Title: Youth cultures and risk behaviour
1Youth cultures and risk behaviour
2Youth cultures and risk behaviour
- Society
- Trends and youth cultures
- Scenes and typical behaviour
- What means risk?
3Living in the tribal society
- Individualisation
- Enlargement of youth due to different reasons
(education, leaving home, demographic
development) - Decrease of influence of social structure
- Increase of influence of chosen lifestyles
- Globalisation
- New forms of communities
4Trends, youth cultures and scenes
5Cultural innovation top down
Early adopter
Early majority
Late majority
6Young people live in scenes
- More than 80 of the young people say they feel
to belong to a scene and even more think the
style of specific scenes is interesting and they
like it. - Youth cultural scenes provide the frame of the
every day culture of young people! -
7- Music scenes
- Sport scenes
- New-Media-scenes
- subcultures
8What are scenes anyway?
- Scenes are thematically focused networks of
people who share certain material or mental forms
of collective styles. They provide the place to
meet, exchange, communicate and live! - The common styles are bound to typical spaces and
times and are developed in an interactive way.
These styles are expressed rather openly and
function as symbols and codes for recognition and
differentiation. - Two Skateboarders from Madrid and Vienna have
more in common styles, codes, interests,
attitudes than a Skateboarder and a
Techno-Freak from Vienna. - Scenes are open for everyone without
restrictions. Therefore they break the
traditional socio-economic structure of society. - Behaviour and attitudes are also defining special
codes and are therefore essential to every scene. - Youth scenes are global! The codes, styles and
attitudes are transported through media
9Structure of a scene
Core Opinion Leader und Trendsetter They live in
and for the scene! The surrounding and the margin
follow them.
Margin People that are only slightly touched by
the lifestyle of special scenes. They use codes
in weaker form and sometimes false.
Surrounding Scene surfers can identify with ore
than one scene. They are familiar with the codes
and styles and use them according to the situation
103 Pillars of a scene
Situations, places, time, media, events, ..
HipHop, Snowboard, Techno, House, Rock,
Skateboard, Street-ball, Alternative, Skinheads,
Punk, Jesus Freaks, Gothic, Hard Core, Vegans,
Squatters, Soccer Fans,
Expression Music, fashion, sports, body,
hairstyle, gestures
Mind set Attitudes, behaviour, common
philosophy, values
Relations Group bonds, individual vs. mass,
Socio-economic background
11 Living in Scenes
11- 18 year old Please tell me, to which scene
do you belong.
Institut für Jugendkulturforschung (2007)
elf/18 die Jugendstudie/Welle 2, rep. for 11-
bis 18, n880
12Young people and risk behaviour
- Risk taking has to be part of growing up to
define the borders. - But what is understood by risk
- Skills and competences
- Situation
- Group effect
- Examples
- Snowboarders are going of slope to be the first
to draw a line. Competence now the own skills
experience situation weather conditions
material - Racers meet to do illegal car racing in the
suburbs. Competences driving ability, knowledge
about cars
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- Institut für Jugendkulturforschung und
Kulturvermittlung Bauernmarkt 6/5 1010 Wien