protocol is indeed an interactive
    proof system for GNI.
  • Can you prove it?
  • Since the proof described a protocol with only 2
    rounds we can state GNI?IP(2).

  • A rather surprising result is that
  • To prove that, one needs to prove the following
    two claims
  • 1. IP?PSPACE this will follow if we can simulate
    every interactive proof using polynomial space.
  • 2. PSPACE?IP this will follow if we can exhibit a
    PSPACE-complete language which is in IP.

IP ? PSPACE The Key Observation
  • The proof of this direction is based on a very
    simple observation If we know the verifiers
    strategy, we can build a polynomial space optimal
  • At each point that prover would choose the
    strategy, which has the highest probability to
    result in acceptance.
  • How would it know which one is the best? It will
    simply go over all possible interactions and
  • Thats why a polynomial space is necessary.

An Optimal Prover Notations
  • In order to formalize the former observation, we
    introduce the following notations
  • Let F(?1,?1,...,?i-1,?i) be the probability that
    an interaction beginning with ?1,?1,...,?i-1,?i
    will result in acceptance. Where ?i and ?i are
    i-th messages sent by the verifier and by the
    prover respectively.
  • Let r be the outcome of all the verifiers coin
  • Let R?1,?1,...,?i-1,?i be the set of all rs
    consistent with the interaction
  • Let V(r,?1,...,?i-1) be the message ?i1 sent by
    the verifier.
  • We will show F can be computed using polynomial
    space, and that for every i, an ?i which
    maximizes the probability, can be found in the

An Optimal Prover
  • Using those notations we can write
  • And get the recursion formula for F
  • Although they might seem intimidating at first
    sight, the formulas presented here are quite
    trivial. Make sure you fully understand them.

An Optimal Prover
  • Why can we compute F according to the previous
    formula in polynomial space?
  • Finding which rs are consistent
    (r?R?1,?1,...,?i-1,?i) can be done by simulating
    the verifier, which works in polynomial time for
    fixed random bits. Note that r is poly.
  • Similarly, we can find the verifiers answer
  • The recursion stops, once a full transcript of
    the interaction is reached. Then the probability
    can be computed directly, by enumerating all the
    rs consistent with it.
  • Thus the depth of the recursion is bounded by the
    number of rounds, which is polynomial.

An Optimal Prover Example
  • Let us demonstrate this for the GNI example.
    Suppose we take the same strategy for the
    verifier as we described earlier.
  • What would the optimal prover do?

An Optimal prover Example
Prob. For acceptance
  • Suppose these are the two input graphs.
  • And this is the graph the prover received from
    the verifier.
  • The prover should check which possible answer (1
    or 2) yields the highest possibility for
  • For each possible answer, the prover should go
    over all possible random bits and find out which
    are consistent with the message it received.
  • Clearly, in this example there are two possible
    rs (the verifier could have chosen both the
    first graph and the second one).
  • Here we dont have to go too far in the next
    move the verifier decides whether to accept, so
    by simulating it, we can find the desired

  • Finally, let us prove this containment
  • Suppose we have a language L in IP.
  • Hence, there exists an interactive proof for L.
  • According to what we have just proven, there also
    exists a polynomial space optimal prover.
  • Therefore, for all possible verifiers coin
    tosses we can simulate an interaction between the
    verifier and the optimal prover.
  • We accept iff more than 2/3 of the outcomes are
  • Clearly, we accept iff the input is in the
  • Consequently IP ? PSPACE

PSPACE ? IP Introducing TQBF
  • We will show the following PSPACE-complete
    language has an interactive proof
  • TQBF Let ? be a quantified Boolean formula of
    the form ?Q1x1...Qmxm?, where ? is a CNF
    formula and each Qi is either ? or ?. We ask if ?
    is true.
  • Next we will present the ideas, which will
    eventually allow us to write an interactive proof
    for TQBF.

PSPACE ? IP Notation
  • Suppose we have a TQBF formula ?Q1x1...Qmxm?.
  • For 1?i?m and a1,...,am?0,1 let fi(a1,...,ai)1
    iff Qi1xi1...Qmxm?(a1,...,ai) is true.
    (Otherwise fi(a1,...,ai)0).
  • ? f0() is the truth value of ?.

PSPACE ? IP Intuition
  • The general idea behind the interactive proof is
    to convince the verifier f0()1 and f0() is
    indeed the truth value of the formula.This will
    be done by supplying it all the fis so it can
    check each one really follows its successor.
  • The problem is that there is an exponential
    number of assignments to the variables.
  • This disqualifies the naive representation of the
  • This also makes ensuring the validity of the
    functions seem impossible for the verifier.
  • The solution is based on a technique called
    arithmization, which will provide us with a
    better way for representing the functions and
    will allow the verifier to take advantage of its
    ability to use randomness.

With each CNF formula ?, we associate a
polynomial p in the following manner
The bottom Line ?(x1,...,xn) is false iff
Arithmization Example
(x1? ?x2)?x1
Note that in the resulting polynomial the
degree of each variable is at most n (the number
of variables in the formula).
  • Suppose now we have a QBF ?Q1x1...Qmxm?.
  • we define ?Q1x1R1x1Q2x2R1x1R2x2...QmxmR1x1...Rm
  • R is a reduction operator, which is designed to
    keep the degree of the polynomials small. Further
    explanations follow.
  • We rewrite this as ?S1y1...Skyk? where
  • fk(x1,...,xm) is the polynomial obtained by
    arithmetizing ?.
  • If iltk then
  • if Si? fi(...)fi1(...,0)fi1(...,1)
  • if Si? fi (...)1-(1-fi1(...,0))(1-fi1(...,1)
  • if SiR fi(...,a)(1-a)fi1(...,0)afi1(...,1)
  • The Rx operation on polynomials does not change
    their values on boolean input.
  • But it does produce a polynomial that is linear
    in x.

Why is this definition of f the same as the
previous one for boolean input?
Note, that we reorder the inputs to the
functions, so the variable yi1 is the last
Arithmization Example
Take this formula
We build ?
f5(x1,x2)x12x2-x1x2x1 f4(x1,x2)(1-x2)f5(x1,0)x
2f5(x1,1) (1-x1)(x120-x10x1)x2(x121
-x11x1) x1-x12x12x2 f3(x1,x2)(1-x1)f
4(0,x2)x1f4(1,x2) (1-x1)0x1x2
x1x2 f2(x1) f3(x1,0)f3(x1,1)
x1 f1(x1) (1-x1)f2(0)x1f2(1) x1
f0() 1-(1-f1(0))(1-f1(1)) 1
Now we can use our former computation in order to
An Interactive Proof for TQBF
  • V chooses a prime qgtn4. All arithmetic operations
    will be carried over GFq.
  • Phase 1 V verifies f0()1

. . .
  • Phase i V finds fi(...,0) and fi(...,1)
  • V checks that the degree is at most n.
  • Suppose S denotes the current quantifier. V
    checks the following
  • If S?, fi-1(...)1-(1-fi(...,0))(1-fi(...,1))
  • If S?, fi-1(...)fi(...,0)fi(...,1)
  • If SR, fi-1(...,r)(1-r)fi(...,0)rfi(...,1)
  • V picks r in GFq at random and sends it to the

. . .
  • Phase k1 V evaluates p(r1,...,rm) to compare
    with the value V has for fm(r1,...,rm).

An Interactive Proof for TQBF
  • Clearly, when the formula is true, a honest
    prover can compute the functions, and V will
    accept (completeness).
  • What if the formula is false (soundness)?
  • If V has incorrect value for fi-1(...), one of
    the values fi(...,0) and fi(...,1) must be
    incorrect and the polynomial for fi must be
  • Consequently, for a random r the probability that
    a prover gets lucky in this phase because
    fi(...,r) is correct is at most the polynomial
    degree divided by the fields size.
  • This statement will be clarified next.

An Interactive Proof for TQBF
  • This statement is the heart of the proof. In
    order to understand it, we need to take a better
    look at some properties of polynomials.
  • A polynomial in a single variable of degree at
    most d can have no more than d roots, unless it
    always evaluates to zero.
  • Therefore any two polynomials in a single
    variable of degree at most d can agree in at most
    d places, unless they agree everywhere.

An Interactive Proof for TQBF
  • Because of the reduction operator, the degrees of
    the polynomials obtained are bounded by n, the
    length of the CNF formula. This results from n
    also being the bound on the degree of fk.
  • This means that there are at most n places in
    which both fi(...,r) and the polynomial we got
    instead agree.
  • Hence, the probability that they agree in a
    random r is at most n divided by the fields
    size, n4, and this is what we stated earlier.

  • Since this protocol proceeds for O(n2) phases
    (why?), the probability a prover gets lucky at
    some phase is at most 1/n.
  • If a prover is never lucky, V will reject at
    phase k1.
  • This completes our proof for the correctness of
    the protocol for TQBF, and allows us to state

  • Lets review what have we accomplished so far
  • We proved that if we have an interactive proof
    for testing membership in some language, we can
    build a polynomial space Turing machine, which
    simulates the interaction between the verifier
    and an optimal prover, and thus accepts the
  • We also proved that there is an interactive proof
    for a PSPACE-complete language.
  • It follows that IPPSPACE.

Public Coins Vs. Private Coins
  • According to our definition of interactive
    proofs, the coins tossed by the verifier are
  • That is, they are not visible to the prover.
  • One might wonder, if this property is really
    necessary or we can even allow our coins to be

Public Coins and GNI
  • Clearly, our previous protocol for GNI fails when
    the verifier has to reveal the outcome of its
    coin tosses.
  • Still, an interactive proof with public coins can
    be constructed for GNI.
  • Consider the following observation
  • Roughly speaking, in the last protocol, the
    verifier had 2n! different graphs it could send
    the prover, if the graphs were indeed
    non-isomorphic, and only n! different graphs, if
    they were not.

Public Coins and GNI
  • This motivates us to use this approach
  • The prover should try to convince the verifier
    the set of all graphs it could have sent in the
    former protocol is BIG.
  • This will be done by mapping the elements of the
    set (denoted W) into a table T of size 4m! and
    looking at the probability that a random entry in
    T is filled.

Public Coins and GNI
  • The protocol is
  • Let S0,1n?0,1n. V chooses s(a,b)?RS and
    ??R1,...,T and sends them to P.
  • P computes ??Sn and c?1,2 and sends to V the
    graph ?(Gc).
  • V accepts iff hs(?(Gc))?, where the 2-universal
    hash functions hs(x) are defined as axb (The
    arithmetic operations are with respect to the
    finite field GF2n).
  • Note that V sends all the random bits it uses to
    P, so they are truly public.

A family of hash functions H is 2-universal, if
whenever h is chosen uniformly from H,
(h(x),h(y)) is also uniformly distributed. Can
you prove that the functions we defined
are indeed 2-universal?
Public Coins and GNI
  • We want to show, that if the two input graphs are
    non-isomorphic, there is a fairly decent chance
    the prover P will be able to find a graph in W
    which is mapped to ? by hs.
  • Given ??1,...,2N Define Ei to be the event that
    element i is mapped to the given ?.

Prat least one element in the size N set is
mapped to ?
PrE1?... ?EN
? ?i PrEi- ?iltj PrEi,Ej
? 3/8
We used a 2-universal hash family
Public Coins and GNI
  • If x?L, the probability V accepts is thus at
    least 3/8.
  • If x?L, W is 1/4 the size of the table, so the
    probability V accepts is at most 1/4.
  • The gap between these probabilities can be
    boosted in the usual way.
  • This concludes our proof for the correctness of
    the interactive proof with public coins for GNI.
  • Yet the question remains
  • Are public coins as powerful as private coins in
    interactive proofs?
  • Next we introduce the related notations and quote
    some interesting theorems regarding public coins.

Public Coins
  • Public Coin Proof Systems (also known as
    Arthur-Merlin Games) are interactive proof
    systems, in which at each round the verifier can
    only toss coins and send their outcome to the
    prover. In the last round the verifier decides
    whether to accept or reject.
  • Intuitively Arthur cannot ask Merlin tricky
    questions, only random ones, cause Merlin knows
    all his tricks...
  • For every integer function r(.) the complexity
    class AM(r(.)) consists of all the languages that
    have Arthur-Merlin proof system in which, on
    common input x, at most r(x) rounds are used.
  • Denote AMAM(2)

Public Coins
  • We quote the following results without proof
  • Relating IP to AM
  • ?r(.) IP(r(.))?AM(r(.)2)
  • Linear Speed-UP Theorem
  • ?r(.)?2 AM(2r(.))AM(r(.))
  • We conclude
  • ?r(.)?2 IP(2r(.))IP(r(.))
  • IP(O(1))AM(2)

  • In addition to the lecture notes taken from Oded
    Goldreichs course (written by Danny Harnik,
    Tzvika Hartman and Hillel Kugler), I also used
  • Sipsers Advanced Topics in Complexity Theory for
    the IPPSPACE proof.
  • Michael Luby, Avi Wigderson, Pairwise
    Independence and Derandomization, July 1995 for
    the public coins interactive proof for GNI.
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