Title: Art at the Beginning of the 20th Century
1Art at the Beginning of the 20th Century
A Two Part Interactive Learning Guide to Cubism
and Futurism
2 Part I
DirectionsPlease select the correct answer for
each question.
After each question in Part I there will be an
audio visual comment that you will need to pay
attention to for Part II.
Continue to the first question
3 - Who created the painting shown here?
- Pablo Picasso
- Giacomo Balla
- Marcel Duchamp
- Georges Braque
4 Incorrect.Although Pablo Picasso was a
Cubistpainter, he did not paint the painting
shown in the question.
Return to Question 1
5 Incorrect. Giacomo Balla was a futurist painter
that focused on movement. He did not paint the
painting shown In the question.
Return to Question
6 Incorrect. Marcel DuChamp did not paint the
painting shown in the question. Marcel DuChamp
was a Futurist and oneof the founders of Dadaism.
Return to Question
7 Correct! Les Maisons à L'Estaque is a cubist
painting Georges Braque painted in 1908.
Click here to find out more about Braque and
Cubism before you go on to Question 2.
8 Braque and Cubism
Click in the box to watch a short video on
Cubism. Pay attention because some questions in
Part II will come from this video.
Click here when you are done with the video and
ready to move on the next question in Part I.
9 - Who created the painting shown here?
- Giacomo Balla
- Georges Braque
- Marcel Duchamp
- Pablo Picasso
10 Incorrect. Giacomo Balla did not paint the
painting shown in the Question 2.
Return to Question 2
11 Incorrect. Marcel DuChamp did not paint the
painting shown in the Question 2.
Return to Question 2
12 Incorrect. Georges Braque did not paint
the painting in Question 2.
Return to Question 2
13 Correct!Les Demoiselles D'Avignon was painted
by Pablo Picasso in 1907. It isone of Picassos
first Cubist paintings.
Click here to find out more about Picasso and
Cubism. After the video you will be able to go on
to Question 3.
14 Picasso and Cubism
Click in the box to watch a short video on
Picasso. Pay attention because some questions in
Part II will come from this video.
Click here when you are done with the video and
ready to move on the next question in Part I.
15 - Who created the painting shown here?
- Marcel Duchamp
- Giacomo Balla
- Georges Braque
- Pablo Picasso
16 Correct! Speed of a Motorcycle is a
futurist painting by Giacomo Balla painted in
Click here to find out more about Futurism. After
the video you will be able to go on to Question 4.
17 Incorrect. Marcel DuChamp did not paint the
painting shown in the Question 3.
Return to Question 3
18 Incorrect. Georges Braque did not Paint the
painting in Question 3.
Return to Question 3
19 Incorrect.Pablo Picasso did not Paint the
painting in Question 3.
Return to Question 3
20 Futurism
Click in the box to watch a short presentation on
Futurism. Pay attention because some questions in
Part II will come from this video.
Click here when you are done with the video and
ready to move on the next question in Part I.
21 - Who created the painting shown here?
- Marcel Duchamp
- Giacomo Balla
- Georges Braque
- Pablo Picasso
22 Incorrect. Giacomo Balla did not Paint the
painting in Question 4.
Return to Question 4
23 Correct! The Passage from Virgin to Bride is a
futurist painting by Marcel Duchamp Painted in
Click here to find out more about Marcel Duchamp.
After the video you will be able to go on to Part
24 Incorrect. Georges Braque did not paint the
painting in Question 3.
Return to Question 4
25 Incorrect.Pablo Picasso did not paint the
painting in Question 3.
Return to Question 4
26 Marcel Duchamp
Click in the box to watch a short video on Marcel
Duchamp. Pay attention because some questions in
Part II will come from this video.
Click here when you are done with the video and
ready to move on the next question in Part II.
27 Part II
DirectionsBehind each dollar value is a
question. The dollar value indicates the
complexity of the question.
The questions are based on the questions and the
videos in Part I.
Go to the Game Board
28 Cubism
31 Cubism 100
- Which of the following was not a Cubist Painter?
- Pablo Picasso
- Georges Braque
- Giacomo Balla
Return to Game Board
32 Cubism 500
- What is the title of this painting by Georges
Braque? - Les Maisons à L'Estaque
- Les Demoiselles D'Avignon
- Les Mains Liees
Return to Game Board
33 Cubism 1000
- Which painting was inspired by Gauguin's studies
of African masks and a reworking of historical
pieces into a contemporary form? - Les Maisons à L'Estaque
- Les Demoiselles D'Avignon
- The Passage from Virgin to Bride
Return to Game Board
34 Futurism 100
- Futurism is the artistic depiction of?
- Nature
- Geometry
- Motion
Return to Game Board
35 Futurism 500
- Considering that this is a painting in the
Futurist style, which one of the following would
have painted it ? - Pablo Picasso
- Giacomo Balla
- Georges Braque
Return to Game Board
36 Futurism 1000
- Futurism originated in which country?
- Germany
- France
- Italy
Return to Game Board
37 Bonus 500
- Marcel DuChamp created a series of pieces that
were intended to give the impression of? - Multiple angles all at once.
- A third dimension.
- Neoclassicism
Return to Game Board
38 Bonus 1000
- Who had six of his paintings deemed shocking in
1908? - Pablo Picasso
- Georges Braque
- Marcel DuChamp
Return to Game Board
39 Bonus 2000
- Marcel DuChamp was one of the founders of which
artistic movement? - Cubism
- Futurism
- Dadaism
Return to Game Board