Title: A. I. in Utah: Accomplishments and Sustainability
1A. I. in Utah Accomplishments and Sustainability
- 2006 Annual Assessment Initiative and NAPHSIS
Leadership Conference
- Accomplishments
- Website improvements
- Evaluation
- Documentation
- Transfer to other states
- Sustainability
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14Suicide Deaths per 100,000 Population by 61 Small
Areas, Persons Age 15-44, Utah, 2004
15Emergency Department Encounters for Motor
Vehicle, Traffic - Pedal Cyclist Injured per
10,000 Population, Utah 2004
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19IBIS Evolution
- User experience
- Features and functionality
- Accessibility
- Maintainability
- Easier to learn, document
20Interface Maintainability
- Before
- Hundreds of static html pages that were all
interrelated and fairly cryptic - Had to search through pages of text
- Required a fair amount of specialized expertise
21Interface Maintainability
- Now
- A couple dozen XML files
- Hierarchical format allows for excellent
organization - Still requires a fair amount of specialized
expertise, but the learning curve is not so steep
(Hey, if I can do it, ...)
22XML Used to Maintain Interface
- - ltANSWERSgt
- ltNAMEgtSexlt/NAMEgt
- - ltANSWERgt
- ltTITLEgtBoth Male and
- Femalelt/TITLEgt
- ltVALUE /gt
- ltSELECTED /gt
- lt/ANSWERgt
- - ltANSWERgt
- ltTITLEgtMalelt/TITLEgt
- ltVALUEgt1lt/VALUEgt
- lt/ANSWERgt
- - ltANSWERgt
- ltTITLEgtFemalelt/TITLEgt
- ltVALUEgt2lt/VALUEgt
- lt/ANSWERgt
- - ltANSWERgt
- ltTITLEgtUnknownlt/TITLEgt
23Website Evaluation
- Ongoing
- Web Logs
- Standard Survey Page
- One-Time
- Heuristic
- User Analysis, Satisfaction
- ADA, Section 508 Compliance
25Heuristic Evaluation
- Nielsens Heuristics
- Visibility of system status
- Match between system and the real world
- User control and freedom
- Consistency and standards
- Error prevention
- Recognition rather than recall
- Flexibility and efficiency of use
- Aesthetic and minimalist design
- Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from
errors - Help and documentation
26Heuristic Evaluation
- IBIS Strengths
- Visibility of system status
- The system uses the green status bar, change of
button words, etc. that keeps the user informed
of the system status. - User control and freedom
- At every stage of a query there is a button that
allows the user to modify their query. It also
allows them to start over with the start new
query or reset buttons. The options allow the
user to customize the way the system operates. - Error prevention
- The user interface is simple to operate and gives
help options available along the way. - Recognition rather than recall
- Users do not need to type in requests, just click
on selections. - Flexibility and efficiency of use
- The options in the query system lets the user
customize the way the system displays and runs.
The Admin system is very flexible, allowing any
27Heuristic Evaluation
- IBIS Weakness
- Consistency and standards
- There are some links that point to pages with
different titles. Also the titles on the query
pages are not completely consistent. - The boxes on the Admin system do not exactly
match the titles for the sections on the
resulting page displayed to the public.
28Analysis of Web Logs
- UDOH licenses Summary Webreports Log Analysis
Software - Query modules most often accessed
- Indicator profiles most often requested
- Common keywords, referring sites
- Results reported here do not include requests for
publications (.pdf files), which are stored on a
different server.
29Analysis of Web Logs
- Monthly
- 3,000 unique visitors
- 4,700 visits
- Over 20,000 page requests
- Between 12/19/2005 and August 11, 2006, IBIS-PH
was visited by - 18,049 unique visitors (IP addresses)
- In 48 countries
30Analysis of Web Logs
- Referring sites
- 34 utah.gov
- 33 google.com
- 9 search.msn.com
31Most Requested Indicator YTD 2006
32Most Requested Indicator July 2006
33Dataset Query Requests YTD and July 2006
34User Analysis
- Procedure
- Online Survey. All visits to the site were
intercepted. Users were taken to a page that
requested their participation. - Incentive Drawing for MP3 Player.
- Respondents
- 103 IBIS users responded to the survey
- Characteristics
- 69 worked for UDOH,6 Local health, 10 other
- 48 accessed the site from work, and 49 from
both work and home.
35User Survey Reported Usage
36User Survey Reported Satisfaction
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
downloaded from W3C were used as criteria to
evaluate IBIS 508 compliance. - This is compliance with standards for accessing
the Web with assistive devices for persons with
impaired vision.
38ADA Accessibility Evaluation
- The following accessibility issues were
identified with the IBIS website. These were
addressed to the extent possible. - Provide a text equivalent for every non-text
element. - Organize documents so they may be read without
style sheets. - Use the clearest and simplest language
appropriate for a site's content. - Ensure that pages are usable when scripts,
applets, or other programmatic objects are turned
off or not supported. If this is not possible,
provide equivalent information on an alternative
accessible page. - Make programmatic elements such as scripts and
applets directly accessible or compatible with
assistive technologies
39Software Documentation
- http//ibis.health.utah.gov/doc/ introduction.html
40Software Documentation
- Why document?
- Train new staff members.
- Orient I.T. system administrators who must
support IBIS-PH. - Help states who adopt the system.
- Information for states selecting a system.
- Orient new software developers who wish to / need
to develop for IBIS-PH system. - User manuals for End Users
45Peer Areas Project and Analysis Tool
- http//ibis.health.utah.gov/
- home/help.html
46Transfer to States
- Older versions of Utah system
- Nevada, Wisconsin, Arkansas, others
- States in Current A.I. Grant Cycle
- Arizona, Alaska
- Potential States
- New Jersey, Iowa, New Mexico, New York, others?
- IBIS-PH will last forever, IF
- Web standards do not change
- Hardware does not change
- User needs do not change
- No new functionality is required
48IBIS-PH Will Evolve - or Fade Away
- Solutions
- Continue to fund Utah to maintain it
- Fund some other state or entity to maintain it
- Distribute the maintenance burden across other
stakeholder states and/or entities - Stakeholders
49Open Source Vision
- United States of IBIS
- Our vision is for a coalition of states to
collaborate on the IBIS system, sharing Open
Source software, and maintaining the system
50- Thank You -Lois M. Haggard, PhDloishaggard_at_uta
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52User Survey Reported Usage
53User Testimonials
- I think this is a wonderful website. I use it
frequently when I am doing research. I write
grants for a non-profit agency. The website is
very useful. It would be nice if there were
yearly rates rather than a three year average.
This is the only place I am able to find data
specific to Glendale and Rose Park. Other sites
only provide county or state wide information.
Thank you! Great Resource!
54User Testimonials
- This website is SO fun! I have spent far more
time on it that sic I should, but the
information is fascinating! - Useful in researching health related topics,
especially for Utahns. Direct access to data and
reports that support various types of research
and issues.
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