Title: 1 Corinthians 12: 1226
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21 Corinthians 12 12-26
- In the one Spirit we were all baptised
The parts are many but the body is one
God has arranged the body so that more dignity is
given to the parts which are without it
If one part is hurt, all parts are hurt with it.
If one part is given special honour, all parts
enjoy it.
3Reflection Question The Spirit is Upon Me
Loving God You have no hands, no feet, no mouth
but ours! Each time we celebrate Eucharist, help
us to understand more that as we receive Jesus
Body we are nourished by it through the Bread of
Life and through Communion with Your Church, the
Body of Christ. Help us to be Eucharistic people,
recognising the face of Jesus in all those we
meet. Grant this prayer through the same Christ,
our Lord. Amen
2. Fruits of the Spirit
Looking at your own life and world, where is the
Spirit needed right now?
How do you think the Holy Spirit would respond to
these situations?
Knowing that the Spirit is within you, what
specific thing can you do to respond to these
3. One body Many parts
Brainstorm actions that we can take to live out
As individual pilgrims? As a group? What actions
will we take?
8Action Steps
Reflect and write in your journal about where you
see the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your friends
and family.
Ensure the actions you committed to live out
solidarity begin this week.
Search the internet and try to find out more
about a group that is coming to WYD from another
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