Title: KelloggRecanati Alumni Club of the MiddleEast
1Kellogg-Recanati Alumni Club of the
- Presentation to KR08
- Stuart Ballan
- 17th February 2005
- Tel 972 54 4319111
- Email stuart_at_msisrael.net
2IntroductionStuart Ballan
- Personal
- 38 years in England, 7 years in Israel
- Business
- 25 years hi-tech, 18 of them in Sales Marketing
- Founder CEO of Mobile Software (Israel) Ltd
- Outsourced Sales Marketing
- Investment Investment Banking services
- Securing German Government grants for Israeli
companies - www.msisrael.net
3IntroductionStuart Ballan - KR History
- Graduated with class of KR04, November 2001
- Founder/editor of KR Handbook (www.kr04.net)
- 100,000 visitors to website, from 35 countries
- Learned the value of the KR Kellogg network
- Understood KR classes can produce far more than
the already demanding course - President of KR Alumni Club
- Since October 2002
- Member of Kellogg Alumni Advisory Board
- Since May 2004
4GraduationWhat does it mean?
- End of a 2 year journey
- Academic studying
- Start of a 20 year journey
- KR Alumni Club
5Positioning the KR Alumni ClubKR takes on a
second meaning!
- KR takes on a second meaning
- KR Kellogg-Recanati
- . and
- KR Knowledge-Relationships
- So what is Knowledge-Relationships?
- Academic program gives the Knowledge
- Alumni Club gives the Relationships
6KR Alumni Club at a glance
- Now
- KR01 KR07, KR-HT01-03
- 370 members
- 3rd largest of 47 International Kellogg Alumni
Clubs - 27th largest of 92 worldwide Kellogg Alumni Clubs
- By Q4 2005
- KR01 KR08, KR-HT01-03
- 420 members
7Several Alumni Clubs .
- When you graduate, you become members of
- The Kellogg-Recanati Alumni Club
- The Kellogg Alumni Club
- The Recanati Alumni Club
- and can participate in events of all Clubs
- Responsibility of President of KR Alumni Club
- Develop the Kellogg-Recanati Alumni Club
- Coordinate with the Kellogg Alumni Club
- Coordinate with the Recanati Alumni Club
8The 2003 KR Alumni SurveyObjective Provide
focus for the KR Alumni Club Board
- 61 response rate
- Shows remarkable desire of alumni to contribute
to shaping the future of the KR Alumni Club - Knowledge
- Enable the KR Alumni Board to organize and
deliver the types of events and activities that
the majority of the KR Alumni want - KR Assets
- Identified new KR assets, being Alumni Club
members willing to contribute to the Club,
whether it be new potential Board members,
potential sponsors, event organizers, Open Door
hosts, etc
9The 2003 KR Alumni SurveyKR Assets At a
10Alumni EventsKR Alumni Club Board driven events
- Common Interest Activities
- Jeep trips, Wine evenings, Skiing (2004)
- Deans Dinner
- Major annual event Usually November timeframe
- Guest speakers
- From within KR Alumni external
- Open Door events
- Half day visits hosted by key alumni
- KR Alumni website, hosted at Kellogg
- http//kelloggalumni.northwestern.edu/clubs/recana
timideast/ - Direct voice on Kellogg Alumni Advisory Board
11Alumni EventsKR Admin/Faculty driven events
- Extra-curricular activities
- Continued education
- Visiting professor presentations
- Workshops (chargeable)
- Attend current KR classes
- Publications
- KR Newsletter
- Kellogg-World magazine
- KR Alumni website, hosted by KR, in Israel
- http//kr-emba.tau.ac.il/
- Recruiting new KR Students
- KR Alumni involved in interview process
12Alumni EventsOther events in Israel
- Recanati Alumni Club events
- Café_at_Recanati
- Numerous benefits/discounts
- Non-KR related events
- Other prominent non-Israeli business schools, in
Israel - Wharton, Insead, Harvard, etc
- Kellogg-Israel alumni Club
- Kellogg graduates, living in Israel
13Alumni EventsOutside of Israel
- Kellogg Alumni Network
- Global networking
- Alumni get access to the new, online alumni
database, containing 45,000 worldwide Kellogg
alumni - KR Sister programs
- Germany, Hong-Kong, Toronto
14KR Alumni Club structure Who organizes what, how
and when?
- KR Alumni Club has a Board
- Board defines and organizes events for the Alumni
- One or more reps. from each graduated class (KR,
HTMS) - Representative from KR Admin/faculty
- Other graduates, willing to offer their time
- All on a voluntary basis
- About 4 Board meetings a year
- Some Board members have individual
responsibilities (eg by leading specific projects)
15A changing Alumni ClubTransitioning from the
first to second phase
- Alumni Clubs have 3 phases
- University helps the Alumni
- Alumni help the Alumni
- Alumni help the University
- Until 2 years ago, KR Alumni Club was in 1st
phase - University organized annual gathering, etc.
- KR Alumni Club is now firmly in the 2nd phase
- Major focus on Alumni helping Alumni
- KR Board now drives the alumni club and its
16Alumni-helping-alumni Building a culture
- 2002 Deans Dinner
- 2 KR co-sponsors
- 2003 Deans Dinner
- 10 KR co-sponsors
- 2004 Deans Dinner
- 17 KR co-sponsors
17Kellogg Alumni Club AwardsKellogg International
Alumni Club of the Year
- Awards recognize top Alumni Clubs
- 3 Awards ..
- Domestic (US)
- International (Non-US)
- Risen from the Ashes
18Kellogg-Recanati Alumni ClubKellogg
International Alumni Club of the Year
- Major achievement for the
- KR Alumni Club
- The KR Program
- The region
- The Kellogg joint program concept
19Past, Present FutureTransitioning from local
to global value
Kellogg Alumni Advisory Board Formal proposal
Kellogg Club Leaders Forum Formal proposal in
Kellogg Alumni Relations Influencing future
Kellogg Alumni Network Power Up, Success Stories
2 - 3 new events per year Community Projects,
Open Door, new Joint Events, etc
Knowledge-Relationships, Alumni helping
alumni, KR Alumni Survey driven activities,
Rich-content alumni website, Annual charity
raffle, Alumni interviewing KR applicants,
Strong active Alumni Board, Present
alumni club to incoming alumni, Internal website
for KR Board
1 event per year Deans Dinner
4 - 5 events per year Deans Dinner, Joint
Event Apax Partners, Joint Event INSEAD,
Wine Event, Go-Karting
20In Summary
- The KR Alumni Club Board is on a mission
- Give the alumni the events networking the
majority want - To make the KR Alumni Club a key differentiator
for future students selecting an MBA program in
the Middle-East - The KR Alumni Club reaches more than KR Alumni
- Kellogg
- Recanati
- Other top business schools in Israel
- The Alumni Club is run By the Alumni for the
Alumni, with the support of the KR admin. team - You can
- Benefit from the events
- Contribute to the Board
- Both