Title: Process Layout
1Process Layout
Chapter 7
2Redesigning a Process Through Layout Revision
Identify opportunity 1
Figure 7.1
3- Strategic Issues
- Facilitating the flow of materials
- Increasing the efficient utilization of labor and
equipment - Reducing hazards to workers
- Improving employee morale
- Improving communication
4Layout Types
(a) Layout of a job shop
Figure 7.3
5Flexible-Flow layout (funktionell verkstad)
- Fördelar med en funktionell verkstad
- flexibel, anpassningsbar till varierande
produktionsförhållande, lätt att styra om
produktionen till att tillverka nya produkter - låg störningskänslighet, om en maskin går sönder
kan man arbeta i en annan - genom specialisering erhålls personal med
specialistkunnande - högt maskinutnyttjande kan åstadkommas
6- Nackdelar med en funktionell verkstad
- hög kapitalbindning, mycket produkter i arbete
och stora mellanlager - långa osäkra genomloppstider
- svåra planerings, lednings och
administrationsproblem - ofta långa transportvägar
- genom specialisering, kan den enskilde
operatören bli låst till sin maskin
7Layout Types
(b) Layout of a production line
Figure 7.3
8Line-Flow layout (linjetillverkning)
- Fördelar med linjetillverkning
- kort genomloppstid
- mindre kapitalbindning
- mindre transporter
- arbetet lättare att planera och administrera än
i en funktionell verkstad (när installationen är
9 Nackdelar med linjetillverkningIcke flexibel,
produktionsupplägg och maskiner anpassas till att
tillverka en speciell produkt vid en viss given
efterfråganStörningskänslighet, ett
maskinhaveri stoppar all produktion av
produktenKan i vissa fall leda till ensidiga
10Group Technology
One Worker, Multiple Machines
Figure 7.4
11Group Technology
(a) Jumbled flows in a job shop without GT cells
Figure 7.5
12Group Technology
(b) Line flows in a job shop with three GT cells
Figure 7.5
13- Designing Process Layouts
- Step 1 Gather Information
- Space Requirements by Center
- Available Space
- Closeness Factors
- Other Considerations
- Step 2 Develop a Block Plan
- Step 3 Design a Detailed Layout
- Aids for Process Layout Decisions
14Office of Budget Management
Figure 7.6
15Office of Budget Management
3 6 5 6 10 8 1 1 3 9 2 1
16Office of Budget Management
- Departments 1 and 6 close together
- Departments 3 and 5 close together
- Departments 2 and 3 close together
Figure 7.7
17Office of Budget Management
- Departments 1 and 6 close together
- Departments 3 and 5 close together
- Departments 2 and 3 close together
Figure 7.7
18Office of Budget Management
- Departments 1 and 6 close together
- Departments 3 and 5 close together
- Departments 2 and 3 close together
Figure 7.7
19Office of Budget Management
- Departments 1 and 6 close together
- Departments 3 and 5 close together
- Departments 2 and 3 close together
Figure 7.7
20Distance Measures
Euclidian Distance
Rectilinear Distance
dAB xA xB yA yB
21Office of Budget Management
Example 7.2
22Office of Budget Management
Figure 7.8
23Office of Budget Management
Figure 7.9
24Out-and-Back Warehouse
Figure 7.10
25Zone Systems
Figure 7.11
26- Designing Product Layouts
- Line Balancing
- Precedence Diagram
- Desired Output rate
- Cycle Time
- Theoretical Minimum
- Idle Time, Efficiency, and Balance Delay
- Finding a Solution
27Line Balancing
Green Grass, Inc. Big Broadcaster
28Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
Example 7.3
29Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
Example 7.3
30Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
Example 7.3
31Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
Example 7.4
32Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
Example 7.4
33Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
Example 7.4
34Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit
Example 7.4
35Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit
Example 7.4
36Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
37Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
38Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
39Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
40Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
41Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
42Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
43Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Example 7.5
44Line Balancing
Big Broadcaster
c 60 seconds/unit TM 5 stations Efficiency
Figure 7.13
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