Title: Mechanisms in the Formation of Complex Networks
1Mechanisms in the Formation of Complex Networks
- Luis A. Nunes Amaral
- Northwestern University
- Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Frontiers of Science Pavia, Sept 8-11, 2003
2Complex networks ubiquity in Complex Systems
3From graphs to network theory
- Graphs
- Random graphs
- Small-world networks
- Scale-free networks
- Degree distrs. in small-world networks
4Konigsbergs bridges puzzle
Euler (1736)
5Topology Regular Graphs and Solids
- Tiling of the plane and higher-dimensional spaces
- Relation between number of edges, faces and
vertices in d-dimensional solids - Etc
Many people.
6d-dimensional graphsVoronoi lattices
- Voronoi cells tile the plane and
higher-dimensional spaces - Properties asymptotically similar to
d-dimensional lattices
7Random graphs
- Percolation threshold
- Degree distribution, P(k)
- Typical path length, L
- Clustering coefficient, C
Rapaport, Bull Math Biophys 13, 107
(1951) Kochen Pool Erdos Renyi
8Asymptotic behavior
Random graph
9Social networksMilgrams experiment
Milgram, Psych Today 2, 60 (1967)
10Six-degrees of separation
Milgram, Psych Today 2, 60 (1967)
11Real-world networks
- Percolation threshold
- Degree distribution, P(k)
- Typical path length, L
- Clustering coefficient, C
12Small-world networks
N 1000
- Large clustering coeff.
- Short typical path
Watts Strogatz, Nature 393, 440 (1998)
13Ubiquity of small-world networks
Phys Rev Lett 83, 3180 (1999) Newman Watts,
Phys Lett A 263, 341 (1999) Barrat Weigt, Eur
Phys J B 13, 547 (2000)
14Scale-free networks
Actors Movies
Web-pages Hyper-links
Nodes Links
Trans. stations Power lines
Barabasi Albert, Science 286, 509 (1999)
15Single-scale small-world networks
Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 97, 11149 (2000)
16Scale-free and truncated scale-free networks
Nature 411, 907 (2001) Phys Rev Lett 88, 138701
17Classes of small-world networksCosts and
Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 97, 11149 (2000)
18Basic mechanisms
- Physical proximity
- d-dimensional ordered or disordered graphs
- Random connections (due to errors?)
- Random graphs with homogeneous nodes that have
very small diameter and lack local structure - Preferential attachment (greedy heuristics?)
- Growing networks following preferential
attachment mechanism become scale-free
(heterogeneous nodes). - Costs, constraints, preferences
- Degree distribution of network will depend on
constraints to establishment of links Some will
be single-scale (egalitarian) and others will be
scale-free (aristocratic).
19Characterization of complex networks
- Diameter, clustering coefficient, degree
distribution - Betweenness centrality
- Number of short paths going through a node
- Communities
- Can one identify cliques within the network?
- Assortativity
- Do highly-connected nodes preferentially connect
to other highly-connected nodes? - Correlations between degree and other quantities
- Local motifs
- What is the structure of the building blocks of
complex networks?
20Complex networks ubiquity in Complex Systems
- Searle Leadership Fund Award for support.
- Collaborators Alex Arenas, Albert Diaz-Guilera,
Andre Moreira, Christofer Edling, Fredrik
Liljeros, Gene Stanley, Marc Barthelemy, Roger
Guimera, and Stefano Mossa. - For reprints and details, check
- http//amaral.northwestern.edu
22Epidemiological models Small-world network of