Civics 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Civics 9


In 1918 after 20 million people died in the First World War the ... Kofi Annan (1997-2006) Boutros Boutros Ghali (1992-1996) Javier Perez de Cuellar (1982-1991) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Civics 9

Civics 9 Unit FourteenThe United Nations
History of the United Nations
  • In 1918 after 20 million people died in the First
    World War the League of Nations died to encourage
    peace and cooperation
  • The league had no standing army to ensure its
    decisions were enforced
  • Powerful nations did not cooperate so it failed
  • Read about the League of Nations here
  • After the Second World War the United Nations was
    founded in 1945 at the San Francisco Conference

The United Nations Charter
  • The charter is like the constitution of a country
  • The charter lists a set of aims and principles
  • Maintain international peace and security
  • Develop friendly relations between nations
  • Encourage international cooperation
  • Promote respect for human rights
  • Fight ignorance, poverty, hunger, and disease
  • Every member state must
  • Regard all other member nations as equal
  • Fulfil the aims of the Charter
  • Settle disputes peacefully
  • Not interfere with internal affairs of another
  • Read about the United Nations here

  • Membership in the United Nations is open to all
    peace-loving, self-governing nations
  • New members are admitted to the General Assembly
    on the recommendation of the Security Council
  • If a country disobeys the charter it can be
    suspended or expelled
  • On the right is the flag of the United Nations

General Assembly
  • Acts as a parliament where debates, discussions,
    and recommendations are made
  • Meets once a year
  • Each country has one vote and can send only five
  • The General Assembly
  • Elects new members
  • Acts as a world diplomatic centre
  • Control the UN budget
  • Supervise the work of UN agencies
  • On the right is a picture of the General Assembly

Security Council
  • The Security Council has 5 permanent members (UK,
    USA, France, Russia, and China) and 10 elected
  • The permanent members have a veto. If one
    permanent member disagrees with a decision it
    does not pass.
  • The Security Council
  • Investigates disputes which may threaten peace
  • Recommend how disputes should be settled
  • Apply economic sanctions against uncooperative
  • Dispatch UN peace keeping forces to conflict areas

The Secretariat
  • This is the civil service of the UN
  • Employs 25,000 civil servants in 150 countries
  • Is headed by the Secretary General
  • The Secretary General is appointed by the General
    Assembly for a term of five years, but can be
    asked to serve for more than one term
  • Other jobs include
  • Informing the Security Council on threats to
    international peace
  • Preparing United Nations reports
  • Keeping financial accounts of the UN
  • Providing personnel to translate into six
    official languages (English, French, Arabic,
    Chinese, Spanish, and Russian)
  • Advising the Security Council on world problems

Secretary Generals
  • The current Secretary-General is Ban Ki Moon,
    from South Korea (picture on the right)
  • Other secretary generals have been
  • Kofi Annan (1997-2006)
  • Boutros Boutros Ghali (1992-1996)
  • Javier Perez de Cuellar (1982-1991)
  • Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)
  • U Thant (1961-1971)
  • Dag Hammerskjold (1953-1961)
  • Trygve Lie (1946-1952)

Other UN Bodies
  • Economic and Social Council
  • Coordinates the work of specialized agencies
  • Promotes international cooperation and helps poor
  • Promotes human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • Prepares draft conventions
  • Discusses social and economic issues
  • Trusteeship Council
  • Mainly established to protect countries that were
    not yet independent
  • International Court of Justice
  • Sits in The Hague, Netherlands
  • Fifteen judges elected by the General Assembly
    and the Security Council
  • Settles disputes among member states
  • Also advises the UN on legal matters

  • Why did the League of Nations fail?
  • When was the UN formed?
  • What are the aims and principles of the UN?
  • Give two conditions to join the UN.
  • What are the functions of the
  • General Assembly
  • Economic and Social Council
  • Secretariat
  • International Court of Justice

  • The League of Nations failed because powerful
    nations did not cooperate with it and it had no
    standing army to enforce its decisions.
  • The UN was formed in 1945, after the Second World
  • The aims and principles of the UN are to maintain
    international peace and security, develop
    friendly relations between nations, encourage
    international cooperation, promote respect for
    human rights, and to fight ignorance, poverty,
    hunger, and disease.
  • To be a member of the United Nations, a member
    must be peace loving and self-governing.
  • The General Assembly acts as a parliament where
    debates, discussions, and recommendations are
  • The Economic and Social Council coordinates the
    work of specialized agencies, promotes
    international cooperation, helps poor nations,
    promotes human rights and fundamental freedoms,
    prepares draft conventions and discusses social
    and economic issues.
  • The Secretariat is the civil service of the UN.
    It carries out UN policy, manages the UN budget,
    provides translation services, and informing the
    Security Council on international issues.
  • The International Court of Justice rules on
    disputes between member nations and provides
    legal advice to the UN.
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