Title: Analysis of Covariance
1Analysis of Covariance
- Harry R. Erwin, PhD
- School of Computing and Technology
- University of Sunderland
- Crawley, MJ (2005) Statistics An Introduction
Using R. Wiley. - Freund, RJ, and WJ Wilson (1998) Regression
Analysis, Academic Press. - Gonick, L., and Woollcott Smith (1993) A Cartoon
Guide to Statistics. HarperResource (for fun).
- Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) combines
regression and ANOVA - Response variable is continuous
- One or more explanatory factors (the treatments)
- One or more continuous explanatory variables
- Usually done in a treatment study where
explanatory variables are being included to
improve the basic treatment/control comparison. - Interaction between the slope for an explanatory
variable and the treatment is not wanted. (Life
is hard.) - Maximal model includes estimating slopes and
intercepts for each combination of the
explanatory factors. - Model simplification is the goal.
- The goal of analysis of covariance is to reduce
the error variance. This increases the power of
tests and narrows the confidence intervals. - There may be measurable variables that affect the
response but have nothing to do with the factors
(treatments) in the experiment. - Analysis of covariance adjusts for those
5The Covariance Model
- For one treatment factor and one continuous
control variable, xij, the model is - yij ?0 ?i ?1xij ?ij
- This says the response is a constant (?0) plus a
second constant (?i, depending on the factor)
plus a third constant (?1) times the control
variable (or covariate) plus an error (?ij). - The interest is in the difference between the
treatment means (the ?i), not in the ?0 or ?1.
You want to be able to reduce your model.
6Assumptions in ANCOVA
- The covariate xij is not affected by the
experimental factors. - The regression relationship measured by ?1 must
be the same for all factor levels. - You need to verify these assumptions.
7General Approach to ANCOVA
- First look at the effect of xij. If it isnt
significant, do an ANOVA and be done with it. - Check to see that xij is not significantly
affected by the factor values. - Test to see that ?1 is not significantly
different for all factor levels. This is an
interaction (a bad thing) between the factors and
the covariates. - Order matters the covariates come after the
factors in the model because theyre less
important. - If both tests pass, do the ANCOVA.
- Response variable is weight
- Explanatory factor is sex
- Continuous explanatory variable is age.
- weightmale amale bmale ? age
- weightfemale afemale bfemale ? age
- Six possible models.
- The goal is to eliminate as many parameters as
possible. - Reduce the model until all parameters are
9Book Example
- Notes
- Use of plots to get insight into the significance
of explanatory variables. - Note use of lm() in the models. It produces the
same results as aov(), but with a different
report. - Order mattersnon-orthogonal data!
- Use of summary.aov()
- Eliminate interactions first.
- anova() used in comparisons.
- summary.lm() to provide the parameter estimates
- This experiment studies the ability of a plant to
regrow and produce seeds after grazing. - The pregrazing size is the diameter of the top of
the rootstock - Grazing has two levels grazed or ungrazed.
- Response is weight of seeds produced at the end
of the growing season. - Size of plant is believed to matter and also
whether it was grazed.
11Step 1
- compensationT)
- attach(compensation)
- names(compensation)
- 1 "Root" "Fruit" "Grazing
- par(mfrowc(2,2))
- plot(Root,Fruit)
- plot(Grazing,Fruit)
12Plot 1
13Step 2
- modelway--inflates Grazing sum of sqs!
- summary.aov(model)
- Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
Pr(F) - Root 1 16795.0 16795.0 359.9681 2.2e-16
- Grazing 1 5264.4 5264.4 112.8316
1.209e-12 - RootGrazing 1 4.8 4.8 0.1031
0.75 - Residuals 36 1679.6 46.7
- modelGrazing is more important.
- summary.aov(model)
- Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
Pr(F) - Grazing 1 2910.4 2910.4 62.3795
2.262e-09 - Root 1 19148.9 19148.9 410.4201 2.2e-16
- GrazingRoot 1 4.8 4.8 0.1031
0.75 - Residuals 36 1679.6 46.7
14Check to see if the interaction term is important
- model2
- anova(model,model2)?use anova to compare models
- Analysis of Variance Table
- Model 1 Fruit Grazing Root
- Model 2 Fruit Grazing Root ?simpler model
- Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(F)
- 1 36 1679.65
- 2 37 1684.46 -1 -4.81 0.1031 0.75
- summary.lm(model2)
- Coefficients
- Estimate Std. Error t value
Pr(t) - (Intercept) -127.829 9.664 -13.23
1.35e-15 - GrazingUngrazed 36.103 3.357 10.75
6.11e-13 - Root 23.560 1.149 20.51 2e-16
- Residual standard error 6.747 on 37 degrees of
freedom - Multiple R-squared 0.9291, Adjusted R-squared
0.9252 - F-statistic 242.3 on 2 and 37 DF, p-value 2.2e-16
- Row 1 is the intercept for the factor level
first in the alphabet (Grazed as opposed to
Ungrazed). Row 2 is the difference Ungrazed
Grazed. Row 3 is the slope of the graph of seed
production against rootstock size. Row 4 (when
present) is the difference in slopes if the
interaction term is significant. (Not significant
here! 8)
16Whats Going On?
- sf
- sr
- plot(Root,Fruit,type"n",ylab"Seed
production",xlab"Initial root diameter") - points(sr1,sf1,pch16)
- points(sr2,sf2)
- plot(Root,Fruit,type"n",ylab"Seed
production",xlab"Initial root diameter") - points(sr1,sf1,pch16)
- points(sr2,sf2)
- abline(-127.829,23.56)
- abline(-127.82936.103,23.56,lty2)
17Plot 2
18Suppose we ignored the initial root size?
- tapply(Fruit,Grazing,mean)
- Grazed Ungrazed
- 67.9405 50.8805 ? the opposite of the true
situation! - summary(aov(FruitGrazing))
- Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
- Grazing 1 2910.4 2910.4 5.3086 0.02678
- Residuals 38 20833.4 548.2
- ---
- Signif. codes 0 0.001 0.01 0.05
. 0.1 1
19Order Matters for Non-Orthogonal Data!
- The total variation in the response (SSY) is
equal to the sum of the - Variation explained by the treatment (SSA), plus
the - Variation explained by the covariate, plus the
- Variation explained by the interaction between
the factor levels and the covariate (hopefully
small), plus the - Variation explained by the error term.
- Since the factor levels and the covariate are
dependent in non-orthogonal data, fitting the
covariate first inflates the variation explained
by the treatment, potentially producing an
invalid positive result. - So put the treatment variable first in the model.
20Because Order Matters!
- Do you fit the categorical (treatment, T) or the
continuous (control, L) explanatory variable
first? With non-orthogonal data, order matters. - Use a logical order. Hence fit to the treatment
variable first. Youre interested in the effect
of the treatment, not of the control variable. - If the interaction between the treatment and
control variables is significant, stop! It means
the slopes differ significantly, which is a
(nasty) problem.
21Reading the Summary
summary.lm(model2) Call lm(formula Fruit
Grazing Root) Residuals Min 1Q
Median 3Q Max -17.1920 -2.8224
0.3223 3.9144 17.3290 Coefficients
Estimate Std. Error t value
Pr(t) (Intercept) -127.829 9.664
-13.23 1.35e-15 GrazingUngrazed 36.103
3.357 10.75 6.11e-13 Root
23.560 1.149 20.51 Residual standard error 6.747 on 37
degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared
0.9291, Adjusted R-squared 0.9252 F-statistic
242.3 on 2 and 37 DF, p-value
22Using split()
- Applies to a vector or dataframe.
- sd(or vector), d, based on the factor, f.
- sd will be a list of vectors. Each vector in the
list will correspond to a value of the factor (in
alphabetical order). - Each vector in sd can be plotted using its own
symbol to give insight into the differences
between factors. - Book example.
23The Moral
- If you have covariates, use them. They will
improve your confidence intervals or identify
that you have a problem. - Order matters(it always does in regression).
- Start by removing the highest order interaction
terms first. - Use a logical order.
- If the treatment (categorical) interacts
significantly with the control (continuous), stop!