Chapter 4 Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand

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Chapter 4 Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand


Can assume known or ... Generally assume cost is proportional to number of units of excess ... In this chapter, assume that demand is a random variable ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 4 Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand

Chapter 4Inventory Control Subject to Known
Reasons for Holding Inventories
  • Economies of Scale
  • Uncertainty in delivery leadtimes
  • Speculation. Changing Costs Over Time
  • Smoothing seasonality, Bottlenecks
  • Demand Uncertainty
  • Costs of Maintaining Control System

Characteristics of Inventory Systems
  • Demand
  • May Be Known or Uncertain
  • May be Changing or Unchanging in Time
  • Lead Times - time that elapses from placement of
    order until its arrival. Can assume known or
  • Review Time. Is system reviewed periodically or
    is system state known at all times?

Characteristics of Inventory Systems
  • Treatment of Excess Demand.
  • Backorder all Excess Demand
  • Lose all excess demand
  • Backorder some and lose some
  • Inventory that changes over time
  • perishability
  • obsolescence

Real Inventory Systems ABC ideas
  • This was the true basis of Paretos Economic
  • In a typical Inventory System most companies find
    that their inventory items can be generally
    classified as
  • A Items (the 10 - 20 of skus) that represent up
    to 80 of the inventory value
  • B Items (the 20 30) of the inventory items
    that represent nearly all the remaining worth
  • C Items the remaining 20 30 of the inventory
    items skus) stored in small quantities and/or
    worth very little

Real Inventory Systems ABC ideas and Control
  • A Items must be well studied and controlled to
    minimize expense
  • C Items tend to be overstocked to ensure no
    runouts but require only occasional review
  • See there is an e-lesson on the
    principles of ABC Inventory management check it
    out! do it!

Relevant Costs
  • Holding Costs - Costs proportional to the
    quantity of inventory held. Includes
  • a) Physical Cost of Space (3)
  • b) Taxes and Insurance (2 )
  • c) Breakage Spoilage and Deterioration (1)
  • d) Opportunity Cost of alternative
    investment. (18)
  • (Total 24)
  • h ? .24Cost of product
  • Note Since inventory may be changing on a
    continuous basis, holding cost is proportional to
    the area under the inventory curve.

Lets Try one
  • Problem 4, page 193 cost of inventory
  • Find h first (yearly and monthly)
  • Total holding cost for the given period
  • THC 26666.67
  • Average Annual Holding Cost
  • assumes an average monthly inventory of trucks
    based on on hand data
  • 3333

Relevant Costs (continued)
  • Ordering Cost (or Production Cost).
  • Includes both fixed and variable components.
  • slope c
  • K
  • C(x) K cx for x gt 0 and 0 for x 0.

Relevant Costs (continued)
  • Penalty or Shortage Costs. All costs that accrue
    when insufficient stock is available to meet
    demand. These include
  • Loss of revenue for lost demand
  • Costs of book-keeping for backordered demands

Relevant Costs (continued)
  • Penalty or Shortage Costs. All costs that accrue
    when insufficient stock is available to meet
    demand. These include
  • Loss of goodwill for being unable to satisfy
    demands when they occur.
  • Generally assume cost is proportional to number
    of units of excess demand.

The Simple EOQ Model
  • Assumptions
  • 1. Demand is fixed at l units per unit time.
  • 2. Shortages are not allowed.
  • 3. Orders are received instantaneously. (this
    will be relaxed later).

Simple EOQ Model (cont.)
  • Assumptions (cont.)
  • 4. Order quantity is fixed at Q per cycle. (can
    be proven optimal.)
  • 5. Cost structure
  • a) Fixed and marginal order costs (K cx)
  • b) Holding cost at h per unit held per unit

Inventory Levels for the EOQ Model
The Average Annual Cost Function G(Q)
Modeling Inventory
Subbing Q/? for T
Finding an Optimal Level of Q the so-called
  • Take derivative of the G(Q) equation with respect
    to Q
  • Set derivative equals Zero
  • Solve for Q

Properties of the EOQ (optimal) Solution
  • Q is increasing with both K and ? and decreasing
    with h
  • Q changes as the square root of these quantities
  • Q is independent of the proportional order cost,
    c. (except as it relates to the value of h Ic)

Try ONE!
  • A company sells 145 boxes of BlueMountain
    BobBons/week (a candy)
  • Over the past several months, the demand has been
  • The store uses 25 as a holding factor
  • Candy costs 8/bx ans sells for 12.50/bx
  • Cost of ordering is 35
  • Determine EOQ (Q)

Plugging and chugging
  • h 8.25 2
  • ? 14552 7540

But, Orders usually take time to arrive!
  • This is a realistic relaxation of the EOQ ideas
    but it doesnt change the model
  • This requires the user to know the order Lead
    Time and trigger an order at a point before the
    delivery is needed to not have stock outs
  • In our example, what if lead time is 1 week?
  • We should place an order when we have 145 boxes
    in stock (the one week draw down)
  • Note make sure units of lead time match units in

But, Orders usually take time to arrive!
  • What happens when lead time exceeds T?
  • It is just as before (but we compute ?/T)
  • ? is the lead time is similar units as T
  • Here, in weeks ? 6 weeks then
  • ?/T 6/3.545 1.69
  • Place order 1.69 cycles before we need product
  • Trip Point is then .69Q .69514 356 boxes
  • This trip point is not for the next stock out but
    the one after that (1.7 T from now!) be very

Sensitivity Analysis
  • Let G(Q) be the average annual holding and set-up
    cost function given by
  • and let G be the optimal average annual cost.
    Then it can be shown that

  • We find that this model is quite robust to Q
    errors if holding costs are relatively low
  • We find, given a ?Q
  • that Q ?Q has smaller error than Q - ?Q
  • Error here mean storage costs penalty

EOQ With Finite Production Rate
  • Suppose that items are produced internally at a
    rate P gt ?. Then the optimal production quantity
    to minimize average annual holding and set up
    costs has the same form as the EOQ, namely
  • Except that h is defined as h h(1- ?/P)

This is based on solving
Inventory Levels for Finite Production Rate Model
Lets Try one
  • We work for Sams Active Suspensions
  • They sell after market kits for car Pimpers
  • They have an annual demand of 650 units
  • Production rate is 4/day (250 d/y)
  • Setup takes 2 techs working 45 minutes _at_21/hour
    and requires an expendible tool costing 25

  • Each kit costs 275
  • Sams uses MARR of 18, tax at 3, insurance at
    2 and space cost of 1
  • Determine h, Q, H, T and break T down to
  • T1 production time in a cycle (Q/P)
  • T2 non producing time in a cycle (T T1)

Quantity Discount Models
  • All Units Discounts the discount is applied to
    ALL of the units in the order. Gives rise to an
    order cost function such as that pictured in
    Figure 4-9
  • Incremental Discounts the discount is applied
    only to the number of units above the breakpoint.
    Gives rise to an order cost function such as that
    pictured in Figure 4-10.

All-Units Discount Order Cost Function
Incremental Discount Order Cost Function
Properties of the Optimal Solutions
  • For all units discounts, the optimal will occur
    at the bottom of one of the cost curves or at a
    breakpoint. (It is generally at a breakpoint.).
    One compares the cost at the largest realizable
    EOQ and all of the breakpoints succeeding it.
    (See Figure 4-11).
  • For incremental discounts, the optimal will
    always occur at a realizable EOQ value. Compare
    costs at all realizable EOQs. (See Figure 4-12).

All-Units Discount Average Annual Cost Function
To Find EOQ in All Units discount case
  • Compute Q for each cost type
  • Check for Feasibility (the Q computed is
    applicable to the range) Realizable
  • Compute G(Q) for each of the realizable Qs and
    the break points.
  • Chose Q as the one that has lowest G(Q)

Lets Try one
  • Product cost is 6.50 in orders lt600, 3.50 above
  • Organizational I is 34
  • K is 300 and annual demand is 900

Lets Try one
  • Both of these are Realizable (the value is in
  • Compute G(Q) for both and breakpoint (600)
  • G(Q) c? (?K)/Q (hQ)/2

Order 674 at a time!
Average Annual Cost Function for Incremental
Discount Schedule
In an Incremental Case
  • Cost is strictly a varying function of Q -- It
    varies by interval
  • Calculate a C(Q) for the applied schedule
  • Divide by Q to convert it to a unit cost
  • Build G(Q) equations for each interval
  • Find Q from each Equation
  • Check if Realizable
  • Compute G(Q) for realizable Qs

Trying the previous but as Incremental Case
  • Cost Function Basically states that we pay 6.50
    for each up to 600 then 3.50 for any more
  • C(Q) 6.5(Q), Q ? 600
  • C(Q) 3.5(Q 600) 3900, Q gt 600
  • C(Q)/Q 6.5, Q ? 600
  • C(Q)/Q 3.5 (1800/Q), Q gt 600

Trying the previous but as Incremental Case
  • For the First Interval Q ?(2300900)/(.346.
    50) 495 (realizable)
  • Finding Q is a process of writing a G(Q)
    equation for this range and then differentiation

Differentiating G2(Q)
Now Compute G(Q) for both and cusp
  • G(495) 9006.5 (300900)/495
    .34((6.5495)/2) 6942.43
  • G(600) 9006.5 (300900/600)
    .34((6.5600)/2) 6963.00
  • G(1763) 900(3.5 (1800/1783)) (300900)/1783
    .34(3.5 (1800/1783))(1783/2) 5590.67

Lowest cost purchase 1783 about every 2 years!
Properties of the Optimal Solutions
  • Lets jump back into our teams and do some!

Resource Constrained Multi-Product Systems
  • Consider an inventory system of n items in which
    the total amount available to spend is C and
    items cost respectively c1, c2, . . ., cn. Then
    this imposes the following constraint on the

Resource Constrained Multi-Product Systems
  • When the condition that
  • is met, the solution procedure is
    straightforward. If the condition is not met, one
    must use an iterative procedure involving
    Lagrange Multipliers.

EOQ Models for Production Planning
  • Consider n items with known demand rates,
    production rates, holding costs, and set-up
    costs. The objective is to produce each item once
    in a production cycle. For the problem to be
    feasible we must have that

  • We are interested in the Family MAKESPAN (we wish
    to produce all products within the chosen cycle
  • Underlying Assumptions
  • Setup Cost are not Sequence Dependent (this
    assumption is not accurate as we will later see)
  • Plant uses a Rotation Policy that produces a
    single batch of each product each cycle

EOQ Models for Production Planning
  • The method of solution is to express the average
    annual cost function in terms of the cycle time,
    T. The optimal cycle time has the following
    mathematical form
  • We must assure that this time allows for all
    setups and of production times

Working forward
  • This last statement means
  • ?(sj(Qj/Pj) ? T
  • Since Qj ?jT
  • Subbing
  • ?(sj((?jT )/Pj) ? T
  • T?(?sj/(1- ?j/Pj) Tmin
  • We must Choose T(planned cycle time)

Lets Try Problem 30
Given 20 days/month and 12 month/year 85/hr
for setup
Lets do a QUICK Exploration of Stochastic
Inventory Control (Ch 5)
  • We will examine underlying ideas
  • We base our approaches on Probability Density
    Functions (means std. Deviations)
  • We are concerned with two competing ideas Q and
  • Q (as earlier) an order quantity and R a
    stochastic estimate of reordering time and level
  • Finally we are concerned with Servicing ideas
    how often can we supply vs. not supply a demand
    (adds stockout costs to simple EOQ models)

The Nature of Uncertainty
  • Suppose that we represent demand as
  • D Ddeterministic Drandom
  • If the random component is small compared to the
    deterministic component, the models of chapter 4
    will be accurate. If not, randomness must be
    explicitly accounted for in the model.
  • In this chapter, assume that demand is a random
    variable with cumulative probability distribution
    F(t) and probability density function f(t).

The Newsboy Model
  • At the start of each day, a newsboy must decide
    on the number of papers to purchase. Daily sales
    cannot be predicted exactly, and are represented
    by the random variable, D.
  • Costs co unit cost of overage
  • cu unit cost of underage
  • It can be shown(see over) that the optimal
    number of papers to purchase is the fractile of
    the demand distribution given by F(Q) cu /
    (cu co).

Determination of the Optimal Order Quantity for
Newsboy Example
Computing the Critical Fractile
  • We wish to minimize competing costs (Co Cu)
  • G(Q,D) CoMAX(0, Q-D) CuMAX(0, D-Q) ---- D
    is actual (potential) Demand
  • G(Q) E(G(Q,D)) ---- expected value
  • Therefore

Applying Leibnizs Rule
  • d(G(Q))/dQ CoF(Q) Cu(1 F(Q))
  • F(Q) is a cumulative Prob. Density Function (as
  • G(Q) (Cu)/(Co Cu)
  • This is the critical fractile

Lets see about this Prob 5 pg 241
  • Observed sales given as a number purchased during
    a week (grouped)
  • Lets assume some data was supplied
  • Make Cost 1.25
  • Selling Price 3.50
  • Salvageable Parts 0.80
  • Co overage cost 1.25 - 0.80 0.45
  • Cu underage cost 3.50 - 1.25 2.25

  • Compute Critical Ratio
  • CR Cu/(Co Cu) 2.25/(.45 2.25) .8333
  • If we assume a continuous Pr. D. Function (lets
    choose a normal function)
  • Z(CR) ? 0.967 when F(Z) .8333 (from Std. Normal
  • Z (Q - ?)/? (we compute mean 9856 StDev

  • Q ?Z ? 4813.5.967 9856 14511
  • Our best guess economic order quantity is 14511
  • We really should have done it as a Discrete
  • Taking this approach we would find that Q is
    only 12898

Lot Size Reorder Point Systems
  • Assumptions
  • Inventory levels are reviewed continuously (the
    level of on-hand inventory is known at all times)
  • Demand is random but the mean and variance of
    demand are constant. (stationary demand)
  • There is a positive leadtime, t. This is the time
    that elapses from the time an order is placed
    until it arrives.
  • The costs are
  • Set-up each time an order is placed at K per
  • Unit order cost at c for each unit ordered
  • Holding at h per unit held per unit time ( i.
    e., per year)
  • Penalty cost of p per unit of unsatisfied demand

Describing Demand
  • The response time of the system in this case is
    the time that elapses from the point an order is
    placed until it arrives. Hence, the uncertainty
    that must be protected against is the uncertainty
    of demand during the lead time. We assume that D
    represents the demand during the lead time and
    has probability distribution F(t). Although the
    theory applies to any form of F(t), we assume
    that it follows a normal distribution for
    calculation purposes.

Decision Variables
  • For the basic EOQ model discussed in Chapter 4,
    there was only the single decision variable Q.
    The value of the reorder level, R, was determined
    by Q. In this case, we treat Q and R as
    independent decision variables. Essentially, R is
    chosen to protect against uncertainty of demand
    during the lead time, and Q is chosen to balance
    the holding and set-up costs. (Refer to Figure

Changes in Inventory Over Time for
Continuous-Review (Q, R) System
The Cost Function
  • The average annual cost is given by
  • Interpret n(R) as the expected number of
    stockouts per cycle given by the loss integral
    formula. The standardized loss integral values
    appear in Table A-4. The optimal values of (Q,R)
    that minimizes G(Q,R) can be shown to be

Solution Procedure
  • The optimal solution procedure requires iterating
    between the two equations for Q and R until
    convergence occurs (which is generally quite
    fast). A cost effective approximation is to set
    QEOQ and find R from the second equation. (A
    slightly better approximation is to set Q
    max(EOQ,s) where s is the standard deviation of
    lead time demand when demand variance is high).

Service Levels in (Q,R) Systems
  • In many circumstances, the penalty cost, p, is
    difficult to estimate. For this reason, it is
    common business practice to set inventory levels
    to meet a specified service objective instead.
    The two most common service objectives are
  • Type 1 service Choose R so that the probability
    of not stocking out in the lead time is equal to
    a specified value.
  • Type 2 service. Choose both Q and R so that the
    proportion of demands satisfied from stock equals
    a specified value.

  • For type 1 service, if the desired service level
    is a then one finds R from F(R) a and QEOQ.
  • Type 2 service requires a complex interative
    solution procedure to find the best Q and R.
    However, setting QEOQ and finding R to satisfy
    n(R) (1-ß)Q (which requires Table A-4) will
    generally give good results.

Comparison of Service Objectives
  • Although the calculations are far easier for type
    1 service, type 2 service is generally the
    accepted definition of service. Note that type 1
    service might be referred to as lead time
    service, and type 2 service is generally referred
    to as the fill rate. Refer to the example in
    section 5-5 to see the difference between these
    objectives in practice (on the next slide).

Comparison (continued)
  • Order Cycle Demand
  • 1 180 0
  • 2 75 0
  • 3 235 45
  • 4 140 0
  • 5 180 0
  • 6 200 10
  • 7 150 0
  • 8 90 0
  • 9 160 0
  • 10 40 0
  • For a type 1 service objective there are two
    cycles out of ten in which a stockout occurs, so
    the type 1 service level is 80. For type 2
    service, there are a total of 1,450 units demand
    and 55 stockouts (which means that 1,395 demand
    are satisfied). This translates to a 96 fill

(s, S) Policies
  • The (Q,R) policy is appropriate when inventory
    levels are reviewed continuously. In the case of
    periodic review, a slight alteration of this
    policy is required. Define two levels, s lt S, and
    let u be the starting inventory at the beginning
    of a period. Then
  • (In general, computing the optimal values of s
    and S is much more difficult than computing Q and
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