ECONOMICS 3150B - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Y (C I G) = CU. Y (C I G) CU 0. Domestic demand domestic production (case of US) ... Currency trading in Canada: C$60 B/day. Interbank trading: 43 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECONOMICS 3150B

  • Fall 2008
  • Professor Lazar
  • Office N205J
  • 736-5068

Lecture 2 September 16
Link to Lecture Notes
  • http//
  • htm

National Income Accounts
  • Y (C I G) CU
  • Y lt (C I G) ? CU lt 0
  • Domestic demand gt domestic production (case of
  • CU ? net foreign wealth - CA (Capital account
  • CU lt 0, ? US borrows from foreigners ? CA gt 0
  • Net foreign debt ?
  • CU gt 0, ? Canada lends (invests) to (in)
    foreigners ? CA lt 0
  • Net foreign debt ?

Changes in Net Foreign Wealth
  • Consider case of US largest debtor country in
  • Net international investment position of US,
    2005 -2,238 B
  • US owned assets abroad 11,576 B
  • Foreign owned assets in US 13,815 B
  • Net international investment position, 2006
    -2,540 B
  • US owned assets abroad 13,755 B
  • Foreign owned assets in US 16,295 B
  • Changes in 2006
  • Financial flows -833 B
  • CU -722 B
  • Net unilateral transfers -90 B
  • Price changes 348 B
  • Exchange rate changes 221 B
  • US owned assets abroad largely denominated in
    foreign currencies
  • Depreciation of US (decline in value relative
    to foreign currencies) results in increase in
    value of these assets in US

Savings and the Current Account
  • S SP SG Y C G I CU
  • S gt 0 ? I CU gt 0
  • Building up capital stock and/or acquiring
    foreign wealth (assets)
  • S lt 0 ? I CU lt 0
  • Building up foreign debt to finance investment,
    current consumption or government spending
  • CU SP I SG
  • If SG ?, CU also may ? (if SP and I do not
  • Twin deficits CU lt 0 and SG lt 0

Exchange Rate Markets
  • Large Number of exchange rates
  • Most important for Canada E US/Can
  • As of 07/14/08 E 0.9948 E 1.0052
  • Low _at_ 01/21/02 0.618
  • High _at_ 11/07/07 1.103
  • Depreciation (appreciation) ? E (? E )
  • Exchange rates between Canadian dollar and other
    currencies e.g. Euro, pound, yen, peso, rupee,
    ruble, HK dollar, yuan, etc.
  • Direct vs. cross exchange rates (07/14/08), e.g
    Can and Euro (Euros/C)
  • Direct 0.6252
  • Cross E(Euros/US) 0.99480.6284 0.6251

Exchange Rate Markets
  • Other exchange rates (as of 07/14/08) relative
    to C
  • Australia 1.0225
  • Britain 0.4988
  • China Renminbi 6.8027
  • Euro 0.6246
  • India Rupee 42.5532
  • Japan Yen 105.54
  • Malaysia Ringgit 3.2113
  • Mexico Peso 10.233
  • Russia Ruble 23.01
  • Singapore 1.3448
  • Switzerland Franc 1.0098
  • UAE Dirham 3.651

Foreign Exchange Markets
  • Participants
  • Commercial banks
  • Corporations
  • Non-bank financial institutions
  • Hedge funds
  • Foreign exchange dealers
  • Central banks
  • Exchange rates spot, forward
  • Rates move together
  • Futures, options (call and put)
  • Foreign exchange swaps spot sale of a currency
    combined with forward repurchase of same currency

Foreign Exchange Markets
  • Key financial centres London, New York, Zurich,
    Tokyo, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore
  • Dubai, Mumbai and Shanghai
  • Daily volume of transactions US3.2 T/day
  • London 1.4 T NY 664 B Zurich Tokyo 238 B
  • Currency trading in Canada C60 B/day
  • Interbank trading 43
  • Currency trading between dealers and other
    financial institutions (MA and hedging
    activities) 40
  • Trading with non-financial institutions
    (corporations) 17
  • Foreign exchange swaps (hedging and carry
    trades) 56
  • Conventional spot transactions 33
  • Forward exchange transactions 12

Foreign Exchange Markets
  • Each transaction involves two currencies, so
    market shares calculated out of 200
  • US 86
  • Euro- trades 27
  • Yen- trades 13
  • Pound- 12
  • Emerging market currencies- 19
  • Emerging market currencies-Euro 4

Foreign Exchange Markets
  • Forward exchange rate
  • Over-the-counter transactions between bank and
    customers whereby bank agrees to buy or sell
    specified amount of currency at an agreed rate
    (forward rate) for delivery at specified future
    date (as of December 20, 2007)
  • 1 month 0.9939
  • 1 year 0.9917
  • 5 years 1.0032
  • Futures Transactions on an exchange
  • Closing dates for contracts, usually end of each
  • Fixed value for each contract
  • Options Transactions on an exchange
  • Rights to buy/sell currencies at pre-specified
    exchange rate at future point in time (usually
    available with monthly closing dates)

Revaluations of Exchange Rates and Impacts on
Relative Prices
  • Prices of comparable Canadian and US goods
    expressed in same currency
  • ? PCE/PUS
  • Depreciation (appreciation) ?? ? ( ? )
  • Example Bombardier selling Q400 to Horizon Air
  • Price set in C or US?
  • Set in US (US 30 M) no foreign exchange risk
    for Horizon Air
  • Delivery in 6 months
  • _at_ current E Bombardier will receive C 30.2 M
  • If C depreciates by 5 (E 0.945), Bombardier
    will receive C 31.7M
  • If C appreciates by 5 (E 1.045), Bombardier
    will receive C 28.7M
  • Implications for profit margins, pricing?

Revaluations of Exchange Rates and Impacts on
Relative Prices
  • Depreciation of spot rate of C increases C
    price of foreign goods and services, unless
    foreign prices reduced
  • US price of US good/service US100 (PUS), with
    E0.9948, C price of this good/service PUS / E
  • Depreciation of C i.e. E decreases to 0.9451
    (5 depreciation in the value of the C relative
    to the US), C price of this US good/service
    (US price unchanged at US100) at new exchange
    rate is C105.81

Revaluations of Exchange Rates and Impacts on
Relative Prices
  • Depreciation of the spot rate for the C also
    reduces foreign currency price of Canadian goods
    and services, unless C price increased
  • C price of Canadian good/service C100 (PC),
    with E0.9948, US price of this good/service
    PC E US99.48
  • Depreciation of C i.e. E decreases to 0.9451,
    US price of this Canadian good/service (C price
    unchanged at C100) at new exchange rate is

Revaluations of Exchange Rates and Impacts on
Relative Prices
  • Ceteris paribus, competitive position of
    Canadian-based companies improves vis a vis
    foreign competitors when C depreciates and
    deteriorates when C appreciates as long as
    Canadian companies do not use many US or foreign
    produced/priced parts, components, services
  • Depreciation may lead to higher rate of inflation
    (prices of imported goods and services), and
    increase in wage demands
  • Foreign suppliers may improve quality,
    productivity to maintain competitive position
  • Foreign suppliers may reduce profit margins to
    maintain prices in C
  • Canadian suppliers may become lax (X-inefficient)
    and less innovative

Aggregate Demand
  • EX (exports of goods and services)
  • Determinants of D real income, relative prices
  • Income of major trading partners US in
  • Relative prices prices of Canadian produced
    goods and services relative to price of competing
    foreign produced goods and services
  • PC E/PUS E exchange rate between C and US
    defined as US/C
  • Non-price competitiveness of Canadian companies
  • Trade barriers tariffs, transportation costs
  • Real vs. nominal

Aggregate Demand
  • IM (imports of goods and services)
  • GDP in Canada
  • Relative prices prices of Canadian produced
    goods and services relative to price of competing
    foreign produced goods and services
  • Non-price competitiveness of Canadian companies
  • Trade barriers
  • Real vs. nominal
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