Title: Fish Passage at Road Crossings in Montana Watersheds
1Fish Passage at Road Crossings in Montana
- Lisa Andes
- Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Northern Arizona University
- Joel Cahoon
- Project Mentor
- Associate Professor
- Montana State University
2Presentation Overview
- Why fish passage is important
- Fish passage barriers
- Overall project goal
- My project goal
- Research conclusions
- Plans for the future
3Why is Fish Passage Important?
- 35,000 roadway crossings involving culverts in
Montana - Supports a valuable ecosystem
- Diverse fisheries
- Allows fish to complete migratory milestones
- Critical to the fishing industry
- Efficient culvert design
4Three Main Fish Passage Barriers
All Photos http//www.coe.montana.edu/ce/faculty
5Cutthroat Trout Burst Speed
- Velocity range from 6 to 14 ft/s
- Dependent on trout age and size
- Only for short durations approx. 2 minutes
Photo Matt Blank
6Plan View Contour Map
7Cross Sectional Contour Map
http//www.caf.wvu.edu/forage/stream flow/estimat
8Overall Project Goal
- Develop 3D models with a minimum number of
observations - 1D models have been shown to be conservative
- Good boundary conditions are required
9My Project Goal
- Determine if the USGS method of estimating
discharge creates an accurate velocity model.
10Field Work Details
- Mulherin Creek
- Cutthroat Trout Migration
- 2 Culverts
11USGS Discharge Modeling
- Goal Determine average discharge
- 5 of the total discharge within each polygon
- Velocity measurements at 20 and 80 of the total
water depth
12Baffled Culvert
- Length
- 36 feet
- Width
- 12 feet
- 5 Baffles
13Baffled Culvert Inlet Cross Section
14Using the USGS Method
15Mean Relative Error
16Non-Baffled Culvert
- Length 36 feet
- Width
- 12 Feet
17Culvert Cross Section
18Using the USGS Method
19Mean Relative Error
20Circular Culvert
- Washington Department of Transportation
- Corrugated interior
- Diameter 2 feet
21Using the USGS Method
22Mean Relative Error
- To obtain a velocity profile, a minimum of the
USGS requirements of 5 discharge is necessary.
25Plans for the Future
- Encourage more modeling of USGS 20 depth and 80
to determine adequacy. - Phase II What passage efficiency is adequate?
- A follow up study on warm water species in Easter
Montana sponsored by the MDT
26Special Thanks
- Matt Blank
- Field Work Expert
- Brett Towler
- Technical Consultant
- WTI REU Program
- Joel Cahoon
- Project Mentor