Title: Task 1: The Learning Task Identify which basic geometric
1Task 1 The Learning TaskIdentify which basic
geometric primitives (prisms, cylinders, cones,
spheres) can be modified and combined in a 3D
modeling program to model real world objects.
(see example) Also identify those part of objects
which are most suited to freehand modeling.
2Task 2 Learning capability types are Cognitive
strategy, Intellectual skill, Motor skill and.
The cognitive strategy is the prime focus of this
learning task and assumes that some previous
tasks in the intellectual/motor realms have been
attempted. Performances are creating,
modifying, and manipulating the 3D shapes in the
program, (intellectual) mastering the 3D
controls such as trackball tools, camera views,
(motor) and making decisions about which
primitives to combine and modify to construct a
complex object, (cognitive strategy).
3Task 3 Most at play is the cognitive strategy
and I think the external conditions would best
describe the context as the deconstructing of
objects into possible solutions involves novel
problem situations with class of solution
4Task 4 Learning outcome type cognitive
strategy, Essential Prerequisites/intellectual
skills how to create primitives, how to modify
primitives, how to extrude non-symetrical shapes,
Supporting pre-requisites ?
5Task 5 Analyse real world objects pen, desk
lamp, soft drink machine, and sketch potential
solutions, Share/compare solutions, possibly in
groups, study examples as a class.