Dr. Elisabeth Lipiatou, Head of Unit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr. Elisabeth Lipiatou, Head of Unit


... regions, to observe and analyse how these systems evolve and predict their future evolution. ... and provide tools to analyse the effectiveness, costs and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr. Elisabeth Lipiatou, Head of Unit

Research on global environmental change
contribution from the EC Framework Programme to
regional challenges and science-policy interface
Dr. Elisabeth Lipiatou, Head of Unit European
Commission, DG Research Directorate I
Environment Climate Change and Environmental
Risks Unit
Planet under pressure global changes, regional
challenges, Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 24
September 2009
EC Framework Programme research
  • Integrated research on the functioning of climate
    and the earth system, including the polar
    regions, to observe and analyse how these systems
    evolve and predict their future evolution.
  • Study impacts and provide tools to analyse the
    effectiveness, costs and benefits of different
    policy options for mitigation and adaptation
  • Improve existing climate-friendly technologies
    and developing the technologies of the future

EC Framework Programme and global environmental
change research
  • From 2003 to 2006, FP6 funded 280 projects in
    the activity Global Change and Ecosystems with a
    budget of 853 M.
  • From 2007 to 2013, FP7 has a budget 1890 M for
    funding research on Environment (including
    Climate change)
  • On Climate Research, since 2003, more than 134
    projects representing an overall budget of 543 M
    of EC financial support contributed to
  • our knowledge on the climate and earth system
  • the understanding of the impacts of climate
    change and
  • the identification of options for mitigation and
    adaption including costs
  • For information on EC-funded climate change
    research projectshttp//ec.europa.eu/research/en

Establishing links with science-users

Adaptation/mitigation Strategies Research
ADAM Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies
Supporting European Climate Policy
Key findings and achievements
  • Development of portfolio of long-term policy
    options / scenarios that could contribute to the
    EUs 2C target and targets for adaptation
  • 550 ppm means a 15 probability to reach the 2C
    target - with 450 ppm the probability is 50 -
    with 400 ppm 75
  • Development of innovative mitigation and
    adaptation strategies
  • Significant contribution to climate change policy
    developments through regular policy briefs
  • Results highlighting that GHG emissions can be
    technically reduced in Europe by up to 80 by

24 partners from Europe, EC contribution of 12.9
M, end July 2009 International partners
China, India
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) is
  • A key global science-policy interface
  • It is the leading body for the assessment of
    climate change
  • IPCC reports and assessments highly relevant for
    EU policy
  • FP contributes to IPCC AR

Climate research in time for the IPCC 5th AR
EC-funded research projects are managed to
deliver results in time for the IPCC 5th
ARExamples (a) ENSEMBLES Emission scenarios at
450ppm CO2eq (2009) CARBOOCEAN Future
CO2-uptake by oceans under various climate
conditions (2011) CCTAME impacts of
agricultural, climate, energy, forestry and other
associated land-use policies (2011)
Climate research with global scope
International co-operation in FP7
Contributing states
FP7 is a research programme open to the world,
with a total 39 Countries
1 Albania 2 Austria 3 Belgium 4 Bosnia
Herzegovina 5 Bulgaria 6 Croatia 7 Cyprus 8
Czech Republic 9 Denmark 10 Estonia 11 Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 12 Finland 13
France 14 Germany 15 Greece 16 Hungary 17
Iceland 18 Ireland 19 Israel
20 Italy 21 Latvia 22 Liechtenstein 23
Lithuania 24 Luxembourg 25 Malta 26 Montenegro
27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30
Portugal 31 Romania 32 Serbia 33 Slovakia 34
Slovenia 34 Spain 36 Sweden 37 Switzerland 38
Turkey 39 United Kingdom
  • Opening of the FP
  • FP7 is open to participation of all countries of
    the world
  • Funding of ICPC countries
  • Two approaches
  • Specific international co-operation actions
    (SICA) dedicated to developing countries and
    emerging economies
  • INCO leveraging/supporting instruments
  • International agreements
  • Association to the FP
  • ST cooperation agreements
  • International Co-operation Partner Country (ICPC)

CC impacts on water ressources New research
HIGHNOON Adaptation to changing water resources
availability in Northern India with Himalayan
glacier retreat and changing monsoon
  • Assessment of impact of Himalayan glaciers
    retreat and possible changes of the Indian summer
    monsoon on the spatial and temporal distribution
    of water resources
  • Recommendations for appropriate and efficient
    response strategies for adaptation
  • Improvement of climate forecast skills at
    regional scale
  • Integrate of socio-economic drivers in climate
    change studies

Glacier Shorong, Nepal
10 partners from Europe, EC contribution of 3.3
M, end May 2012 International partners India,
Regional CC impacts on La Plata Basin
CLARIS LPB project Hydroclimate and Society in
La Plata Basin
  • Contribution to the LPB Regional Hydroclimate
  • Development of regional hydroclimate scenarios
    for climate impact studies, including land-use,
    hydropower, floods, river transportation,
    ecological systems for 2010-2040
  • Designs of adaptation strategies for rural
    development in the most vulnerable areas

CC impacts in the Artic
DAMOCLES Understanding Climate Change in the
Arctic by observing and modelling
First ever coupled downscaling of global
scenarios for the Arctic
Arctic summer sea ice extent in global and
downscaling models. Different regionalization
indicate uncertainty due to Arctic variability
rapid change events occur in the regional model
Tara expedition
  • Highlighting continuing negative trend of ice
  • Arctic sea ice is getting thinner as well as
  • Large pool of freshwater pilling up in the Arctic
    ocean with release risks in the Fram strait

44 partners from Europe, EC contribution of 16.1
M, end December 2009 International partners
Achievements of EC research
  • Activities undertaken at EC level on
  • Climate Research, significantly contributed to
  • structuring of the European Research Area
  • ensuring contributions from European research
    teams to international research programs (i.e.
    WCRP, IGBP) and assessments on climate change
  • involving non-EC partners, in particular
    researchers from developing countries.
  • For a large set of environmental issues,
    research at the EC or international level is seen
    by researchers as most relevant.

Climate research in time for the IPCC 5th AR
EC-funded research projects are managed to
deliver results in time for the IPCC 5th
ARExamples (a) ENSEMBLES Emission scenarios at
450ppm CO2eq (2009) CARBOOCEAN Future
CO2-uptake by oceans under various climate
conditions (2011) CCTAME impacts of
agricultural, climate, energy, forestry and other
associated land-use policies (2011)
  • EU-funded research establishes close links with
    international policy developments
  • At EU level, direct support to policy
    developments and implementation with
    participation of policy-makers and stakeholders
    in research consortia and involvement of
    scientists in policy discussions
  • At international level, Europe carry out
    worldwide and multidisciplinary research on
    climate change

  • Need for strengthening the efficient transfer of
    research knowledge to policy-makers
  • On the communication of uncertainties to
    policy-makers, the research community could
    contribute by strengthening their activities on
    the description of scientific uncertainties. The
    IPCC did some valuable contribution to this issue
    but more interaction between scientists and
    socio-economists are required for the provision
    of common agreed concepts and metrics on
    uncertainties of relevance to policy-making
  • Interactions and transfer of knowledge between
    research teams involved in global modeling,
    regional modeling, impact models, economic models
    and integrated assessment models are particularly
  • Need for continous support of integrated climate

Thank you very much for your attention More
info on http//ec.europa.eu/research
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