Title: Guy Consterdine
2Combining print TVHow the communication works
Guy Consterdine Guy Consterdine Associates FIPP
Research Consultant
3Magazines effective, versatile medium
- When used on own
- When combined with TV, internet or other media
- Magazines TV complement each other
- Improved distribution of ad exposures
- Communication
4Distribution of ad exposure
- Many people are light TV viewers
- Light viewers do read magazines
- Therefore combining TV with appropriate magazines
improves coverage - Better targeting
5UK example
- Compare
- 100 of budget in TV
- 75 in TV, 25 in magazines
- Examine by weight-of-viewing groups
- Where best to spend the final 25 of budget
on more TV or in magazines?
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8Country by country variation
- This precise pattern depends on relative
cost-per-rating-point of TV and magazines - UK favourable to magazines
- Other countries may be less, or more, favourable
to magazines - But in all countries magazines will improve
distribution of exposures
9If spend last 25 of budget on magazines
- Big improvement in distribution of exposures
- Solves problem of reaching light viewers, the
affluent, the better educated
10The media moment
- Typical set of circumstances in which a medium is
consumed - Absorbing Media survey PPA, 2002
11The television moment
- Window on the world
- TV sets are frequently just left on
- Most watching is on casual basis
- Low engagement except certain items
- During ads, focus is on other activities
- Lack of control over whats available to view
- Multi-channel homes are somewhat different
12The magazine moment
- Intensely personal experience
- Reader is absorbed
- Cocooned from external intrusion
- Read in relaxed situation treasured
- Readers like active input selecting, dipping in
- Controlled by user read in an order and pace
which suits the individual
13TV and magazines
- Communicate in different but complementary ways
- The communication delivered by TV can be enhanced
by adding magazines
14Research into communication effects
- Multiplying The Media Effect UK, 1987
- The Media Multiplier, UK, 1990
- Followed by similar studies in Italy, Canada and
other countries
15Multiplying The Media Effect
- Magazine Marketplace Group (linked to PPA)
- 7 real mixed-media campaigns
- Respondents users of product field in question
- Hall tests
- Each respondent shown 2 or 3 campaigns
- Magazine ad and TV commercial shown from same
16Multiplying The Media Effect
- Question after exposure to each ad
Please tell me everything that passed through
your mind while you were looking at the
advertisement, whether or not it was actually
connected with it - Replies recorded verbatim detailed analysis
- Sequence of ads carefully controlled
17Birds Eye Country ClubRange of frozen vegetables
- Magazine ad (compared with TV ad)
- Provoked greater range of thoughts
- More emphasis on the vegetables (e.g. variety,
18Birds Eye Country ClubRange of frozen vegetables
- When sequence was TV magazine - TV
- Noticed individual vegetables in TV commercial
much more the second time commercial seen - Magazine ad had made them more aware of the range
of vegetables - This affected the way they then experienced TV
- Magazine ad enhanced the response to the TV
19MilkSkimmed, semi-skimmed whole milk
- Magazine ad (compared with TV ad)
- Communicated more awareness of the 3 types of
milk - Provoked more thoughts about the 3 types
20MilkSkimmed, semi-skimmed whole milk
- When sequence was TV magazine - TV
- More aware of skimmed semi-skimmed milk in TV
commercial the second time it was seen - Magazine ad had made them more aware of the
varieties of milk - This affected the way they then experienced TV
- A different stimulus in a different medium had
enhanced the way subsequent TV ad was understood
21Danish bacon(Bacon sizzling in frying pan)
- Magazine ad (compared with TV ad)
- Generated more thoughts about food appeal -
appetising, hungry etc
22Danish bacon(Bacon sizzling in frying pan)
- When sequence was TV magazine - TV
- Far more appetising-type thoughts when seeing
second TV ad, than among control sample who only
saw two TV ads - Magazine ad had affected responses to subsequent
TV ad
23British media-multiplier communication studies
- Total of 19 TVmagazines campaigns
- Communication effects examined
- All showed multiplier effects
24Print can...
- Lead people to perceive TV commercial in new
ways, and look for details - Encourage more response to the commercial
- Add extra information or messages
- Re-inforce the TV message
- Expand the TV message
- Help understanding of the TV message
25Print can...
- Strengthen brand identification
- Make the product more accessible
- Focus more on product-oriented messages
- Create a more positive feeling towards product
- Benefits heightened by building creative links
- Benefit is two-way
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