Title: The Future of Telework
1The Future of Telework
- E-workers in the 21st century
Today we are seeing a growth in a different and
newer way of working. Described by us as
FreE-working, this growth is in the numbers of
workers who are going to use technology to work
at multiple locations outside of their central
work location. Tomorrows workers will be able to
work anywhere, and many of us will. Our bodies
will be our office we will carry our workplace
with us at all times. Increasingly workers will
be able to log-on, connect up and download from
buses, hotels, bedrooms and rural barns! Indeed,
the very notion of teleworking is fast becoming
out-dated relying as it does on an industrial age
concept of work and home as two distinct places.
This report considers the future of teleworking
and FreE-working up to 2020 in the UK, France and
Germany and examines the impacts future growth is
likely to have on our working lives, our home
lives, the wider community and the environment.
Source nVision 2006
23053 The Future of Telework
3Introduction and methodological approach
Source nVision 2006
23054 The Future of Telework
4What is teleworking?
Source nVision 2006
23055 The Future of Telework
5Our two main definitions
Source nVision 2006
23056 The Future of Telework
6Regular home teleworkers, and FreE-workers in
the UK, France and Germany
Source Labour Force Survey/Eurobarometer/SIBIS/EM
ERGENCE/The Future Foundation 2005
23057 The Future of Telework
7Employment in knowledge-intensive services in the
EU 25, by country
As a percentage of total employment
Source Eurostat/Labour Force Survey/nVision
19468 The Future of Telework
8Regular home-working teleworkers, by occupational
Source UK Labour Force Survey/The Future
Foundation 2005
23059 The Future of Telework
9Proportion of the total workforce who are regular
home-working teleworkers
working at home at least one day per week,
using ICTs to facilitate work
Source Labour Force Survey/Eurobarometer/SIBIS/EM
ERGENCE/The Future Foundation
23061 The Future of Telework
10Proportion of the total workforce who are
FreE-workers, 2005-2020
who at least occasionally make use of
information and communications technology for
work-related purposes while not in a central work
Source Labour Force Surve/Eurobarometer/SIBIS/EME
RGENCE/The Future Foundation
23062 The Future of Telework
11The future of broadband access
Number of households that subscribe to a
broadband internet service at home
nVision forecast - 2005 based projection
Source OFCOM/nVision Base UK
23064 The Future of Telework
12Proportion of workers who would be interested in
trying home-based teleworking
Source SIBIS GPS-NAS/The Future Foundation 2003
23065 The Future of Telework
13The barriers to telework
Source nVision 2006
23066 The Future of Telework
14Impact of telework
Source nVision 2006
23067 The Future of Telework
15Time use and work
Source nVision 2006
23068 The Future of Telework
16Blurring of boundaries of time, place and activity
Source nVision
23069 The Future of Telework
17New style of management
Source nVision 2006
23070 The Future of Telework
18New ways of communicating
Source nVision 2006
23071 The Future of Telework
19Can teleworking revive local communities?
Source nVision 2006
23072 The Future of Telework
20Section 5. Conclusions Maximising the benefits
Source nVision 2006
23073 The Future of Telework