Message Authentication and Hash Functions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Message Authentication and Hash Functions


e.g., ASCII text, an appended checksum, or use of layered protocols ... Append an error-detecting code (frame check sequence ... is appended at the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Message Authentication and Hash Functions

Message Authentication and Hash Functions
  • Authentication Requirements
  • Authentication Functions
  • Message Authentication Codes
  • Hash Functions
  • Security of Hash Functions and MACs

Authentication Requirements
  • Kind of attacks (threats) in the context of
    communications across a network
  • Disclosure
  • Traffic analysis
  • Masquerade
  • Content modification
  • Sequence modification
  • Timing modification
  • Repudiation
  • Measures to deal with first two attacks
  • In the realm of message confidentiality, and are
    addressed with encryption
  • Measures to deal with items 3 thru 6
  • Message authentication
  • Measures to deal with items 7
  • Digital signature

Authentication Requirements
  • Message authentication
  • A procedure to verify that messages come from the
    alleged source and have not been altered
  • Message authentication may also verify sequencing
    and timeliness
  • Digital signature
  • An authentication technique that also includes
    measures to counter repudiation by either source
    or destination

Authentication Functions
Authentication Functions
  • Message authentication or digital signature
    mechanism can be viewed as having two levels
  • At lower level there must be some sort of
    functions producing an authenticator a value to
    be used to authenticate a message
  • This lower level functions is used as primitive
    in a higher level authentication protocol
  • Three classes of functions that may be used to
    produce an authenticator
  • Message encryption
  • Ciphertext itself serves as authenticator
  • Message authentication code (MAC)
  • A public function of the message and a secret key
    that produces a fixed-length value that serves as
    the authenticator
  • Hash function
  • A public function that maps a message of any
    length into a fixed-length hash value, which
    serves as the authenticator

Message Encryption
Authentication Functions
  • Conventional encryption can serve as
  • Conventional encryption provides authentication
    as well as confidentiality
  • Requires recognizable plaintext or other
    structure to distinguish between well-formed
    legitimate plaintext and meaningless random bits
  • e.g., ASCII text, an appended checksum, or use of
    layered protocols

Basic Uses of Message Encryption
Authentication Functions
Authentication Functions
Ways of Providing Structure
  • Append an error-detecting code (frame check
    sequence (FCS)) to each message

Authentication Functions
Ways of Providing Structure - 2
  • Suppose all the datagrams except the IP header is
  • If an opponent substituted some arbitrary bit
    pattern for the encrypted TCP segment, the
    resulting plaintext would not include a
    meaningful header

Authentication Functions
Confidentiality and Authentication Implications
of Message Encryption
Message Authentication Code
Authentication Functions
  • Uses a shared secret key to generate a fixed-size
    block of data (known as a cryptographic checksum
    or MAC) that is appended to the message
  • MAC CK(M)
  • Assurances
  • Message has not been altered
  • Message is from alleged sender
  • Message sequence is unaltered (requires internal
  • Similar to encryption but MAC algorithm needs not
    be reversible

Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of MAC
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of MAC
Why Use MACs?
Authentication Functions
  • i.e., why not just use encryption?
  • Cleartext stays clear
  • MAC might be cheaper
  • Broadcast
  • Authentication of executable codes
  • Architectural flexibility
  • Separation of authentication check from message

Hash Function
Authentication Functions
  • Converts a variable size message M into fixed
    size hash code H(M) (Sometimes called a message
  • Can be used with encryption for authentication
  • E(M H)
  • M E(H)
  • M signed H
  • E( M signed H ) gives confidentiality
  • M H( M K )
  • E( M H( M K ) )

Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Message Authentication Codes
  • MAC CK(M)
  • Key length requirements
  • Sufficient key length to thwart brute force

Brute-force Attacks on MACs
  • Let k key length, n MAC length
  • Suppose confidentiality is not employed i.e.,
    the opponent has access to plaintext messages and
    their associated MACs
  • If k gt n
  • Brute force gives 2(k-n) candidate keys
  • Given known M1 and MAC1, with MAC1CK1(M1), the
    cryptanalyst can perform MACi CKi(M1) for all
    possible key values Ki.
  • Al least one key is guaranteed to produce a match
  • On average, a total of 2k/2n 2(k-n) keys will
    produce a match
  • Second round (new M and MAC) reduces this to
    2(k-2n) candidate keys
  • On average, this requires k/n rounds
  • If k ? n, one round should suffice

Attacks on MACs
  • Other attacks are possible, depending on the MAC
  • E.g., consider the following MAC algorithm
  • Let M (X1 X2 Xm) be a message that
    is treated as a concatenation of 64-bit blocks Xi
  • Define ?(M) X1 ? X2 ? ... ? Xm Ck(M)
  • The opponent can attack the system as follows
  • Replace Xi by Yi for i 1 to m-1
  • Calculate Ym to produce the right checksum, and
    replace Xm by Ym
  • Ym Y1 ? Y2 ? ... ? Ym-1 ? ?(M)
  • The new message, Y1 thru Ym, with the original
    MAC will be accepted as authentic by the receiver
  • With this tactic, any message of length 64 ?
    (m-1) bits can be fraudulently inserted

Requirements for MAC Functions
  • Assume that an opponent knows the MAC function C
    but does not know K. Then the MAC function should
    have the following properties
  • Given M and Ck(M), it must be computationally
    infeasible to construct M s.t. Ck(M) Ck(M)
  • CK(M) should be uniformly distributed in the
    sense that for any M and M, PrCk(M) Ck(M)
    should be 2-n, where n is the length of the MAC
  • Let M be equal to some known transformation on
    M. That is, M f(M). In that case, PrCk(M)
    Ck(M) 2-n,

MAC Based on DES
  • Last block of DES CBC, with IV 0
  • Referred to as Data Authentication Algorithm
    (FIPS PUB 113 and ANSI standard (X9.17))
  • Data Authentication Code (DAC) consists of 16 to
    64 leftmost bits of ON

Hash Functions
Hash Functions
  • h H(M)
  • M is a variable-length message, h is a
    fixed-length hash value, H is a hash function
  • The hash value is appended at the source
  • The receiver authenticates the message by
    recomputing the hash value
  • Because the hash function itself is not
    considered to be secret, some means is required
    to protect the hash value

Hash Function Requirements
Hash Functions
  • H can be applied to any size data block
  • H produces fixed-length output
  • H(x) is relatively easy to compute for any given
  • H is one-way, i.e., given h, it is
    computationally infeasible to find any x s.t. h
  • H is weakly collision resistant given x, it is
    computationally infeasible to find any y ? x
    s.t. H(x) H(y)
  • H is strongly collision resistant it is
    computationally infeasible to find any x and y
    s.t. H(x) H(y)

Hash Function Requirements
Hash Functions
  • One-way property is essential for authentication
  • Weak collision resistance is necessary to prevent
  • Strong collision resistance is important for
    resistance to birthday attack

Simple Hash Functions
Hash Functions
  • Operation of hash functions
  • The input is viewed as a sequence of n-bit blocks
  • The input is processed one block at a time in an
    iterative fashion to produce an n-bit hash
  • Simplest hash function Bitwise XOR of every
  • Ci bi1 ? bi2 ? ? bim
  • Ci i-th bit of the hash code, 1 ? i ? n
  • m number of n-bit blocks in the input
  • bij i-th bit in j-th block
  • Known as longitudinal redundancy check
  • Not useful as a one-way function
  • Less effective in some cases
  • E.g., if only 7-bit out of 8-bit characters is
    used in text files, the 128-bit hash value is
    effectively 112-bit
  • We will encounter strong hash functions in
    Chapter 9

Simple Hash Functions
Hash Functions
  • Improvement over the simple bitwise XOR
  • Initially set the n-bit hash value to zero
  • Process each successive n-bit block of data as
  • Rotate the current hash value to the left by one
  • XOR the block into the hash value

Birthday Paradox for Birthday Attack
Birthday Attack
  • Given a hash function H with n possible outputs
    and a specific value h, how many random inputs
    must we test before our chance of finding some x
    s.t. h H(x) is greater than ½ ?
  • Obviously it is n/2
  • For any single value y, Prh H(y) 1/n
  • Equivalently, Prh ? H(y) 1-1/n
  • If we generate k random values, the probability
    that none of them matches h is 1-1/nk
  • The binomial theorem states that(1-a)k 1 - ka
    - (k(k-1)/2!)a2 (k(k-1)(k-2)/3!)a3
  • For small a, this is approximately 1 - ka
  • So the probability that one of the k random
    values matches is 1-(1-1/n)k ? k/n
  • For probability ½, k ? n/2

Birthday Paradox
Birthday Attack
  • Given k random inputs, what is the chance that
    any two of them produce the same output?
  • Let Prn, k be the probability that among k
    independently selected random values taken from n
    possible values, there is at least one duplicate
  • Let Q(n, k) denote the probability of no
  • Let N(k) be the number of different ways we can
    have k values with no duplicates
  • N(1) n
  • N(2) n ? n-1
  • N(3) n ? n-1 ? n-2
  • N(k) n ? n-1 ? n-2 ? n-k1 n!/(n-k)!
  • Q(n, k) n!/((n-k)! ? nk)
  • If we allow duplicates, the number of selections
    is nk
  • Prn, k 1 - Q(n, k)
  • Example Pr365, k is approximately ½ when k is

Birthday Paradox
Birthday Attack
Birthday Paradox - Generalization
Birthday Attack
  • Rewriting, Prn, k 1 - (n ? (n-1) ? ?
    (n-k1))/nk 1 - (n-1)/n ? (n-2)/n ? ?
    (n-k1)/n 1 - (1 - 1/n) ? (1 - 2/n) ? ? (1 -
  • Because (1-x) ? e-x for all x ? 0, we can
    writePrn, k ? 1 - (e-1/n ? e-2/n ? ?
    e-(k-1)/n)? 1 - e-(1/n 2/n (k-1)/n)? 1 -
    e-(k ? (k-1))/2n
  • Solving for Prn, k ? 0.5, 1/2 1 - e-(k ?
    (k-1))/2n, so1/2 e-(k ? (k-1))/2n, so2 e(k
    ? (k-1))/2n, soln(2) (k ? (k-1))/2n
  • For large k, k ? k-1, giving ln(2) ? k2/2n
  • ln(2) ? 1.18, so we have 1.18 ? k2/2n, so k ?
    1.18 ?n
  • In rough terms, k ? ?n

Birthday Paradox - Generalization
Birthday Attack
  • Let a hash function H have m-bit output (i.e., 2m
    possible outputs). What is the value of k s.t.
    if H is applied to k random inputs, a duplicate
    is likely? (i.e., H(x)H(y) for some inputs x and
  • Approximately k 2m/2

Birthday Paradox Overlap bet. Two Sets
Birthday Attack
  • Given a random variable that is an integer with
    uniform distribution between 1 and n and two sets
    of k instances (k ? n) of the random variable,
    let R(n, k) be the probability that two sets are
    not disjoint i.e., the probability that there is
    at least one value found in both.
  • What value of k is required s.t. R(n,k) gt 0.5 ?
  • Approximately k ? ?n
  • Suppose we have a hash function H, with 2m
    possible outputs (i.e., an m-bit output). Apply H
    to k random inputs to produce the set X and again
    to k additional random inputs to produce the set
    Y. What must be the value of k so that there is
    the probability of at least one match between the
    two sets i.e., H(x) H(y) for some inputs x ?
    X, y ? Y ?
  • K 2m/2

Birthday Attack
Birthday Attack
  • If the adversary can generate 2m/2 variants of a
    valid message and an equal number of fraudulent
  • The two sets are compared to find one message
    from each set with a common hash value
  • The valid message is offered for signature
  • The fraudulent message with the same hash value
    is inserted in its place
  • If a 64-bit hash code is used, the level of
    effort is only on the order of 232
  • Conclusion the length of the hash code must be

Birthday Attack
Generating 2m/2 Variants of Valid Messages
  • Insert a number of
  • space-backspace-space
  • character pairs between
  • words throughout the
  • document.
  • Variations could then be
  • generated by substituting
  • space-backspace-space
  • in selected instances
  • Alternatively, simply
  • reword the message but
  • retain the meaning

Block Chaining Technique Hash Function
Hash Function
  • A number of proposals for hash functions based on
    using a cipher block chaining technique, but
    without the secret key
  • Ravins proposal
  • Divide a message M into fixed-size blocks M1, M2,
    , MN and use a conventional encryption system
    such as DES to compute the hash code G as follows
  • H0 initial value
  • Hi EMiHi-1
  • G HN
  • Similar to CBC technique, but no secret key
  • As with any hash code, subject to the birthday
  • If DES is used, and only a 64-bit hash code is
    produced, then the system is vulnerable
  • Another version of birthday attack is possible

Birthday Attack to Block Chaining Techniques
Hash Function
  • Assume the opponent intercepts a message with a
    signature in the form of an encrypted hash code
    and the unencrypted hash code is m bits long
  • Use the algorithm (Ravins) to calculate the
    unencrypted hash code G
  • Construct any desired message in the form Q1, Q2,
    , QN-2
  • Compute Hi EQiHi-1 for 1 ? i ? (N-2)
  • Generate 2m/2 random blocks for each block X,
    compute EXHN-2. Generate an additional 2m/2
    random blocks for each block Y, compute DYG.
  • Based on birthday paradox, with high probability
    there will be an X and Y s.t. EXHN-2 DYG
  • Form the message Q1, Q2, , QN-2, X, Y. This
    message has the hash code G and therefore can be
    used with the intercepted encrypted signature

Brute-Force Attack of Hash Functions
Security of Hash Functions and MACs
  • Three desirable properties of hash functions
  • One-way For any given code h, it is
    computationally infeasible to find x s.t. H(x)
  • Weak collision resistance For any given block x,
    it is computationally infeasible to find y ? x
    s.t. H(y) H(x)
  • Strong collision resistance It is
    computationally infeasible to find any pair (x,
    y) s.t. H(y) H(x)
  • Brute-force attack on n-bit hash code
  • One-way and weak collision require 2n effort
  • Strong collision requires 2n/2 effort
  • ? If strong collision resistance is required (and
    this is desirable for a general-purpose secure
    hash code), 2n/2 determines the strength of hash
    code against brute-force attack
  • Currently, two most popular hash codes, SHA-1 and
    RIPEMD-160, provide a 160-bit hash code length

Brute-Force Attack of MACs
Security of Hash Functions and MACs
  • Desired security property of a MAC algorithm
  • Computation resistance Given one or more
    text-MAC pairs (xi, CK(xi)), it is
    computationally infeasible to compute any
    text-MAC pair (x, CK(x)) for any new input x ?
  • Brute-force attack on key space or MAC space
  • Brute-force key space search for k-bit key
  • See p.19
  • Overall effort is roughly 2k
  • Brute-force MAC space search for n-bit MAC value
  • Overall effort is roughly 2n
  • The level of effort for brute-force attack on a
    MAC algorithm is min(2k, 2n)
  • It is required min(k, n) ? N, where N ? 128

  • Prob. 8.2
  • Prob. 8.4
  • Prob. 8.5
  • Prob. 8.6
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