Title: The UK-wide campaign with people
1The UK-wide campaign with people who have
learning difficulties
Tel 020 7729 5436 Fax 020 7729 7797 Website
Joanna Perry
2What has this been called?
- Bullying?
- Harassment?
- Hate Crime?
- Anti Social behaviour?
- Assault?
- Kids being mean?
- Financial abuse?
- Theft?
- All of the above?
3What has this been called?
- Bullying?
- Psychological abuse?
- Harassment?
- Verbal abuse?
- Hate Crime?
- Anti social behaviour?
- Her friend is in a bad mood?
- Challenging behaviour?
- All of the above?
4What has this been called?
- Bullying?
- Harassment?
- Hate Crime?
- Anti Social behaviour?
- Assault?
- Damage to property?
- People being mean?
- All of the above?
- Hate Crime is when some one
- Calls you names
- Hits you
- Bothers you at home
- Puts horrible things through your letter box
- Hurts you in any way
- Spits at you
- Throws things at you
6Why are people victims?
- Someone can be a victim of a hate crime because
they are black - Someone can be a victim of a hate crime because
they are a teacher - Someone can be a victim of a hate crime because
they are a police officer - Someone can be a victim of a hate crime because
they have learning difficulties.
7Adrian Hughes
- If no Secrets had been implemented under the
Crime and Disorder Act and it was decided that a
key strategy was for prevention and investigation
of the abuse of vulnerable adults as part of an
overall objective to reduce crime, it would have
been clear to whistle blowers and others who
witness the abuse to report it p.18
8Crime and Disorder Act 1997
- Crime and disorder Audits
- Crimes and Disorder Reduction Strategies
- Directive of Act relevant to involving hard to
reach groups
9Liverpool City Safe
- Investigations Support Unit led by social
services is part of Liverpool Citys Crime and
Disorder Reduction Partnership. - Geraldine Monaghan and Mark Pathak
10The work of VIA
- A-Z books
- Telesafe
- Just Gateways
- Safety Focus
- Opening the Gateways Launch
11The UK-wide campaign with people who have
learning difficulties
Tel 020 7729 5436 Fax 020 7729 7797 Website
E-mailjoanna.perry_at_viauk.org joanna.perry_at_viauk.o
rg Joanna Perry