Dr Bla Galgoczi: European Trade Union Institute, Brussels - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr Bla Galgoczi: European Trade Union Institute, Brussels


... exchange of best practice, agree common targets and guidelines for ... Agreeing on what to report to the public about the social impacts is a crucial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr Bla Galgoczi: European Trade Union Institute, Brussels

Dr Béla GalgocziEuropean Trade Union Institute,
  • Changing patterns of corporate social
    responsibility in Europe
  • EU Japan workshop on Corporate Social
  • Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
  • 26-27 November 2004, Tokyo

Brief overview of the different corporate
governance models, in Europe
  • Liberal market economy vs. Co-ordinated market
    economy /with alternatives, as social-democratic,
    Rhineland model or etatistic/.
  • The basic differences of the two major models
  • -   financing /dominantly/ through capital
    markets or bank credits
  • -  corporate governance /CEO, dual board,
  • - innovation /market, venture capital,
  • -  participation, employee representation
    /conflictual, co-operative, participatory/
  • -   qualification, training and human resource

Universal problems with corporate governance
  • Raising uncertainties and complexity regarding
    the social dimension of company behaviour
    /co-operation vs. Conflictual relations short
    term vs. Long-term perspective/
  • Dealing with people in a global economy
  • Need for stability externalisation of social
    and environmental aspects is not sustainable in
    long-term perspective
  • Declining influence of nations vs. Social
    partners rooted nationally

The emergence of the CSR concept
  • One of the most important drivers of CSR is the
    idea that there is a business case for
  • not only the financial performance of a company
    can be objectively measured,
  • but the non-financial performance can also be
    analysed, reported
  • auditing and certifying methods to be developed
  • the term triple bottom line - which links
    financial, environmental and social performance
    of companies.

Definitions of CSR
  • Corporate social responsibility is a commitment
    by a company to manage its role in society as
    producer, employer, market player, customer and
    citizen in a responsible and sustainable
  • including a set of voluntary principles over
    and above legal requirements that seek a
    positive impact on societies
  • CSR is good corporate governance doing good
    /not being seen as doing good/ by recognising the
    companys responsibility to all its stakeholder
  • CSR is a concept, whereby companies integrate
    social and environmental concerns in their
    business operations and in their interaction with
    their stakeholders on voluntary basis.

Promoting democracy on company level
  • Workers involvement is a social and economic
    advantage it is a need in civil society
  • European framework and support must help to
    improve traditional practices in national/local
    working cultures inshaping challenges from
  • Workers involvement will become a new importance
    in thinking on a new social role of
    multinational companies after the decade of a
    pure shareholder value approach
  • Workers involvement is more than strong legal
    framework f.e. HRM, CSR, financial participation

Structure of European level governance
  • Legally binding
  • Regulation ? European law ? legislative act
  • Directive ? European framework law ? legislative
  • ? European regulation ? non-legislative
  • Decision ? European decision ? non-legislative
  • Not legally binding
  • Recommendation ? Recommendation
  • Opinion ? Opinion

Workers Involvement Pieces of a Puzzle
Workers Involvement as legislative elements of
the European Framework
Information Consultation
European Works Councils
The European framework of WP
  • Information and consultation and participation
    of employees belongs to the core elements of the
    European Social Model. n      
  • From the end of the 1980s workers participation
    has received particular attention and has been
    embedded in several EU Directives.
  • This went parallel with the rediscovery of the
    importance of human resources and trust-based
    employee relations in company success

Renewing the European governance system
  • Less top-down approach
  • Complementing policy tools by non-legislative
  •  Appropriate use can be made of alternatives to
    legislation without undermining the provisions
    of the Treaty
  • -  co-regulation
  • -  self-regulation
  • -  voluntary sectoral agreements
  • -  open method of co-ordination (encouraging
    co-operation, exchange of best practice, agree
    common targets and guidelines for member states)
  •   Legislation as part of a broader solution
    combining formal rules with other non-binding

Place of CSR, as soft law element in Eur
  •         Soft law ? independence with respect to
    state law as adaptation to globalisation
  •         Privatisation of labour standards ?
  • Defined as a (additional and) different form of
    regulation ? self regulation or auto-regulation
    of undertakings
  •         Advantage social control over
    transnational production activities
  •         Dangers lack of social compensation for
    economic inequality, selection of issues ?
    weakening of workers rights, substitute to state
    law and negotiated norms
  •         Remedies Involvement of social partners
    (sectoral level, European Works Councils), to
    adapt legislation (procedures, social labeling).

Accountability vs responsibility
  • The term corporate accountability is being used
    to refer to the obligations on corporations
    imposed by governments and to the corporate
    governance framework established to hold
    management accountable. On the other hand,
    corporate social responsibility stands for
    voluntary activities without being accountable.
    It is widely accepted that that regulatory and
    corporate governance frameworks can shape
    corporate behaviour more than CSR principles or
    initiatives. There is a growing recognition
    especially among trade unionists that these
    regulatory frameworks are inadequate.

Challenges of CSR for trade unions
  • Most trade unionists see CSR as a desirable goal,
    although some see it more as a dangerous attempt
    to create a substitute for the traditional roles
    of both governments and trade unions. In this
    regard unionists often see CSR as a mere public
    relation exercise by companies
  • The most controversial issue in the concept of
    CSR for trade unions is its voluntary character,
    being above and beyond legal requirements.
  • Some see CSR as an alternative to regulation and
    as an alternative to interest representation of
    employees by trade unions.

Challenges of CSR for trade unions
  • Private standard-setting
  • Trade unions face a series of challenges with
    respect to standards. Business is using codes of
    conducts and other forms of private standard
    setting in the social area to redefine or
    reinterpret standards so as to make their
    responsibility seem less, than it really is.
  • Reporting and verification
  • Agreeing on what to report to the public about
    the social impacts is a crucial form of
    standard-setting. Unlike financial and
    environmental reporting, the social dimension has
    a high level of intangibles.
  • Socially responsible investment (SRI)
  • Influencing investment funds that claim to
    invest in companies that are socially
    responsible. Works, where workers institutions
    with an interest in CSR have influence on
    investment decisions (e.g. Pension Funds)

Challenges of CSR for trade unions
  • Social rating, social labels and awards
  • The CSR phenomenon features positive incentives,
    such as awards, labels, best practices. These
    concern labour issues ranging from human resource
    practice awards to labels related to supply chain
    codes. Trade unions are often bypassed and
    experts engaged to judge the reports may not be
    familiar with industrial relations. Such labels
    and awards have serious credibility problems, as
    the basic motivation is to gain commercial
  • The CSR concept can thus appear in contradictory
    forms. It stresses the importance of engaging
    stakeholders but at the same time, stresses
    unilateral management action. The danger is that
    CSR is more about management systems and
    checklists than genuine dialogue. The management
    prefers to choose its stakeholders for
    dialogue. Too often, companies engage NGO-s over
    workplace issues and avoid trade unions.

The major concerns of ETUC regarding CSR
  • The basic message of the ETUC resolution is that
    CSR should complement, but in no way replace,
    legislation on social and environmental rights or
    standards set by collective bargaining.
  • The most important unfounded illusions towards
    CSR, as the ETUC sees
  • The illusion that CSR would sweep away the
    balance of power, as the employers
    responsibilities are diluted
  • The illusion that all stakeholders are on equal
    footing in this policy
  • The illusion that the voluntary method of other
    best practices would be enough to assert CSR.

The major concerns of ETUC regarding CSR
  • The Executive Committee of the ETUC stressed
    that, rather than being regarded as an added
    extra, CSR must permeate the very being of the
    company and its governance, covering its entire
    operation and taking on board social and
    environmental issues in its day-to-day
  • The prerequisite for CSR is respect for
    collective bargaining and laws, which means
    companies must act to
  • promote collective bargaining where there it
    is insufficient or even nonexistent
  • enhance the involvement of trade unions,
    workers and their representatives as well as the
    respect for and defence of their rights.

Opportunities for trade unions through CSR
  • Even if the acceptance of CSR principles in
    European trade union circles are rather mixed, it
    is vital to address these questions by trade
    unions in order to be able to shape them. Trade
    unions could use the instruments of CSR as a
    springboard for reaching employees, having been
    out of their scope sofar.
  • It could be a proper strategy for trade unions
    to oppose the unilateral, voluntary approach of
    companies and opt for a framing of corporate
    social responsibility either by laws or by
    contractual agreements with the trade unions and
    other stakeholders.

Possible priority topics for trade unions
  • Activities in alliance with NGO-s and other
    stakeholders, as
  • Meetings and debates to formulate trade union and
    NGO approaches to CSR
  • Educational activities in using intl
    standard-setting systems
  • Joint campaigns for identifying major TU
    principles on CSR
  • Work on the establishment of countervailing
    powers in the field of consumption and
    sustainable development.
  • Setting a target for the following major goals
  • Within a foreseeable time, all international
    companies to sign contractual agreements with the
    workers reps in all their daughter and branch
    companies in order to implement at least the
    eight ILO Conventions to be registered at the
  • Work for extending the ILOs standard-setting
  • On European level, trade unions should contribute
    to developing the European governance in its
    tools in tackling CSR.

The option of using the EWC-s in shaping company
policies in line with CSR
  • As EWC-s operate on corporate basis, on European
    or even worldwide level, they can deal with many
    of the issues, taken up in CSR
  •    Internal issues
  • - Human resources management training, equal
  • - Health and safety issues
  • - Adaptations to change restructuring
  • - Management of environmental impacts
  •        External issues
  • - Local communities
  • - Business partners, consumers, suppliers
  • - Human rights, trade union recognition
  • - Global environmental concerns.

Concluding remarks
  • CSR is neither an objective nor an option, it is
    a context offering challenges and opportunities
    that can also be shaped.
  • These opportunities all mean that trade unions
    would have lots of options in shaping CSR
    practices and make sure, that the CSR initiative
    is not weakening their basis and influence, but
    contributes to their strengthening. It needs
    however a nuanced approach and not a defensive
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