Minimum Variance Portfolios - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Minimum Variance Portfolios


What happens if we just follow the normative prescription of ... portfolios have positive alphas if you use high frequency data and allow for some shorting ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Minimum Variance Portfolios

Minimum Variance Portfolios in the U.S. Equity
Market Chicago Quantitative Alliance Steven
Thorley PhD, CFA April 5, 2006
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  • Minimum Variance Portfolios in the U.S. Equity
  • Motivation
  • Data mining critiques plague most empirical
    research on market anomalies.
  • What happens if we just follow the normative
    prescription of Markowitz, popularized in the
    1960s? Specifically, construct mean-variance
    optimized portfolios.
  • Avoid macro data mining (what we collectively
    think we know about stock returns now as opposed
    to then) by focusing on minimum variance
    portfolios that do not include an expected return
  • Further, restrict the risk model (i.e.,
    covariance matrix estimation) to historical
    security returns. Pre-specified factor models
    are not allowed.

Principal Components Covariance matrix estimation
technique 1
The asymptotic principle components procedure of
Conner and Korajczyk (1988) employs an eigenvalue
decomposition of the T by T security return
cross-product matrix in contrast to the security
return covariance matrix. Specifically, we supply
the transposed historical security return matrix
to the SAS procedure PRINCOMP with the number of
statistical factors set to K 5. The key output
of the principal components algorithm are the
eigenvectors associated with the K highest
eigenvalues of the return cross-product matrix,
which combine to form the T by K factor return
matrix F. Regression analysis then yields a K by
N matrix B of factor exposures and a residual
return matrix E. The standard factor model
equation is then used to calculate the PC version
of the security covariance matrix where
diag is the matrix diagonalization function.
Bayesian Shrinkage Covariance matrix estimation
technique 2
While the principle components methodology
structures the off-diagonal elements of the
security covariance matrix to ensure
invertability, the procedure does not modify the
diagonal elements (i.e., security variance
estimates). Given 1,000 securities, there are
likely to be some fairly extreme values for
estimated security variances. This motivates our
use of the two-parameter Bayesian shrinkage
process of Lediot and Wolf (2003). Specifically,
from the historical sample covariance matrix, we
calculate the average value of the N diagonal
elements (security variance estimates) as well as
the average value of the N(N-1)/2 independent
off-diagonal elements (security covariance
estimates). These two scalar parameters are used
to populate an N by N Bayesian prior matrix
Oprior. The BS version of the security
covariance matrix is a weighted average of the
two-parameter prior matrix and the sample
covariance matrix O where ? is a scalar
shrinkage parameter based on a complex function
of the spread of variance and covariance values
around the averages.
Numerical Portfolio Optimization
  • Minimum variance optimization is conducted using
    the numerical routines in SAS Procedure NLP with
    cross-validation using Axioma. Portfolios are
    not true minimum variance because of three
  • 1) Budget constraint that the sum of the
    security weights is one (i.e., fully invested but
    non-margined equity portfolios).
  • For comparability to the cap-weighted market
    portfolio, we focus short sell constrained
    long-only optimizations with a lower bound of
    zero on security weights, and an upper bound of
    3.0 percent/security.
  • Where specified, we also apply market-neutrality
    constraints on three Fama/French factors size
    (market cap), value (book to market ratio), and
    momentum (prior year less prior month return).

Data and Methodology
  • We use CRSP and Compustat data, as well as
    factor returns from the Ken French Website. At
    the beginning of each month from January 1968 to
    December 2005 (456 months) we complete five steps
    and then roll the process forward
  • Select the largest 1000 securities with
    sufficient historical data, including one year of
    prior monthly returns (or one year of high
    frequency daily return data) and ex-ante factor
  • Calculate the sample covariance matrix based on
    historical returns for each of the 1000
  • Structure the sample covariance using Bayesian
    Shrinkage or Principal Components.
  • Feed the estimated covariance matrix into the
    optimizer and determine optimal portfolio weights
    for the minimum variance portfolio under various
  • Use the realized security returns in the current
    month to track the performance of the optimized
    and market portfolios.

Factor Neutrality
The Fama/French (1993) factors, excluding CAPM
beta, plus Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) momentum,
have been canonized as the key market-wide
determinants of realized portfolio returns in the
U. S equity market. We apply ex-ante neutrality
constraints to the optimized portfolio on these
three factors size (market cap), value (book to
market ratio), and momentum (prior year less
prior month return). Ex-ante neutrality is
measured by either Direct measures of factor
exposure for the 1,000 securities normalized each
month to a cross-sectional mean of zero and
standard deviation of one. The minimum variance
portfolio is constrained to have the same
security-weighted factor exposure as the
cap-weighted market portfolio. Following Daniel
and Titman (1998) we also estimate security
factor sensitivities using multivariate
regression analysis of past security returns on
the returns of the Fama/French factors Mkt-RF
(market excess return), SMB (small-minus-big
market-capitalization), HML (high-minus-low
book-to-market), and UMD (up minus down).
Optimized portfolios are constrained to have
ex-ante estimated factor sensitivities of zero on
SBM, HML, and UMD.
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  • Minimum Variance Portfolios in the U.S. Equity
  • Some important new perspectives
  • Optimized portfolios have more value-factor
    exposure over time than is generally appreciated
    using common ex-ante measurements of exposure
    (e.g., holdings data).
  • Also, even after accounting for the positive
    ex-post value-factor exposure, optimized
    portfolios have positive alphas if you use high
    frequency data and allow for some shorting

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  • Minimum Variance Portfolios in the U.S. Equity
  • Conclusions
  • The long-only minimum variance portfolio has
    about 25 percent less realized risk (standard
    deviation) than the cap-weighted market
  • Despite the lower risk, the average return on the
    minimum variance portfolio over time actually
    exceeds the average return on the market. The
    risk-return advantages are statistically and
    economically significant.
  • Constraints imposing ex-ante neutrality with
    respect to the well-accepted cross-sectional
    drivers of stock returns leads to only a modest
    reduction in the Sharpe ratios of minimum
    variance portfolios.
  • Despite the ex-ante neutrality constraints, an
    ex-post exposure to the value factor in most time
    periods explains much of the superior performance
    of minimum variance portfolios in the U.S. equity
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