Title: Designing Scalable Routers with a New Switching Architecture
1Designing Scalable Routers with a New Switching
- Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, P.R. China - Zuhui Yue
- Youjian Zhao
- Jianping Wu
- Xiaoping Zhang
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference
on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems and
International Conference on Networking and
Services (ICAS/ICNS 2005)
- The basic CR (Cellular Router) architecture
- Design of the line card
- Improvement of the basic architecture
- Minimal routing algorithms in the CR architecture
- Performance evaluation
3The basic CR architecture -A single rack with a
layer of line cards
Basic Element Numbers(BENs)
Basic Element
4The basic CR architecture -A single rack with a
layer of line cards
5The basic CR architecture -A single rack with
multilayer line cards
In each rack, a line card can be identified with
(l, st ) . l represents the layer where the
line card is located st represents the BEN of
the line card
6The basic CR architecture -Multi-rack system
Cobweb architecture
A line card can be identified as (CN, l, st) CN
Cobweb Number (CN).
7The basic CR architecture -Multi-rack system
- Step1 define the central point as Polar Point
(PP). - Step2 there are six axes which start from the
PP. They are defined as 0-axis, -p/3-axis,
-2p/3-axis, p-axis, 2p/3-axis and p/3-axis
respectively. - Step3 first place one rack on the PP. Then we
place the second rack on the p/3-axis. After we
have placed six racks around the PP clockwise - Step4 define the PP as Circle 0 and the six
racks around it as Circle 1, etc. We call this
architecture as Cobweb architecture.
8The basic CR architecture -Multi-rack system
9Design of the line card
The line card structure in CR architecture
10Design of the line card
- CR architecture distributes the switching task
into each line card. - The inner switching fabric can be normal
crossbar. - We can introduce separated queues, named Virtual
Channel Queue (VCQ), for each output.
11Improvement of the basic architecture Fault
tolerance considerations
Node failure in the BE
12Improvement of the basic architecture Mirror
Modification of the BE
13Improvement of the basic architecture Mirror
Mirror Points in a system with two circles of
14Minimal routing algorithms in the CR architecture
- Each link is unidirectional, so there are two
links between any adjacent nodes. We define the
length of each link as 1. - We further assume that the architecture uses
storeand-forward flow control with each node
having buffers of infinite length.
15Minimal routing algorithms in the CR architecture
- s source node.
- d destination node.
16Minimal routing algorithms in the CR
architecture- Selection of next-hop node
- Every node can be identified as (?, ?)
- ? the length of OP
- ? is the value of ? POX.
17Minimal routing algorithms in the CR
architecture- Selection of next-hop node
Method based on the PP
18Performance evaluation
- We define the length of each packet as 1.
- The destination of each arrival packet is
randomly chosen. - The queues on each node are organized as VCQs and
the length of each queue is 100. - When there are two optional next-hop nodes we
always select the right neighbor.
19Performance evaluation
Throughput of RNF algorithm