Title: Lecture 18 Social Interface
1- Lecture 18 Social Interface
- Terry Winograd
- CS147 - Introduction to Human-Computer
Interaction Design - Computer Science Department
- Stanford University
- Autumn 2005-2006
- With some material from danah boyd, UC Berkeley
2Learning Goals
- Be aware of the challenges of socio-technical
design - Understand the nature and importance of the
social interface that goes with the visible
interface - Be able to apply social analysis in interface
3Social Interface (Spolsky)
- When you're writing software that mediates
between people, after you get the usability
right, you have to get the social interface
right. And the social interface is more
important. - The best UI in the world won't save software with
an awkward social interface.
4Aspects of the Social Interface
- Adoption
- Critical mass - network effects
- Social group development, maintenance
- (Community building)
- Usage modes
- Repurposing and workaround
- Social Concerns
- Identity formation, maintenance
- Power
- Privacy
- Behavioral norms
- Cultural differences (local and global)
5Applications with Strongly Social Interfaces
- CSCW/Groupware
- Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
- Dialog (Active)
- Awareness (Passive)
- Mediated Sociability
- On-line communities, Virtual worlds
- Peer-to-peer networking
- Multi-player games
6Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW -
- Coordination Mechanisms
- Physically embodied vs. mediated
- Shared external representations (calendars,
bulletin boards) - Managed control (CVS, Subversion,)
- Embodied work practices (Business Process
Management) - Concerns
- Issues of control and power
- Explicitness of communication
- Symmetry, reciprocity
- Asymmetry of cost/benefit (Grudin Groupware and
Social Dynamics)
7CSCW Example Group Calendaring
- Concerns Privacy vs. efficiency
- Norms Cultural expectations
- Organizations have different cultures about
whether your public schedule accurately reflects
your availability and whether other people can
schedule times for you
8CSCW Example The Coordinator (1984)
Converse menu from The Coordinator
Menu for responding to a request
9The Coordinator
- Messaging system based on Speech Act /
Conversation theory - Language as action vs. language as description
- Declaring vs. inferring speech acts
- Constraints on action (implicit and explicit)
- Reception
- Throwing it over the cubicle wall
- Missionary software Fascist software
- But. Integration into business practice training
- Concerns
- Over-formalization loss of ambiguity
- Misuse of accountability/commitment
10Technology-Mediated Sociability
- Changes social affordances for conversational
mechanisms - Email
- Groups
- Instant messaging (AIM, YIM, MSN)
- Mobile Phones
- Text messaging/SMS
- Blog, LiveJournal, Xanga, etc.
- Friendster, MySpace, Tribe.net, etc.
- Advantage of text messaging (Spolsky)
- you break your thumbs typing huge strings of
numbers just to say "damn you're hot," because
that string of numbers gets you a date, and you
would never have the guts to say "damn you're
hot" using your larynx.
11Case study Videophone
- Audio/Video interaction
- Capture natural cues (e.g., gesture, orientation,
gaze) - Natural interaction (Just like being there, but
not quite) - In 1964, ATT showed off the first video phone at
the World's Fair in New York. - Socio-technical difficulties
- Camera angle/range of visibility
- Visibility awareness
- Privacy
- Eye gaze Virtual Auditorium
- Audio pickup
- Image and sound quality
- Desire for symmetry/reciprocity
- VSee
12Peer-to-peer Applications
- Newsgroups, forums,
- File Sharing Napster, BitTorrent.
- Selling and buying Craigs list, EBay
- Blogging
- Wikis Wikipedia,
13Example On-line discussion/interaction
- Discourse structure
- Threaded vs. linear vs. random access
- (Newsgroup vs. email lists vs. Wiki)
- Primary voice vs. collective
- (Blog vs. group)
- Behavioral norms
- Flaming
14On-line Communities - Example Second Life
15Social behavior (Spolsky)
- Behavioral norms
- Antisocial behavior
- LambdaMoo A Rape in Cyberspace Julian Dibbell,
Village Voice, 1993 - With social interface engineering, you have to
look at sociology and anthropology. In societies,
there are freeloaders, scammers, and other
miscreants. In social software, there will be
people who try to abuse the software for their
own profit at the expense of the rest of the
society. Unchecked, this leads to something
economists call the tragedy of the commons.
16Mediated Presence Portholes
Xerox EuroPARC 1992
17Mediated Presence
- Concerns
- Privacy
- Symmetry
- Awareness of visibility
- Media differences
- Audio/video
- Immediacy
- Imposed limitations
18Limited Awareness Display
Digital Family Portrait Field Trial Support for
Aging in Place Jim Rowan and Elizabeth D. Mynatt,
Georgia Tech CHI 2005
19Social Network Applications
- Orkut, Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendster,.
- Mobile Dodgeball,
- Friendster
- Viral Spread based on urban tribes, subcultures,
queers and techies - Gay men Burning Man - Asia
- Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines
- Facebook Build on University base
- Orkut
- Outgrowth of Stanford project
- The United States has at least 153 million
Internet users, compared with Brazil's 20
million. Still, Orkut said Brazilians dominated
its membership roster . About 23.5 percent of
the users are from the United States, while
another 41.2 percent are Brazilians. Iranians
are a distant third place at about 6 percent.
21ExampleSocial NetworksFriendster Profile
22Difficulty in Support for Social Interaction
Algorithm to suggest people you should meet,
based on number of common friends but
23FakestersStanford on Friendster
24What are Fakesters?
- Cultural Characters (God, salt, Homer Simpson)
- Community Characters (Brown University, Burning
Man, Chicago) - Characters meant to be real (teachers, TV
- Usage Patterns on Friendster (from danah boyd)
- Created for Dating
- Direct pestering, Familiar Strangers, Hookups
- Ego/Friend Surfing
- Friends Profiles reflect you
- People searching (the past, headhunters)
- Permanent representations (upon death)
- Play and Social Maintenance
- Fakesters and Fraudsters
- Trouble Making
- From drug distribution - Neo-Nazis
26Friendster (boyd)
- Friendster was developed as a dating site. The
expected usage scenario was simple get people to
map out their social network so that single
people could be introduced to other single people
in a trusted environment. - What was successful about Friendster had nothing
to do with its original purpose or design.
Instead, users saw it as a flexible artifact that
they could repurpose to reflect their social
practices. - The simplicity of Friendster allowed it to be
repurposed over and over again. Its popularity
did not validate its underlying model,
articulated social networks or the values
embedded in the technology. Its success validated
that people love flexible artifacts that allow
them to reflect on themselves and their social
27Mobile Social Dodgeball
28(No Transcript)
29Mobile Social Software
- How will mobile social software change existing
social dynamics? - How will location services and other new
technologies change the game? - What are the privacy risks and research
challenges of these technologies? - Next generation of mobile social software What
is it and when will we have it?