Private Sector Privacy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Private Sector Privacy


Protection of personal information. Access, correction and care of personal ... Sale, lease, merger, amalgamation, other acquisition or disposal, or taking of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Private Sector Privacy

Private Sector Privacy
  • What FOIP Coordinators
  • Need to Know
  • June 12, 2003

Overview Bill 44Personal Information
Protection Act
  • Key definitions
  • Purpose and application
  • Protection of personal information
  • Access, correction and care of personal
  • Role of Commissioner
  • Professional regulatory organizations and
    non-profit organizations
  • General provisions

Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act (PIPEDA)
  • In effect for federally-regulated organizations
    in January 2001.
  • Will apply to provincially-regulated
    organizations in January 2004, unless
  • Provinces enact substantially similar
    legislation, to apply to activities within the
  • PIPEDA will still apply to cross-border
    commercial transactions.

  • Introduced in the Alberta Legislature on May 14,
  • Expect the Bill to pass in the fall 2003.
  • Proclamation date would be January 1, 2004.
  • PIPA regulation will be developed over the summer.

What is privacy?
  • The right to control access to ones person and
    information about oneself.
  • George Radwanski
  • Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Personal information s.1
  • Personal information
  • Information about an identifiable individual but
    does not include business contact information.
  • Business contact information
  • An individuals name, position name or title,
    business telephone number, business address,
    business e-mail, business fax number and other
    similar business information.

Organizations s.1(h)
  • Organization includes
  • A corporation
  • An unincorporated association
  • A trade union (Labour Relations Code)
  • A partnership (Partnerships Act)
  • An individuals acting in a commercial capacity
  • Any person acting on behalf of an organization
  • But not an individual acting in a personal or
    domestic capacity.

What is reasonable? s.2
  • When reasonable is used in the Act it means
  • What a reasonable person
  • would consider appropriate in the circumstances

Purpose s.3
  • The Act governs the collection, use and
    disclosure of personal information by
    organizations in a manner that recognizes both
  • The right of an individual to have his or her
    personal information protected, and
  • The need of organizations to collect, use or
    disclose personal information for purposes that
    are reasonable.
  • The Act also provides a right of access to ones
    own personal information.

Application s.4
  • The Act applies to every organization and all
    personal information.
  • Some specific exclusions are included in the Act
    and there is a regulation-making power respecting
    the application of the Act to a public body.

Exclusions s.4
  • When collected/used/disclosed solely for
  • Personal or domestic purposes of an individual or
  • Artistic, literary or journalistic purposes
  • The Act does not apply to public bodies, or
    personal information protected by the Freedom of
    Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the
    Health Information Act .

Exclusions s.4
  • When a record containing personal information
  • Is at least 100 years old or
  • Relates to an individual who has been dead for a
    least 20 years
  • Personal information is excluded when
  • In court records, judicial records
  • Collected/used/disclosed by an Officer of the
    Legislature exercising statutory duties
  • Created by or for a MLA or an elected or
    appointed member of a public body

Paramountcy s.4(6)
  • If there is a conflict between the FOIP Act and
    PIPA, FOIP is paramount.
  • If there is a conflict between PIPA and another
    Alberta Act or regulation, PIPA is paramount.
  • The need for additional paramountcies will be
    reviewed over the summer.

Grandfathering s.4(4)
  • Personal information collected before January 1,
    2004, is deemed to have been collected with
  • It may be used and disclosed by the organization
    for the purpose for which it was collected.
  • The general rules in the Act regarding
    safeguards, access, correction etc. still apply
    to this information.

Compliance with Act s.5
  • The organization is responsible for personal
    information in its custody or control.
  • Must designate one or more individuals
    responsible for compliance with the Act.
  • Designates may delegate duties to others.
  • In meeting responsibilities, organizations must
    act in a reasonable manner.

Policies and practices s.6
  • Develop and follow policies and practices to meet
    responsibilities under the Act.
  • Make information about policies and practices
    available upon request.

Consent s.7(1)
  • Unless Act allows otherwise, organizations need
  • To collect personal information,
  • To collect personal information from anyone other
    than the individual,
  • To use personal information, or
  • To disclose personal information.

Form of consent s.8
  • Express consent An individual may provide
    consent orally, in writing, or electronically.
  • Implied consent permitted for a purpose when
    reasonable and individual has voluntarily
    provided the information.
  • Opt-out consent permitted when notice is given,
    individuals have reasonable opportunity to
    decline and the process is reasonable considering
    the sensitivity of the information.
  • Consent in writing includes by electronic means.

Withdrawal of consent s.9
  • An individual may withdraw/vary consent when
    reasonable notice is given
  • Except when doing so would frustrate a legal
    obligation between the parties.
  • When the consequences are not obvious, the
    organization must advise the individual of likely

Consent - by deception s.10
  • Consent is negated when obtained by
  • Providing false or misleading information or
  • Using deceptive or misleading practices.

Limitations on collection s.11
  • An organization may collect personal information
    only for purposes that are reasonable.
  • May only collect what is reasonable for meeting
    the purposes for which the information is

Source of collection s.12
  • Indirect collection without consent is permitted
    in accordance with
  • s.14 collection without consent,
  • s.15 collection of personal employee
    information, or
  • s. 22 business transactions.

Notification s.13(1)
  • Before or at the time of collection, an
    organization must notify the individual, in
  • As the purpose for collection, and
  • The name of a person able to answer questions.
  • Notification not required when there is implied
    consent for the collection under s. 8(2).

Collection from another organization with consent
  • An individual can consent to an organization
    collecting their personal information from
    another organization.
  • The collecting organization must demonstrate that
    it has obtained consent.
  • The disclosing organization must be satisfied
    that the consent complies with the Act.

Collection without consent s.14
  • The Act permits collection without consent for
    purposes including
  • Clearly in the interests of the individual
  • Required or authorized by law
  • Investigation or legal proceedings
  • Determining suitability for an honour or award
  • Credit reporting or debt collection
  • Archival purposes or research
  • Information may also be collected without consent
    when the information
  • Is publicly available
  • May be disclosed under s. 20

Limitations on use s.16
  • An organization may use personal information only
    for purposes that are reasonable.
  • May only use what is reasonable for meeting the
    purposes for which the information is used.

Use without consent s.17
  • The Act permits use without consent for purposes
    including those listed under collection without
    consent plus
  • To respond to a life threatening emergency

Limitations on disclosure s.19
  • An organization may disclose personal information
    only for purposes that are reasonable.
  • May only disclose what is reasonable for meeting
    the purposes for which the information is

Disclosure without consent s.20
  • The Act permits disclosure without consent for
    purposes including those listed under use without
    consent plus
  • In accordance with a treaty
  • To comply with a subpoena, warrant or court order
  • To a public body or law enforcement agency to
    assist in an investigation
  • To contact next of kin in an emergency or a
    relative of a deceased individual
  • To protect against fraud, to an agency empowered
    by legislation in this area

Employee information s.1(i)
  • Personal employee information includes personal
  • Reasonably required for purposes of establishing,
    managing or terminating an employment or
    volunteer work relationship.
  • Does not include personal information unrelated
    to the employment or volunteer relationship.

Employee information s.1(d)
  • Employee includes an individual employed by the
    organization who performs a service for an
    organization, including
  • Apprentice
  • Volunteer
  • Participant
  • Student
  • A person under a contract or agency relationship

Employee information ss.15,18, 21
  • An organization may collect/use/disclose personal
    employee information without consent when
  • The individual is an employee or
  • The purpose of collection is to recruit a
    potential employee
  • The collection/use/disclosure must be reasonable
    for the purpose, and the personal information
    must be limited to the work or volunteer

Employee information ss.15,18, 21
  • Organization A may disclose personal employee
    information to Organization B, without consent,
  • The individual is employed by Organization B or
  • Organization B is collecting for the purpose of
    recruiting a potential employee. If the
    individual is not hired, the information must be
    destroyed or turned over to the individual,
    unless the individual consents to some other

Business transactions s.22
  • Business transaction includes
  • Sale, lease, merger, amalgamation, other
    acquisition or disposal, or taking of security
    interest in respect of
  • An organization, portion of an organization or
    any business or activity or business asset of an
  • Includes a prospective transaction of this nature.

Business transactions s. 22
  • For the purpose of a business transaction the
    parties may collect/use/disclose personal
    information without consent if
  • The parties agree to restrict to purposes related
    to the transaction and
  • The information is necessary to decide whether to
    proceed and to complete the transaction.
  • This section does not apply if the primary
    purpose or result of the transaction is the
    purchase, sale, lease, transfer, disposal or
    disclosure of personal information.

Business transactions s. 22
  • When the transaction is completed, the parties
    may collect/use/disclose personal information
    without consent if
  • The parties agree to restrict to purposes for
    which the information was initially collected
    about the individual and
  • The information relates solely to carrying on the
    business or the object of the transaction.
  • Consent is needed to collect/use/disclose the
    information for new purposes.
  • If the transaction is not completed, the party
    that received the information must either return
    the information or destroy it.

Access and Correction ss.24,25,61
  • Individuals can request access to their own
    personal information.
  • Organizations may charge a reasonable fee.
  • Individuals can request correction of an error or
    omission in the personal information in the
    control of an organization.
  • Organizations have a duty to assist.
  • Any right under the Act may be exercised by
    another person on an individuals behalf.

Accuracy, Protection and Retention of information
  • An organization must make a reasonable effort to
    ensure that personal information is accurate and
  • An organization must protect personal information
    against such risks as unauthorized access,
    collection, use, disclosure, copying,
    modification, disposal or destruction.
  • An organization may for legal or business
    purposes retain personal information as long as
    is reasonable.

Information andPrivacy Commissioner
  • Same Commissioner as the FOIP Act and Health
    Information Act
  • The Commissioner can
  • refer an individual to another grievance,
    complaint or review process before dealing with
    the complaint
  • authorize mediation to settle a complaint
  • conduct an inquiry
  • issue binding orders
  • authorize an organization to disregard requests

Professional Regulatory Organizations s.55
  • Are organizations under the Act.
  • Will have the option of creating a personal
    information code governing the
    collection/use/disclosure of personal information
    consistent with ss.1-35.
  • An individual would still be able to request a
    review or complain to the Commissioner.
  • Details will be in regulation, to developed over
    the summer in consultation with stakeholders.

Non-profit organizations s.56
  • The Act applies only to the personal information
    collected/used/disclosed in connection with a
    commercial activity carried out by a non-profit
  • Non-profit organizations include societies
    incorporated under the
  • Societies Act,
  • Agricultural Societies Act, or
  • Part 9 of the Companies Act.

Non-profit organizations s.56
  • Commercial activity means
  • Any transaction, act or conduct, or any regular
    course of conduct, that is of a commercial
    character, and includes
  • The selling, bartering or leasing of membership
    lists or donor or other fund-raising lists
  • Operation of a private school or early childhood
    services program (School Act)
  • Operation of a private college (Colleges Act)

General provisions
  • Organizations and individuals are protected when
    acting in good faith.
  • Employees are protected when acting in good faith
    to disclose information to the Commissioner or
    acting to avoid a contravention of the Act.

Penalties and damages s.59, 60
  • If convicted of an offence, fines are
  • up to 10,000 for individuals
  • up to 100,000 for businesses.
  • An individual can pursue damages for loss or
    injury suffered as a result of breach of privacy.

Tips for public bodies
  • When disclosing personal information to a
    contractor, ensure the public body retains
    control over the information.
  • Arrangements between contracted companies and
    public bodies will remain the same. Information
    that is under the control of public body
    currently, will still be when PIPA is in force.
  • Private companies will have new responsibilities
    in regard to personal information under PIPA.

Privacy Help
  • Information Management, Access Privacy
  • Alberta Government Services
  • 3D, Commerce Place, 10155 102 Street
  • Edmonton, AB T5J 4L4
  • Web site
  • Help Desk 780-644-PIPA (7472)
  • Toll free dial 310-0000 first
  • E-mail

Privacy Help
  • Office of the Information and Privacy
  • 410, 9925 109 Street
  • Edmonton, AB T5K 2J8
  • Web site
  • Phone 780-422-6860
  • Toll free dial 310-0000 first
  • E-mail
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