Title: Whats this room about
1Whats this room about?
Its about equality and YOU, and it will help you
to tell us about your views and experiences, so
we can pass them on to the Government and other
adults in charge.
Find out about equality in this PowerPoint
2Whats equality?Equality IS fair treatment for
everyone regardless of things like religion or
background, where they come from, being a boy or
girl or being young or old. Equality ISNT
treating everyone the same and ignoring
differences. But, people shouldnt be treated
unfairly because of their differences.
Amelies drawing is of her favourite toy her
nursery class learnt about everyone being
different, for example everyone likes different
3Whats age discrimination? There are lots of
examples of how it can be fair to treat children
and young people differently or apply age
discrimination for example children cant drink
alcohol in pubs until theyre 18 to protect their
health. We want to hear from you about when you
think children and young people are treated
fairly or unfairly because of their age.
Written by a young person at 11 MILLIONs 2007
Summer event
4Equality and human rightsEquality is important
to make sure that all people, including children
and young people, can enjoy their human rights.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young
people must be able to enjoy their rights without
facing discrimination.
Whats a right?A right is something you have
as a person, for example the right to an
education, or the right to life.
Whats the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child (UNCRC)? The UK signed up to
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child (UNCRC), which is an agreement between
governments of the world to promote and protect
the rights of children.
Made by a young person at 11 MILLIONs 2007
Summer event
5Equality and YOUSo, whoever you are, YOU
should be able to enjoy your rights without being
treated unfairly because of your age, or because
of anything else!
Made by a young person at 11 MILLIONs 2007
Summer event
6What is 11 MILLION doing on the issue of
equality? In 2007, children and young people at
11 MILLIONs Summer event told us that they
wanted us to work on RESPECT and DISCRIMINATION.
Since then, 11 MILLION has been listening to
children and young people about their views on,
and experiences of, being treated fairly and
unfairly because of who they are.
Chisom and Hayley at 11 MILLIONs 2007 Summer
7Weve been listening to young children in
nurseries, teenagers with disabilities, young
people in childrens homes and in care,
asylum-seeking children and other youth groups.
Were also starting to meet with young people
from Gypsy and Traveller communities and young
Written by a young person at 11 MILLIONs 2007
Summer event
8The Equality BillThe Government is going to
introduce new laws on equality that will affect
the lives of all children and young people in
England. The Governments plans will be put into
something called the Equality Bill. 11 MILLION
wants to help make sure these new laws will be
the best they can be for children and young
people. We want to help make sure children and
young people are protected against being treated
unfairly because of their age. The Equality
Bill will include a new definition (meaning or
description) of equality, and we want to help the
Government to include the views of children and
young people in this.We want to see children
and young people at the heart of the new laws on
Made by a young person at 11 MILLIONs 2007
Summer event
9 Get involved!
Tell us what you think, and well pass your
views on to the Government and other adults in
charge. When have you been treated fairly
because of your age? When have you been treated
unfairly because of your age?What does equality
mean to you?
Write, draw, photograph or use Shape It! to
tell us what you think here.