Title: Bojidar Danev
1Simplification of Regulatory Framework
Bojidar Danev Chairman, BIA
2(No Transcript)
3Better Regulation at EU Level
- EU Directives are adapted to the national
legislations, bringing about a risk of failure in
applying EU rules - National rules and procedures are not
sufficiently attuned to the large European
Market - There is no proper EU Commission control system
over the national governments about the aquis
5Common Rules
6Practical Measures
- Harmonize the Nomenclatures in Intrastat,
Extrastat and Prodcom - A Common implementation of the Directive on VAT
invoicing - Introduction of a One-stop shop to file VAT
Declarations - Update the Directive and the Procedures
concerning VAT refunds - A New Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base
- Gradual development and implementation of Common
Consolidated Bases for Income tax, Social
Contributions and others - e-Customs.
7Regulatory regime can be introduced only by a law
Documents, included in the public registers, are
not required
Administrative authority may demand one-time
elimination of irregularities or supply of
Introducing the tacit consent principle in single
transactions and actions
The size of the charges in the administrative
regulation must not exceed the costs for their
8Considerable part not in compliance with the Law
of Restriction on Administrative Regulations and
Control on the Economic Activity (LRARCEA)
Many laws do not differentiate the regimes
Considerable part do not specify the time for
issuing the respective document
The responsibility of the authority not meeting
its obligations on time is not regulated
No specified obligation of a state authority for
control on meeting the LRARCEA
9Overall review of the regulatory framework and
its compliance with the LRARCEA
Introducing time schedules for the execution of
the regulatory regimes if such are missing
Introducing deadlines for the administrative
authorities that may require supplementary
information or eliminate irregularities
To nominate a specialized unit for permanent
monitoring on the implementation and performance
of the regulatory regimes
To assign the full execution and control on the
LRARCEA to a state body
10Simplification of Regulatory Framework
Bojidar Danev Chairman, BIA