Title: National Health Insurance in Taiwan
1National Health Insurancein Taiwan
Bureau of National Health Insurance
2Taiwan 2007
3Social Insurance in Taiwan
- 1950 Labor Insurance (40.1)
- 1958 Government Employees Insurance (8.5)
- 1985 Farmers Insurance (8.2)
- 1990 Low-income Household Insurance (0.6)
- 1995 National Health Insurance (99)
( ) indicates of total population.
4Characteristics of NHI
5Organization Chart
6Operational Status of BNHI
- No. of employees 2,592 persons
- Business volume
- Premium revenues US11.6 billion/year
- Medical Expenses US12 billion/year
- Customers
- Insured 22,891,972 persons
- Group insurance unit 674,589 units
- Contract providers 18,640 institutions
- Coverage rate 99
- Administrative cost as a of medical
expenditures 1.48 - Public satisfaction rate 79.3
Other revenues
- Lottery revenues
- Tobacco excise tax
8Contribution Shares
Premium rate 4.55
9Co-payment for Outpatient Care
Co-payment discounts are available for visits
referred by primary physicians.
- Exceptions
- Catastrophic illness, child delivery
- Medical services offered at mountain areas or
offshore islands - Low-income households, veterans, children under
the age of 3
(1 USD 33 NTD)
10Coinsurance for Inpatient Care (Acute Care)
Coinsurance ceiling US848 per stay and US1,424
cumulative for the entire calendar year (for the
same disease that causes the patient to stay no
more than 30 days in the acute ward or 180 days
in the chronic ward).
(1 USD 33 NTD)
11 Benefit Package
- Inpatient care
- Outpatient care
- Laboratory tests
- Prescription drugs and certain OTC drugs
- Dental services (orthodontics, prothodontics
excluded) - Traditional Chinese medicine
- Day care for the mentally ill
- Home care
12Provider Payment
4 sectoral budgets 1998 Dental care 2000
Traditional Chinese Med. 2001 Clinics 2002
(Developed but not yet implemented.)
13 Access to Medical Care
- Patients are free to choose among 18,640
providers (91.75 nationwide) for medical
services. - No waiting lines as defined in western countries.
- Integrated delivery system (IDS) was implemented
to improve services in remote mountainous areas
and offshore islands. - Telemedicine helicopter service in every islet.
14Assistances for the Disadvantaged
15Functions of NHI IC Card
- Utilization Monitoring
- Managing high-utilization case through data
analysis - Anti-fraud
- Detecting abnormal medical claims
- Surveillance of Public Hazards
- Tracking down suspects of communicable diseases
e.g. SARS
16NHI Financial Status
Unit NTbn
17Sources of Premium Revenues
Total premium revenues in 2007 NT370billion
(US11.2 billion)
18NHI Medical Spending
Total medical claims in 2007 NT440billion
(US13.3 billions)
19NHI Medical Utilization
Outpatient visit per person per year
No. of hospital admission per 100 persons
20The NHI Alleviates Financial Burdens of
Disadvantaged Groups
- Major illness patients represents 3.1
population, who used 27.1 of NHI medical
expenditures. - The elderly people represents 10 population, who
used 32.7 NHI medical expenditures.
21Average Annual Growth Rate of NHE(1997-2006)
22Public Satisfaction
23Major Achievements of NHI
- Universal coverage
- Easy access
- Affordable cost
- High public satisfaction
- Acceptable quality
24Future Plan
- Amending NHI Laws
- To redefine premium calculation base from
payroll to income based calculation. - Allow more public participation in the health
insurance policy making process.
25Thank you for your kind attention!