Title: Canning
2Why do we can foods?
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4Nicolas Appert invented the canning process.
Napoleon, Emperor of France was the first to use
the process.
5What are some examples of foods we can?
6Fruits are high in acid.
7Vegetables are low in acid.
8Low-acid foods, such as green beans or corn
should be processed to 140C .
This is done to prevent microbial growth.
9The secret to successful home canning is to
create a sealed airtight environment for the food.
10The lid on a jar of home-canned food actually
seals after processing while the food is cooling.
11Food with a low density that may fall apart when
cooked is usually raw packed.
12Hot-pack is usually used with sweetened fruit.
13The nutritional value of canned food is usually
less than that of fresh foods.
Heat destroys vitamins and minerals.
14Two methods of processing canned foods are
water-bath processing and pressure processing.
The temperatures are higher in pressure
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16Retort canning is commercial canning using
pressure canners called retorts.
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18Commercial retort canning uses pressure
19Commercially canned food can be stored for up to
two years.
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21The three types of heat transfer used in food
processing are conduction convection radiant
22The method of heat transfer that is most apt to
occur in canning pumpkin is conduction because
there is no liquid or air to transfer heat by
conduction or radiant method.
23Agitation retorts are used to shorten processing
time by increasing the movement of the food, this
is beneficial because convection does not occur
equally in al food.
24The cold point is the location in a container
that takes the longest to heat to a desired
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26The center of the can is where the cold point in
a can is heated by conduction and it is slightly
below center in convection.
27Pouch canning is canning done in a soft pliable
container. Capri Sun is an example. This takes
less time and there is less nutrient loss.
28Aseptic canning is canning in which food and the
container are both sterilized before the food is
put into the container.
29Food that is aseptically canned has a higher
nutritive value because the speed of processing
reduces the exposure of the food to heat, so
fewer nutrients are lost.
30Food that is contaminated with Clostridium
botulinum is made safe to eat by boiling to at
least 212F for at least 10 minutes.
31212 F - 10 min
32Clostridium botulinum is found mostly in soil.
33The nutritional value of canned food is generally
less than that of fresh food because the high
temperatures used in canning will cause
heat-sensitive nutrients to break down.
34Carbohydrates and fats are generally not affected
by the heat used in canning.
35Canned foods do not usually contain Vitamin C and
36Because tomatoes are high-acid-food, they can be
processed at lower temperatures and therefore
retain more vitamin C than other canned foods.
37Water soluble nutrients are lost when they
dissolve in the liquid in canned foods.
38If the canning liquid is used when a canned food
is prepared or served, the vitamins and minerals
will not go to waste.
39Fruit packed in fruit juice is more nutritious
than fruit packed in heavy sugar syrup because it
does not contain the empty calories found in
heavy syrup.
40Tuna packed in water has fewer calories than tuna
packed in oil.
41High storage temperatures and light can cause
nutritional value to be lost fro canned food.
42Food canned in glass jars should be stored in the
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- Drying Internet Activity
- Canning Worksheet/Notes
- Good Eats Summaries (typed)
- Title Page