Title: DiBoson Analysis
1DiBoson Analysis
Thomas Barber University of Cambridge
- Why is the ZZ?nnll channel useful to study?
- Summary of analysis algorithm used.
- Summary of Datasets used.
- Details of private MC_at_NLO signal sample.
- Comparison of csc signal and private sample.
- Signal and background comparisons.
- Cut comparison of full sim and fast sim data.
3Why is the ZZ?nnll useful?
- Comparison to the 4-lepton channel ZZ?llll
- BR(Z?invisible) 20.00 0.06
- BR(Z?ee) 3.363 0.004
- BR(Z?mm) 3.366 0.007
- So the overall diboson branching ratio
- BR(ZZ?llll) 0.453
- Compared to the missing energy channel
- BR(ZZ?llnn) 2.81
- This gives a ratio of branching fractions
- BR(ZZ?llnn) / BR(ZZ?llll) 6.2
- Around 6 times as many events to be produced
compared to the 4-lepton channel. - For now concentrate on the electron channel.
4Analysis Algorithms
- Custom written algorithms based on
AnalysisSkeleton. - Electron ID requies that isEM 0
- Overlap removal done by EventView.
- Algorithms run over EventView containers.
- Initial cut on jets Pt gt15 GeV
- Initial electron cut h lt 2.5
"EVElectronInserter", "EVPhotonInserter,
"EVMuonInserter", "EVTauJetInserter",
5Dataset Details
6Dataset Details
Calculated from MC_at_NLO (see next slide)
Changed from web values
Events in Cambridge
7Notes on Data (1)Private MC_at_NLO Sample
- Small sample of 2682 ZZ?eenn events produced.
- Underlying diboson event done by MC_at_NLO
- Using the CTEQ6M pdf (Les Houches Accord library
10000) - Decay done by Jimmy, with Tauola Photos.
- Sim, Digi Reco done in 12.0.4
- Detector description 'ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00
- Material distortions in Inner Detector and
Calorimeters - Cross section for ZZ production from MC_at_NLO is
- s 14.74 0.08 pb
- Using BR calculate the ZZ?eenn cross section
- s 198 fb
- Use this sample to compare with LO Pythia sample.
8MC_at_NLO Events in Atlantis
9Notes on Data (2)csc Signal Sample
- Csc signal sample 5981 ZZ?llnn.
- csc11.005981.Pythiazzllnunu.recon.AOD.v11004213
- Uses pdf set CTEQ6L
- 35500 events generated using Pythia in 11.0.4
(leading order) - Unfiltered cross section for ZZ production from
Pythia is - s 11.14 pb
- This is lower than the MC_at_NLO cross section
(14.74 pb) as expected. - Setting the decay mode to lepton and neutrino
mode only gives - s 330.9 fb
- Filter applied at production level, requiring
- 2 leptons in the event with
- Lepton Pt gt 4.5 GeV
- Lepton h lt 2.7
- nb doesnt appear to have Pt miss gt 50 GeV as
described in http//jarguin.home.cern.ch/jarguin/d
c3requests_sm.html (see later) - Yields a filter efficiency of 66.7 reducing the
cross section to - s 221 fb
- Events filtered to leave electron channel
(ZZ?eenn) only. (17702 events)
Wider problem How do you find cross sections for
csc events?
10Pythia vs MC_at_NLO
- Comparison on csc Pythia sample and private
MC_at_NLO sample. - Plot parameter distributions with the cut values
of atlfast study by S.Hassani (ATL-COM-PHYS-2002-0
12) - Cuts are not applied in the following plots.
- Plots are normalised to respective cross sections
calculated above.
11Electron Distribution
Electron Pt gt 20 GeV
Electron h gt 2.5
Pythia red vs MC_at_NLO brown
12ee Composite Particle
- Pythia seems to give more electrons than MC_at_NLO
but bear in mind the pythia generator cuts - 2 leptons in the event with
- Lepton Pt gt 4.5 GeV
- Lepton h lt 2.7
Likely that more Pythia Electrons will
survive the reconstruction.
13Pt miss distribtuion
nb no generator pt cut on Pythia sample
Pt miss gt 50 GeV
14Jet Distribution
- Atlast applies jet veto, excluding events with
jets in the region - Jet Pt gt 30 GeV
- Jet h lt 3
15Z Pt Distribution
Z Pt gt 150 GeV
16Other cuts?
cos(q) lt 0.99?
- Cuts not in the atlfast study
- Match missing energy and Z pt
- (MET-Zpt)/Zpt
- Require missing pt and Zt to be back-to-back
- cos(fMET-fz)
- Assumes no initial ZZ Pt.
- Neither of these are actually cut on.
17After Cuts
18Atlfast Signal Comparison
(S Hassani, ATL-COM-PHYS-2002-012) For ZZ?llnn
includes muon channel.
19Pythia vs ttbar
- Comparison on csc Pythia sample and ttbar
background. - DQ2 dataset csc11.005200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recotri
g.AOD.v11000505 - Cross section for ttbar from MC_at_NLO output is
- s 773.6 pb
- ttbar filter requires at least one leptonic decay
with Pt gt 1GeV (no all-hadronic decays), with
efficiency of 52.0 - Cross section for ttbar is therefore
- s 402.3 pb
- Compare to website value (http//jarguin.home.cer
n.ch/jarguin/dc3requests_sm.html) - s 461 pb
- Same order of magnitude, but not an exact match.
Use 461 pb in the following plots. - Also give a reminder of the atlfast cuts values,
but again, cuts are not implemented in plots.
20Electron Z Distributions
Pythia red vs ttbar pink
Electron h gt 2.5
Electron Pt gt 20 GeV
mll 91.2 GeV lt 10 GeV
21ttbar Distributions
Pythia red vs ttbar pink
Veto events containing jets with Pt gt 30GeV Jet
h lt 3
Z Pt gt 150 GeV
Pt miss gt 50 GeV
22Atlfast ttbar Comparison
(S Hassani, ATL-COM-PHYS-2002-012)
Low Statistics!
23Pythia vs Zjets
- Comparison on csc Pythia sample and Zjets
background. - DQ2 datasets for all Z decay channels separately
- csc11.005185.PythiaZee_pt100.recon.AOD.v11004103
- csc11.005186.PythiaZmumu_pt100_fixed.recon.AOD.v11
004205_tid002215 - csc11.005187.PythiaZtautau_pt100.recon.AOD.v110041
03 - csc11.005183.PythiaZnunuJet.recon.AOD.v11004206
- Filters are applied at generation level
- Z?ee channel
- Electron Pt gt 10 GeV
- Electron h lt 2.7
- Z Pt gt 100 GeV
- Z?mm channel
- Muon Pt gt 5 GeV
- Muon h lt 2.8
- Z Pt gt 100 GeV
- Z?tt channel
- Tau Pt gt 5 GeV
- Tau h lt 2.8
- TauTau ? ll, with ll mass gt 60 GeV
Cross sections from web
s(Z?eejets) 1.2 pb
s(Z?mmjets) 1.2 pb
s(Z?ttjets) 0.12 pb
s(Z?nnjets) 723 pb
24Electron Z Distributions
Pythia vsZ?eejets, Z?mmjets, Z?ttjets,
Electron h gt 2.5
Electron Pt gt 20 GeV
Should there be a peak here?
mll 91.2 GeV lt 10 GeV
25ZJets Distributions
Pythia vsZ?eejets, Z?mmjets, Z?ttjets,
Veto events containing jets with Pt gt 30GeV Jet
h lt 3
Pt miss gt 50 GeV
Z Pt gt 150 GeV
26Atlfast ZJets Comparison
(S Hassani, ATL-COM-PHYS-2002-012)
27Atlfast ZJets Comparison (2)
Jet Veto and Z Pt cut reduces any remaining
background from jets
28Things To Do
- Investigate other sources of background.
- Migrate from MyZeeOnAOD ? EventView Code.
- Start looking at the muon channel.
- Tune cut parameters and values.
- Calculate/understand cross sections properly.
- Advanced analysis techniques(likelihood, ANN,
boosted decision trees etc)
29Tauola Bug
- Aside discovered bug in Tauola (when trying to
generate ZZ?ttmm events) - Tauola tries to back-navigate from the
tau?Z?intermediate process to calculate
polarisation. - Intermediate process has no pdgID number.
- Tauola doesnt like this very much.
- Tauola gives a cryptic error message and then
crashes. - Fixed by adding additional pdgID switch
statements into Tauola.