Title: CS 1331
1CS 1331
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Final Review
- Fall 2006
- Please fill out the
- GT Official course survey
- www.coursesurvey.gatech.edu
- Study early and often, dont wait till night
before there is a lot of material - The time to earn your grade is now, not after the
course is over - 17 - HWs
- 3 - participation
- 56 - exams
- 24 - final
- 1 - extra credit oppty
4Final Exam
- 250 pm next Tuesday
- Make sure youre here!
- Set multiple alarms
- No make-ups
5Java Basics
- Primitive Data Types
- boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float,
double - Implementation precisely defined i.e. not machine
dependent - Declarations
- int x
- int x 42
- Casting Potential loss of information requires
6Java Basics
- Main Method
- Invoked automatically when a class is sent to JVM
(java) - Could be invoked like any other method (not
typical) - Can pass in arguments as String array
7Java Basics
- Control Structures
- Loops
- while
- do...while
- for
- Conditionals
- switch
- if/else
8Java Basics
- Modularity
- methods
- procedures no return
- functions return a value
- parameters
- pass by value (in parameters only)
- type and order designate signature
- returns
- return causes immediate return to calling program
- return with value for function
- return with no value for procedure (optional)
9Java Basics
- Visibility Specifiers
- public (all)
- protected (package inherit)
- private (class only)
- (nothing) -- package
- Method
- Overloading
- Overriding
- Instance
- Class (static)
10Java Basics
- Comments
- Multiline / /
- Single line //
- Javadoc
- /
- Plus Doc-Comment Tags
- _at_return
- _at_param
- _at_version
- _at_throws
- etc.
- Objects
- Strings
- 1D arrays
- int gradeArray new int10
- references
- null
- ltClassNamegt ltidentifiergt
- creates a reference to an object which is either
an instance of ltClassNamegt or a instance of a
child class of ltClassNamegt - versus .equals( )
12Objects and References
When working with References to Objects, Java has
two logical operations
Creates a new area in memory so each named
reference points to its own object
Two references to a single area of memory
Assignment with References to Objects
14Objects and References
Equality with References to Objects
- Two different logical tests available
- 1. The operator (equality)
- It evaluates whether two references point
to the same object. - 2. The method equals( )
- It evaluates whether the internal state (i.e.,
contents) of one object is identical to the
internal state of another object. - It is a special method built-in to the class
Object, and is available to all classes you
create. In practice you will want to code a
version of equals() in your classes, so that you
can compare objects. - You have to code this method in all data
classes you create, or else you are stuck with
the most stringent test, i.e.,
For primitives
For objects
- Variables
- Instance vs. class variables
- When to use which
- Encapsulation
- Information hiding
16Instance vs. Class Variables When to Use
Quiz Alert!
Use instance variables whenever each object
should have its own variable. E.g., attributes
of the particular object. Use a class
variable whenever the class itself should
maintain a single copy of datum pertaining to all
instances of the class. E.g., population
counts summary data assigning
lot numbers shared resources.
17Quiz Yourself
Consider why the following code will not compile
- public class Test
- public void sayHello()
- System.out.println (Hello)
- public static void main (String arg)
- sayHello() // WRONG!
- Classes
- Encapsulation
- Data attributes
- Behaviors
- Constructors
- Chaining
- Methods
- Accessors
- Modifiers
- Overloading Multiple methods with same name (in
same class) with different parameter lists. - Overriding Class defining a method with same
name, return type and parameters as superclass
19Classes and Objects
Class describes the form of an object, a
template or blueprint or mold specifies data
representation, behavior, and inheritance (via
variables, methods and parents)
Object an instance of a class has unique copy
of every non-static variable (i.e., the instance
variables but not the class variables).
Difference between a class and an object of
that class is analogous to the difference
between a type and a variable of that type.
Naming Conventions Classes Identifiers begin
with cap letters for each word in
the Identifier, e.g., class NeuralNetwork Objects
Identifiers begins with lower case letter,
then caps for other words in identifier,
e.g., thisObjectIdentifier
Encapsulation Placing all entity attributes
and behavior in a single class. In other words,
we encapsulate by placing variables and mutators
to change these variables in a class. This is
one of the KEY aspects of OO programming.
It will be asked on tests over and over again.
- Classes (continued)
- Shadowing
- Field name in subclass shadows field with same
name in superclass. - Accessed via super.ltfieldnamegt
- this
- this.ltfieldnamegt
- this.ltmethodnamegt(...)
- this(...)
- super
- super.ltfieldnamegt
- super.ltmethodnamegt(...)
- super(...)
- Classes (continued)
- scope
- public class A
- int b
- void method()
- int b
- ...
- System.out.println(b)
- System.out.println(this.b)
- System.out.println(super.b)
23An Abstract Class
- A class like Animal is intended as a collector of
common characteristics - We want to refer to methods like move()
polymorphically - However, we have no idea how a generic animal
really moves. - We could use some meaningless surrogate code
- public void move ( )
- System.out.println(I am an animal and am
moving.) - // of move
- We could just give up and use an empty method
like - abstract public void move ( )
- This, of course, does nothing, and we depend on
child classes to implement these methods - We use the keyword abstract to indicate that at
least one method must be implemented in all child
classes - public abstract class Animal
- N-D arrays
- Widget w new Widget4
- w0 new Widget3
- w1 new Widget5
- w2 new Widget7
- w3 new Widget4
- Inheritance
- extends (isa)
- Interfaces
- for constants
- implements
- Allows behavior like multiple inheritance
without some of the potentially messy problems of
multiple inheritance
25Interfaces Defined
- -Sometimes considered the ultimate abstract class
- contains nothing but constants and abstract
method prototypes - -A class is said to implement an interface if it
provides suitable real methods for all of the
abstract (virtual) methods of the interface - -The class implementing that interface then
behaves as if it were inheriting from a parent
class, with one huge advantage - Since you implement all of the abstract methods
yourself, there is no other hidden, inherited
stuff to collide with - -You can therefore implement as many interfaces
as you wish with no fear of the problems of
multiple inheritance
- Dynamic binding
- At compile time a method call is checked to make
sure the reference type has that method - At run time the method actually invoked is
determined by looking first in the actual object
being referenced (not the class of the
reference). If not found the search is made up
the inheritence tree until a matching method is
found. - Animal a new Poodle()
- a.speak() / Animal must have a speak method to
- compile but at runtime the Poodle
- speak method will be invoked and if
- not present then Dog will be
checked - followed by Animal. /
- // No speak in Poodle?
- (Poodle)a.speak()
27Dynamic Binding
Object oTemp oTemp animalArray1 Animal
aTemp (Animal) oTemp aTemp.move()
Understand this term. Understand what is does.
You WILL have many, many, many, quiz and final
exam questions on this. It is a CORE feature
of any Object Oriented language.
Here, the principle of dynamic binding will
ensure that at run time, the most specific
behavior will be invoked. Here, the Fish move()
method is more specific than its parent method.
So, the Fishs move() method gets called with the
aTemp.move() line.
28Sanity Check
Object oTemp oTemp animalArray1 Animal
aTemp (Animal) oTemp System.out.println
Does casting somehow overpower dynamic binding?
What Happens Here?
What about System.out.println (
((Object)oTemp).toString() )
29Sanity Check
Object oTemp oTemp animalArray1 Animal
aTemp (Animal) oTemp System.out.println
No matter how you cast things, dynamic binding
takes hold. Its like the law of gravity.
What Happens Here?
What about System.out.println (
((Object)oTemp).toString() )
30Sanity Check
Object oTemp oTemp animalArray1 Animal
aTemp (Animal) oTemp System.out.println
No matter how you cast things, dynamic binding
takes hold. Its like the law of gravity.
What if Fish had its own toString()?
Dynamic binding will always resolve, at run time,
to the most specific version of the method.
Object oTemp oTemp animalArray1 oTemp.move
() // WRONG!
No such method move() in Object
Does dynamic binding also work miracles? That
is, does it let you find methods in extending
classes, if the present class does not have such
a method?
NO. This would cause a compile time error. Java
is strongly typed, meaning that each time you
invoke a method, the method MUST be present in
the class--even if dynamic binding would later
find a more specific version. So no, dynamic
binding does not trump type safety in Java.
- Polymorphism
- Animal a
- a.speak( ) / Can be executed no matter what
particular type of animal a is referencing as
long as there is a speak method in the particular
objects hierarchy (and animal). / - Generic data structures
- Typical Java solution Make structures that hold
Objects - Works since every class in Java is a descendant
of class Object - Requires casting of objects removed from
container back to their actual type
- Polymorphism means taking many forms ... A
reference of a given class can adapt or take
the form of any of its subclasses. - Polymorphism means that the correct move( )
method will always be called. - Polymorphism is legal in the State of Georgia
- A subclass can be substituted for its
superclass, e.g., a bird for an animal. A
bird is a animal. Yes. - The reverse is not true cant substitute
superclass for a subclass, e.g., - CANNOT substitute an animal for a bird.
- An animal is a bird? No.
- A single interface for multiple behaviors
Only one interface for the method call. - Multiple behaviors based on the subclass.
Dog d new Dog()
Dog d new Animal()
Dog d new Object()
Animal a new Dog()
Animal a new Animal()
Animal a new Object()
Object o new Dog()
Object o new Animal()
Object o new Object()
Could this be some form of Matrix?
36abstract class Furniture public int
numlegs abstract void meth1() class
Recliner extends Furniture void meth1()
System.out.println(Im a recliner)
class LaZBoy extends Recliner void
meth1() System.out.println(Im a
1. Will this compile? 2. Will it run? 3. What
is output?
Recliner recl recl new LaZBoy() recl.meth1()
37abstract class Furniture public int
numlegs abstract void meth1() class
Chair extends Furniture public String
fabric class Recliner extends Chair
void meth1() System.out.println(Im a
recliner) class LaZBoy extends
Recliner void meth1()
System.out.println(Im a laZBoy)
1. Will this compile? 2. Will it run? 3. What
is output?
Furniture furn furn new LaZBoy() furn.meth1()
38abstract class Furniture public int
numlegs abstract void meth1() abstract
class Chair extends Furniture public String
fabric abstract void meth1() class
Recliner extends Chair void meth1()
System.out.println(Im a recliner)
class LaZBoy extends Recliner void
meth1() System.out.println(Im a
1. Will this compile? 2. Will it run? 3. What
is output?
Furniture furn furn new Recliner() furn.meth1(
39abstract class Furniture public int
numlegs abstract void meth1() abstract
class Chair extends Furniture public String
fabric abstract void meth1() class
Recliner extends Chair void meth1()
System.out.println(Im a recliner)
class LaZBoy extends Recliner void
meth1() System.out.println(Im a
1. Will this compile? 2. Will it run? 3. What
is output?
Chair cha cha new LaZBoy() cha.meth1()
- OO Design
- Design from high level down to low level
- Create diagrams/sets of cards/files which define
Classes - For each class designate
- Data to be stored by the class
- Methods the class will be able to perform
- Communication with other classes
- Walk through operation of the system to verify
that the structure works (modifying as necessary) - Code individual classes and debug using test main
as far as possible
- Insertion sort selection sort algorithms
- Use Comparable interface to write general sorting
code for many different types of objects
42Advanced Java
- Exceptions
- File IO
- Applets
- Swing
43What happens when an exception is thrown
- An exception object is created (on the heap)
- The current context is halted/aborted
- Execution starts in some error handling code
- Can be in current method
- Can be external to current method
- The error handling code has access to the
exception object which can be used to - Access a String message contained in the
exception - Determine what type of exception was thrown
- Print a stack trace
- Other cool stuff (like rethrow the exception,
increment a counter, etc.)
44File IO
- Based on Streams
- Character (aka text)
- Readers (Input) i.e. File Scanner OR
FileReader - Writers (Output)i.e. PrintWriter
- Byte (aka binary)
- InputStream (Input) i.e. FileInputStream
- OutputStream (Output) i.e. FileOutputStream
- Compare to iterative methods
- When would you use recursion and when would you
use iteration? - Algorithms studied
- factorial
- Towers of Hanoi
- Mergesort
- Fibonacci numbers
46GUIs, AWT Swing
- GUIs
- paintComponent in JPanel
- repaint
- Components
- Containers
- Events
- Listeners
- Graphics
Containers are special components that may
contain other components.
Note Containment is not the same as inheritance
extension. A Frame may contain buttons, but
buttons are not subclasses of Frame.
Most interactions in a Java GUI are with
Components. Another generic term for Component
is other GUIs (e.g. X Windows) is
"widget". Different types of components for
different types of interaction (e.g. buttons,
etc.) User interactions with components create
events (thus, event- driven programming) As a
rule, a Component cannot have other components
inside Exceptions to rule pop up menus may have
menu items added to them. And Containers are
themselves components due to inheritance.
49Layout Managers -- AWT Based
- Java provides several layout managers.
- We will concentrate here on several of them
- BorderLayout
- GridLayout
- FlowLayout
- BoxLayout
- To tell a container which layout manager to use,
invoke the method -
- setLayout( )
- and specify a type of layout.
- For example
- To specify a BorderLayout
- setLayout (new BorderLayout())
Java uses a delegation event model found in
many other toolkits. Under the delegation model,
components fire events, which can be caught and
acted on by listeners. A listener is linked to a
component through a registration process. The
delegation event model is contrasted to an event
filtration model where all events are delivered
to target components regardless of whether they
asked for them.
- Know how it works, know how to code with it
- Understand basic concepts
- Know what it is used for
- Know what different techniques are
- Know what issues are
53Data Structures
- Basic Arrays
- ArrayList
- Sets
- Linked Lists (Ordered, Unordered)
- Unordered collection where an element can appear
at most once - Know basic operations
- Understand different ways of implementing it
55Linked Lists
- Basic structures and fields of list nodes and
lists - How to perform fundamental insertion and deletion
56Final Exam
- Bring BuzzCard
- Travel light
- Tues 250pm, 2h 50m ( around twice a regular
exam) - Room
- Here
- Test Taking Strategies
- Relax!
- Timing/Pacing
- Show all work (partial credit)
- Answer what you do know
- Points for headers/signatures
- Points for return statements
- What did you think about the course?
- What you expected/different
- Please fill out the
- GT Official course survey
- www.coursesurvey.gatech.edu
59Thanks for being here!
- Good luck on your exams!!!