Title: Informing Healthcare
1Informing Healthcare The Welsh way forward
Deborah El-Sayed Programme Manager Informing
Healthcare NHS Wales
2Bore Da
3Delivering Better Public Services for Wales
4The Road Map for Informing Healthcare The
destination is not in dispute but there are
choices about how to get there
5Developing and Implementing Informing
HealthcareNHS Wales A Corporate Approach
- Use Local Knowledge and expertise
- Single organisation solutions are not scalable
- Single national projects are high risk
- Understand the problem before specifying the
solution - Build on local developments BUT keep them
separate from national deployment - An All-Wales National Architecture Design Board
6Developing and Implementing Informing
Healthcare Using good governance to get
stakeholder commitment
- National Conferences with real time decision
making - Clinical Leadership of all Service Improvement
Projects - IHC Clinical Team National Local Networks
- All-Wales National Architecture Design Board
- International Advisory Board
- Chief Exec and Assembly sign off Business Cases
7Developing and Implementing Informing
HealthcareA Supporting Role for the Private
Sector in Delivering Public Services
- Working Together
- - Capacity and Capability
- - Skills transfer inward investment
- - Long term relationship responsive to
clinical needs - - Standardisation and Innovation
- - Value for Money
8Developing and Implementing Informing
HealthcareDesigning Healthcare Services for
How are Patients Going to Be Treated?
What Information is needed for safe care?
How will systems be deployed and managed?
9Developing and Implementing Informing
HealthcareDesigned for Life Determines Our
National Technology Architecture Better
Management Sharing of Information
10Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
Characteristics of Service Improvement Projects
Clinical Leadership Patient Involvement Understan
ding the Healthcare Problem Design and
Main Output Knowledge to create a specification
for an all-Wales solution (User Design and the
Informed Customer)
11Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
The Individual Health RecordIts a matter of
Healthcare Design not just Standardisation
Schedule resources and run processes - manage
beds, tests, theatres, etc
Footprint of an institutional system e.g.
hospital systems,GP system
System to support Mrs Jones?
Ensure coordinated, coherent care, etc
Support clinical tasks, manage workflow, etc
12Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
Support for the Three Perspectives of
Individual Health Record
Care Management Systems
13Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
The Individual Health RecordThe Information
that Matters Most ..
- Designed to support the overall care of the
individual - Provides the information most important to the
overall safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of
an individuals care - Personal details (identity and preferences)
- Care relationships ( who is involved in the
patient care) - Information from health events e.g. discharge
summary, op letters - Overall current state of health e.g. current
prescribed medication - Accessed and used by both professional carers and
the individual - with an Audit trail - Works with Care Management Systems
14Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
The Individual Health RecordAn Incremental
- Build 1 Impacts on emergency care
- Provides a summary of the GP record in GP OOH,
AE, ambulances to improve decisions - Copies of electronic clinical communications
letters etc - Build 2 Impacts on chronic disease management
- Provides specific view of a record to
professionals involved in providing long term
care e.g. for a diabetic - Enables scrutiny of care of populations of
patients - Supports intervention and optimisation of care
e.g. CDM call centres - Build 3 Impacts on Vulnerable groups
- Maternity record , child health records , elderly
- Build 4 Impacts on self management
- Provides patients with access to their own health
15Developing and Implementing Informing
Healthcare Its complex not just complicated
The National Architecture is flexible and is
sustainable in the long term
16Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
One Representation of the National Architecture
17Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
Investment Objectives
- To support and coordinate the redesign of working
practicesto deliver patient benefits- Service
Improvement Projects - To make a shared view of clinical care available
across NHS Wales- An Incremental Approach -
The Individual Health Record - To create a world class technical
infrastructure so that information can be shared
securely irrespective of organisational
boundaries- A National Technical Architecture
18Informing Healthcare - Progress in 2005 Gaining
Clinical Commitment and Creating a Collective
Patient Focus
- Supporting and Preparing Local Organisations Data
Quality, e-Library, Training, National Licensing
and Framework Contracts - Access to IT, Health
Informatics Professional Development - Clinical Engagement and Commitment National
Conferences, Clinical Networks, National Design
Board, Consultation and Critical Mass, - Service Improvement Projects Diabetes,
Medication, Safety, Discharge Referral, Test
Results, My Health On-Line Protoype - Individual Health Record Agreed Design,
Information from GP Systems, Consent
Model, Development Projects supporting
Unscheduled Care, National Strategy for Local
Care Management Systems
19Informing Healthcare - Priorities 2006/7
- National architecture - strategy for local
national care management systems - Private sector capability capacity
- Clinical communications increase availability
of whats already there - Building secure universal access to clinical
patient information starting with what matters
most - Patient safety - through improving identification
and medicines management
20Informing Healthcare - Priorities 2006/7
- New models of service provision particularly
for those with long term conditions - My Health On Line - Improve web based information
available to carers and patients - Access to clinical guidelines and knowledge
- Health Informatics Professional Development
- Even More Clinical Engagement Nurses GPs
21Developing and Implementing Informing Healthcare
Why are we adopting this approach??
- Better chance of delivering early benefits to the
people of Wales - Puts IHC Core Principles and Values into
Practice - Clear Line of Sight from Investment to Benefit
- We have gathered strong National and Local
Clinical and Managerial support for it. - Reduces Risk Better Governance
- Learning from Experience - we think it will make
a difficult task more achievable
22Hysbysu Gofal Iechyd
Diolch yn Fawr