Title: Using SIP Tool for Building Technology Plan
1Using SIP Tool for Building Technology
Plan Quickie Directions for Pre-existing
Complete SIP Plan Point your browser to
Step 1
Username e-mail address Password as assigned
by district Click on Login
Step 2
Click on View my applications
2Step 3
Click on School Improvement Planning Tool.
Step 4
IF you are assigned to more than one building,
select the building you wish to work on.
3Step 5
Since you have already created a complete SIP
plan using the online tool, click on the Go
button next to view an existing or archived
Step 6
Click on the Select Plan button next to your
current plan.
4Step 7
Put a check next to Building-Level Technology
Plan as your plan type, along with any other
specialized plan types you may be working on.
Step 8
Click on either Save button.
5Step 9
Click on the Plan tab (Tab 6).
Step 10
Click on the Craft Action Plan on the left
navigation menu.
6Step 11
Click on the Add Quick Start Goals link.
Step 12
Click on the Goal Title (i.e., Technology
Literacy or Mathematics).
7Step 13
Select a Goal Type from the pull-down menu to
match your Goal Title (i.e., Technology
Literacy), then click Save.
Step 14
Repeat Steps 12 and 13 for all goals, then click
8Step 15
Click on a Strategy for one of your Goals (i.e.,
Integrate technology).
Step 16
Select a Strategy Type (or Types) from the
pull-down menu to match your Strategy (i.e.,
Technology integration to support learning), then
click Save.
9Step 17
Click on Back to Goals.
Step 18
Repeat Steps 15-17 for all Strategies for each of
your Goals (Note the category for at least one
Goal or Strategy MUST involve technology!).
10Step 19
If you would like to view your entire Building
Technology Plan or print it, click on Create
Report on the left-navigation on any screen.
Step 20
Click on the Technology Building-Level Plan
link to view and/or print your plan.