Title: Collaborating better: Elements of an institutional partnership strategy
1Collaborating better Elements of an
institutional partnership strategy Thomas Fitz
Randolph, Jürgen Hagmann, Bruce Scott Science
with Africa Conference Addis Ababa, 3-7 March
PICOTEAM Ltd., Pretoria, RSA
2Partnership central to new way of doing business
in research
The past Research as linear process performed
by each research actor as largely a contained
in-house activity
Basic research at Research Centre 1
Adaptive research at local Research Centre
The present Research within an innovation
systems framework that depends on a network of
actors and interactions, requiring a range of
types of partnerships
Different actors contributing specific research
inputs through different types of interactions
3Integrating partnerships into the way we do
- ILRI recognizes effectively managing partnerships
requires new approaches and capacities - Developed a strategy
- For better management systems to support
partnerships - Instilling partnership values among staff
- Implementation requires new research management
paradigms and institutional change
4Different types of partnerships
- Nested categories of partnership
- Distinguishes types of partnerships, not partners
- Individual partner can figure among partnerships
across all three levels - Involve different types of strategies to manage
Level within ILRI
Research unit
Project- based
Donor-funded project
- Institutional partnerships based on similar
institutional mandates across full range of ILRI
research agenda - Strategic long-term, drawing on particular
expertise of a partner through a series of
collaborative activities in a specific domain - Project-based time-bound, based on specific
well-defined, research activity
5Examples of systems to support partnerships
- Research management
- Partnership strategy as component of
implementation plan for each research programme - Mechanism for sharing intelligence on partners
when identifying partners for a new activity - Administrative systems
- Developing institutional agreements that
facilitate partnerships - HR systems
- Explicit expectations and evaluation of
partnership management skills in staff
performance evaluation - Content-specific training and staff development
6Examples of systems to support partnerships - 2
- Financial management systems
- Assessing partner capacity to manage funds and
associated risk - Checklists for ensuring expectations are clear,
transparent and agreed - Project management techniques
- Tools and tips to help scientists be more
sensitive to partnership issues during the
implementation of joint activities - Knowledge management and learning
- Simple systems for capturing both static and
tacit intelligence about partners and sharing it
within the institute
7Implementing the Strategy
- Emphasis on pragmatic, easy-to-implement upgrades
/ add-ons to existing systems - Big bang introduction may be too costly and
risk rejection - Need to establish buy-in, and continue to improve
the systems - while beginning to nurture institutional change
- Better systems provide the infrastructure, but
will fail without the needed human capacity and
commitment - Identify champions or communities of practice
within the institute to lead and begin instilling
a learning culture for better partnership
management - Our partnership strategy is tailored to ILRI, but
can be adapted to others best done as
internally-led exercise to be sure it is
appropriate to each context
8Thank you !