Title: Contact: pagabletamu.edu
1Philip Gable Eddie Harmon-Jones Texas AM
Results of Studies 1 and 2
Summary Research has found that positive
affect broadens attention. However, the type of
positive affect previously manipulated has been
low in approach motivation. The results of
three studies indicate that high
approach-motivated positive affect reduces the
breadth of attentional focus.
Studies 1 and 2 Study 1 136 participants Study
2 113 participants Independent variable
Picture Type (64 pictures) Dependent variable
Navon (1977) letters task Respond to
the letter T or the letter H. Global
targets Large T or H composed of smaller Ls or
Fs Local targets Large L or F
composed of smaller Ts or Hs
Study 3 49 participants Between-Subjects
Design Affect Food vs. Neutral
Pictures Approach Motivation Expectancy to
obtain items vs. No Expectancy Procedure Viewed
36 pictures. Then, responded to 48 local and
global targets. Results Predicted Linear
contrast ANOVA for RT, F (1, 46) 5.79, p
?p2 .11
Study 1 2(food or neutral picture) X 2(local
or global target) within-subjects ANOVA, F (1,
135) 30.13, p
Introduction Positive affect creates
attentional and cognitive broadening
(Fredrickson, 1998). However, the type of
positive affect examined was low in approach
motivation -gifts -funny films High
approach PA may be different. Hypothesis
Approach motivated positive affective states
occur during goal pursuit (e.g. mating food)
May cause reduction in broadening, to assist in
goal acquisition.
3 (rating type) X 2 (picture type)
within-subjects ANOVA, F(2, 268) 8.14, p
.001, ?p2 .06
Study 2 2(animal or neutral picture) X 2(local
or global target) within-subjects ANOVA, F (1,
112) 24.77, p
Predicted Linear contrast ANOVA for Affect,
F(1, 46) 4.64 , p
Study 1
500 ms
Conclusion The results indicate that high
approach-motivated positive affect reduces the
breadth of attentional focus, in contrast to the
broadening of attentional focus that has been
found with low approach-motivated positive
3 (rating type) X 2 (picture type)
within-subjects ANOVA, F (2, 224) 24.32, p
.001, ?p2 .18
Study 2
500 ms
500 ms
Contact pagable_at_tamu.edu