Title: JACIE Board meeting
1JACIE Board meeting
- Sunday, 28 March 2004
- 13.00 15.00
- Room E1, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya,
- Constitution of JACIE Board A Gratwohl
- Role of JACIE Board A Urbano
- Update on EC JACIE project F Mc Donald
- Update on inspections E Mc Grath
- Status of JACIE F Mc
Donald - AOB
31. Constitution of JACIE
4Constitution of JACIE Board
- Legal advice has been sought and it is
recommended to establish JACIE as a separate
legal entity - The EBMT is currently going through structural
changes and it is advised to postpone the legal
constitution of JACIE until 2005
5Proposal for structure of new JACIE Board
- A Gratwohl and G Kvalheim step-down from their
positions as Co-Chairman of JACIE - The EBMT has appointed A Urbano as the new Chair
of the EBMT Accreditation Subcommittee and
designated candidate for President of JACIE - ISCT Europe has appointed I Slaper as designated
candidate for Vice President of JACIE
6Specialist representatives
- Paediatric Designated candidate by PDWP, J
Cornish - Nursing To be deisgnated by Nurses Group Board
- NETCORD To be discussed with
- P Wernet
7National JACIE Representatives
To be designated by National Societies
- D Pamphilon, UK
- A Gratwohl, CH
- M Michallett, F
- N Schmitz, DE
- H Greinix, A
- T Ruutu, FI
- B Bär, NL
- A Rambaldi, I
- M Boogaerts, BE
- C Solano, ES
- N Jacobsen, DK
- G Kvalheim, NO
- P Ljuhgman, SW
8Support roles to JACIE Office and Board
- Medical Consulant Diana Samson
- JACIE Executive Officer TBC
- Executive Board President, Vice President,
Medical Consultant and Executive Officer
92. Role of JACIE Board
10Role of JACIE Board
- Updating standards
- Appointment of working committees
- Important modifications to accreditation process
- Defining interaction, policy and lobbying
strategies with regards to other organisations
11- Harmonisation of different accreditation
processes - Resolution of general conflicts
- Approval of budget and accounts
- Official approval of centres accreditation and
issue of certification
12Updating of standards
- Coordination with FACT (meeting May)
- Standards points for discussion (D Samson)
- Clarification
- (procedure for accreditation of cord blood
collection and processing) - level of physicians - wording
- Modification
- board -certification of physicians
- instructions for administration of HSCT ? to be
issued with products - Additions
- assessment of recipient (diagnosis, fitness etc)
- safe administration of TBI
13Level of physicians - wording
- Section B3.3 Other Attending Physicians
- attending physician is the US term for a
senior physician in the UK this would be
consultant physician. There is some confusion in
the current manual between training required for
attending physicians and for all physicians
- Suggestion replace by Senior Transplant
Physicians (consultant staff / faculty / ? other
terms in use in Europe) - Section B3.5 Mid-level Practitioners
- Suggestion replace by Mid-level Physicians
(Registrars / Fellows / ? other terms in use in
Europe) - Section B3.6 Consulting Physicians
- this term can be confused with the consultant
physicians of the transplant team. Suggestion
replace by Consultant Staff in Other
14Interaction with other organisations
- FACT Meeting in Dublin with F Le Maistre
- WMDA EU Directive on standards for human tissues
and cells - NETCORD
- EU Participation in meetings of the European
Commission and Council of Europe
15Meetings and conferences
163. EU JACIE Project
17(No Transcript)
18Funding in 2004
- Project timeframe 1 January 2004 31 December
2004 - Project budget 375,000 (50 co-financing
European Commission EBMT (Main Beneficiary) and
National Socities and ISCT (Associate
19Contributions to project
20Expectations from national representatives
- Completion of mandate
- Accurate budget estimate for 2004
- Timely production of accounts and receipts
- Liaison with national societies, national health
authorities - Communication with keystake holders above re
JACIE project and EU requirements
21JACIE project activities in 2004
- Establishment of a European JACIE office
- Development of a JACIE online management system
- Production and dissemination of JACIE materials
- Delivery of QMS and inspector training courses
- Network building (extension of JACIE network
increased interaction with health authorities
22- 25 inspection visits
- Sharing of best practice
- Liaison with European Commision and harmonisation
of standards - Analysis and report writing
23Establishment of JACIE office
- E Mc Grath, JACIE Administrator
- Appointment of Dianan Samson as Medical
consultant - Development of JACIE online
24JACIE materials
- Production and dissemination of 2nd edition of
JACIE manual - Harmonisation of standards with EU Directive
- Production of educational packs for countries
being bought into the JACIE network - JACIE sessions at EBMT 2004 and ESH/EBMT Training
Course, Budapest May 2004 - Model materials for training and sharing of best
25Training courses in 2004
26Network building
- Interaction with national societies
- Interaction with national and regional health
authorities - Lobbying on behalf of JACIE/ liaison with
national accreditation bodies - Extension of JACIE netowrk ( 8 applicant and 4
additional member states brought into JACIE
network) - Liaison with other organisations
27Liaison, analysis and report writing
- Participation in development of European-wide
standards - Analysis of common difficulties in accreditation
process - Analysis of common deficiencies in implementation
of standards - Analysis of impact of implemenation of standards
- Report on harmonisation of standards in Europe
- Assessment of use of EBMT JACIE data to monitor
impact of implementation of standards
- Press releases in national press and scientific
journals - EBMT News and EBMT/JACIE web sites
- Monthly e-bulletins?
- Tracking and dissemination of data and information
294. Update on JACIE inspections
30Scheduled inspections in 2004
31Schedule of inspections
- January
- Kantonsspital, Basel ?
- University Hospital, Bern ?
- Hôpital cantonal universitaire, Geneva ?
- March
- St. Anna, Vienna ?
- April
- Schlieren, Zürich
- Hôpital E.Herriot, Lyon
- St. Louis, Paris
- June
- BRHC, Bristol
- St James', Leeds
- Kantonsspital, St.Gallen
- CHU, Bordeaux
- St. Anna, Vienna (Collection)
- July
- Nottingham City Hospital
- August
- Hammersmith, London
- September
- Kantonsspital, Arrau
- Ospedale San Giovanni, Bellinzona
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Lausanne
- Univ. Children's Hospital, Zürich
- University Hospital,Zürich
- Institut G.Roussy, Paris
- October
- AKH, Vienna
- John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
- November
32Completed inspections 1
- Basel, Switzerland 26 January 2004
- Inspection Team
- Bernard Chapuis
- Thomas Klingebiel
- Jörg Halter
- Adults ? Allo Auto
- Children ?
- Bone marrow collection ?
- PBSC collection ?
- Cord Blood Collection Facilities ?
- Cell Processing Laboratory ?
33Completed inspections 2
- Bern, Switzerland, 27 January 2004
- Inspection Team
- Urs Schanz
- Tayfun Güngör
- Rainer Blasczyk
- Sabine van den Bosch (Nurse inspector)
- Adults ? Auto only
- Children ?
- Bone marrow collection ?
- PBSC collection ?
- Cord Blood Collection Facilities ?
- Cell Processing Laboratory ?
34Completed inspections 3
- Geneva, Switzerland, 28 January 2004
- Inspection Team
- André Tichelli
- Hélène Esperou
- Anne Rosselet
- Adults ? Allo only
- Children ?
- Bone Marrow ?
- PBSC ?
- Cord Blood Collection Facilities ?
- Cell Processing Laboratory ?
35Completed inspections 4
- St. Anna, Vienna, Austria, 9 March 2004
- Inspection Team
- Thomas Klingebiel
- Tayfun Güngör
- Adults ?
- Children ?
- Bone Marrow ?
- PBSC ?
- Cord Blood Collection Facilities ?
- Cell Processing Laboratory ?
36Feedback from applicants
- a long day but we had a fruitful and fair
inspection with two experts in SCT. They did an
excellent job - we had a thorough inspection and we are thankful
to the auditors for their skill and seriousness.
The atmosphere was excellent, there was no
misunderstanding - we are all happy that the audit is finished and
that we got good feedback from the inspectors.
The atmosphere of the audit was very
constructive, open and clear. .. learned many
things about quality....after the exit interview,
we had a little party
37Feedback from inspectors
- ..a terrible lot of work and all the inspectors
were terribly tired after the audit - we had a good inspection and everything went
smoothly. The only problem was the lack of a cord
blood bank inspector, but we did what we could in
that matter
38Format of consultants report
- Facility name
- Programme Director
- Date of inspection
- Accreditation applied for Clinical Collection
Lab Autologous Allogeneic Adult Paediatric - Inspectors
- Team Leader/Clinical Facility Inspector/Collection
Facility Inspector/Processing Facility
Inspector - Report
- Recommendation
- General issues arising from this inspection
39Sample consultants report
- Deficiencies and/or variations
- A few minor deficiencies and variations were
noted. - Clinical Programme
- The inspectors commented that there was no formal
documentation of the diagnosis and indication for
allogeneic BMT - Marrow Collection
- The SOP for bone marrow collection requires
amendment to specify the action to be taken if
expected limits are not reached. The SOP should
be received and a copy sent to the Jacie Office
(JO) - There is currently no established procedure for
reporting medical AEs in the operating theatre.
An appropriate report form and provision for
follow-up should be created and copies sent to
JO. - PBSC collection
- Components are currently labelled only with the
recipient and donor name. An alphanumeric code
should be used. - Cell Processing
- The responsibilities of medical director are not
clearly defined in an SOP. A SOP should be
created and a copy sent to JO. - RECOMMENDATION
- This centre currently meets the requirements for
accreditation at Level 2. It will meet the - standards for full accreditation at level 1 if
the applicants are able to submit - documentation verifying correction of the minor
deficiencies and variations noted.
40Issuesconsultants notes on inspection reports
- At present, no confirmation by inspection team
that they had actually reviewed certain key
elements of the programme - makes it difficult to assess the
comprehensiveness of the inspection visit. - Guideline for Inspectors should be revised to
include a list of 10 items inspectors must do or
see during their visit. - Should also be included in Checklist document and
Inspection Report so that inspector is obliged to
confirm that they have reviewed the necessary
document/equipment or spoken to the required
person(s) and make a general comment - SOPs reviewed
- Comment on content and/or completeness Excellent
Good Satisfactory Poor - Comments
- Examples of key items
- A Quality System is in place and has been
reviewed - The nursing part of the programme has been
41Issues -inspection schedule
- Centres should be realistic in setting dates to
allow for document collection and conversion to
electronic format - Allows for a more realistic annual schedule of
visits - Documentation should be supplied in full at least
4 weeks in advance of inspection where possible - Gives time for consultant and inspectors to
review files - Documents in electronic format (PDF/Word/image
files) - Makes distribution much easier via internet and
reduces costs - Will be required method when JACIE online
42Issues -inspection team
- Appointment of inspection teams
- JACIE Office proposes names to National Rep who
confirms or makes other proposal. JACIE Office
then approaches proposed inspectors - Rep proposes names to JACIE Office who approaches
proposed inspectors
435. JACIE inspections 2005
44Outlook for 2005
- New submission to EU for funding to continue this
launch phase of JACIE. - Please consider how many centres in your country
will be prepared for JACIE inspection in 2005 and
let us know.
45Anticipated inspections in 2005
- Austria
- Belgium 2
- Denmark 1
- Finland 2
- France 5
- Germany
- Italy 5
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Spain 3
- Sweden
- UK
466. JACIE Online
47JACIE Online
- Online system
- Part-funded by EU
- Counsultant contracted to manage project
- IT development by Barcelona company
- Local designer
- Input from JACIE Accreditation Office
48JACIE Online
- Design of online system to manage processes
- Initial / renewal applications
- Document submission
- Inspectors tasks
- Consultants tasks
- Board review of application
- Renewal
- General JACIE information
49JACIE Online
- Design of online system
- Currently finalising different users/roles
- Design of views
- Next phase will move onto database design and
programming functionality - Expected roll-out July 2004
50JACIE Online -National Representative view
- Summary view of current status for country
- Export to excel function for reports
- Application stages
- Initial applications
- Alert when new application submitted
- Centres at documention submission stage
- Inspections scheduled
- Inspections completed
- List of inspectors for respective country
- Name, contact details, language skills, JACIE
training etc. - Inspection record ( experience)
- Feedback/comment facility to contribute when
Board is deciding on accreditation award
51JACIE Online Applicant view
- Initial application submission
- Document submission/upload
- Progress tracked through stages
- Summary view of application for export to Word
- View list of inspectors appointed to inspection
- Add hotel details or practical details
- Feedback/comment facility to correspond with
JACIE Office/inspectors/consultant/Board - Email alerts when input is required
- Renewal of accreditation
- Alert of impending renewal date
52Sample view of portlets design
53Sample view of online document checklist
54And now....
JACIE Online
wants you
55JACIE Online
- Volunteers required to test the system when the
prototype is ready - Expected in May-June
- Small amount of work required
- Contact Eoin at end of meeting or email
56Suggestions for JACIE logo
577. Overview of JACIE at the national level
58Motivation for accreditation?
- Main incentive for accreditation
- Legislation of guidelines incorporating JACIE
- Interactions with national authorities
- Logistical, financial or other support from
national authorities / national societies