The Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM and its Extensions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM and its Extensions


The average of betas for all assets is 1. Beta can also be linked with the co ... Beta = standard deviation of the asset's return / standard deviation of market ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM and its Extensions

Lecture 4
  • The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and its

Contribution of a Stock to the Portfolio Risk
  • A stocks contribution to the risk of a
    diversified portfolio does not depend on its own
  • Its contribution to portfolio risk is through the
    covariance of the stock with the other stocks in
    the portfolio.
  • Decomposition of the market returns variance
    into the weighted average of covariance of
    individual assets return with the markets
  • Covariance is a linear operator

What is the Beta?
  • Beta is a scaled covariance of an assets
    return with the market portfolios return.
  • The average of betas for all assets is 1.
  • Beta can also be linked with the co-efficient of
  • Beta standard deviation of the assets return /
    standard deviation of market return, multiplied
    by the coefficient of correlation between the

Intuitive Explanation of the Capital Asset
Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • Investors will only want to hold a security in
    their portfolio if it provides a reasonable
    amount of reward (i.e., the marginal excess
    return) in return for the risk it adds to the
  • This risk is characterized by the beta.
  • Well term this risk the systematic risk or
    market risk.
  • The ratio of marginal excess return to marginal
    risk must be the same for all assets in

An Example How does the market achieve the
  • Asset A has an expected return of 12 and a beta
    of 1.40. Asset B has an expected return of 8
    and a beta of 0.80. Are these two assets valued
    correctly relative to each other if the risk-free
    rate is 5?
  • NO! The reward-to-systematic risk ratio is 0.05
    for A, 0.0375 for B.
  • Please note this reward-to-systematic risk
    ratio is different from the Sharpe ratio.
  • Asset B offers insufficient return for its level
    of systematic risk, relative to A. Bs price is
    too high, therefore it is overvalued (or A is
  • What should investors do?

Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • It has to be
  • Expected return of stock Risk-free rate Beta
    x Risk premium of market portfolio.

Assumptions needed for the CAPM
  • Individual investors are price takers.
  • Single-period investment horizon.
  • Investments are limited to traded financial
  • No taxes and transaction costs.
  • Information is costless and available to all
  • Investors are rational mean-variance optimizers.
  • There are homogeneous expectations.

Security Market Line (SML)
  • SML is the line depicting the relationship
    between the assets expected return and its beta.
  • The slope of the SML, E(rm) rf, measures the
    price of risk.
  • If you graph the actual average return-beta
    combination of assets, most of them deviate from
    the SML. The difference is called alpha.

Security Market Line
Disequilibrium Example
  • Suppose a security with a ? of 1.25 is offering
    expected return of 15
  • According to SML, it should be 13
  • The (Jensens) alpha of this security is 2.
    Thus, this security is under-priced offering
    too high of an expected rate of return for its
    level of risk

Disequilibrium Example
a 2
The Usefulness of Alpha
  • An asset with a negative alpha calculated based
    on past performance means this asset
    underperformed in the market.
  • Stocks with a forecasted positive alpha in the
    near future should be bought, if you trust the
  • On average, an assets return/beta relationship
    should follow the SML in the long term.
  • This may imply mean-reverting observations.

Portfolios Beta
  • A portfolios beta is simply the weighted-average
    of its assets betas.
  • This is because covariance is a linear operator.

Blacks Zero Beta Model
  • Absence of a risk-free asset
  • Combinations of portfolios on the efficient
    frontier are efficient
  • All frontier portfolios have companion portfolios
    that are uncorrelated with them
  • Returns on individual assets can be expressed as
    linear combinations of efficient portfolios

Blacks Zero Beta Model Formulation
  • P and Q are minimum-variance portfolios. For an
    arbitrary asset i,

Illustration of Efficient Portfolios and Zero
Zero Beta Market Model
  • Choose M as P, Z(M) as Q, then
  • This is the CAPM with E(rz (m)) replacing rf.
  • Portfolio Z(m) has a beta of zero.

Zero Beta Model Applications
  • (No riskfree borrowing) The mutual funds
    theorem will no longer be valid. Less risk
    averse people will invest in risk free asset and
    another efficient portfolio which is not the
    tangent portfolio. The CAPM should be changed
  • (Differential borrowing and lending rates) We
    will have a kinked CAL.
  • Implications Not everyone holds a combination of
    riskfree and the market portfolio anymore.

Liquidity A Recap
  • Liquidity how ease to trade a security. If
    transaction costs are high, then liquidity will
    be low.
  • Trading costs
  • Bid-ask spread ? This is considered the major
    part of trading costs which will vary with the
    size of the firm. Stocks of smaller firms have
    bigger bid-ask spreads
  • Commissions, taxes
  • Implicit market impact costs

CAPM and Liquidity
  • Illiquidity Premium If a security is illiquid,
    then investors demand a higher expected rate of
    return for this security.
  • Liquidity is related to the length of holding
  • Liquidity and the size effect.
  • Research supports a premium for illiquidity
  • Amihud and Mendelson

CAPM with a Liquidity Premium
f (ci) liquidity premium for security i f (ci)
increases at a decreasing rate, a concave
function. (f gt 0, f lt 0). ci is the liquidation
cost, which is partly determined by the bid-ask
spread of the security.
Index Model and Factor Model
  • We are not able to construct a true market
    portfolio in reality. Instead, we use a stock
    market index as a substitute for the market
  • Or, we could say that all securities returns are
    affected by one single macro factor.
  • Employing the index model makes it easier for
    security analysts to do the analysis
  • Reduce drastically the number of parameters
    needed to be estimated

Liquidity and Average Returns
Average monthly return()
Bid-ask spread ()
Single Factor Model
  • Assumption a broad market index is the common
  • ri E(ri) ßiF ei
  • ßi sensitivity of an assets return to the
  • F some macro factor in this case F is
    unanticipated movement
  • F is commonly related to security returns
  • Multi-factor models will be addressed in the

Single Index Model
Risk Prem
Market Risk Prem
or Index Risk Prem
the stocks expected return if the markets
excess return is zero
ai is zero under the CAPM.
(rm - rf) 0
ßi(rm - rf) the component of return due to
movements in the market index b has the same
expression as in the CAPM.
ei firm specific component, not due to market
movements. This is an important assumption.
Using the Text Example from Table 10-1
Excess Mkt. Ret.
Excess GM Ret.
Jan. Feb. . . Dec Mean Std Dev
5.41 -3.44 . . 2.43 -.60 4.97
7.24 .93 . . 3.90 1.75 3.32
Regression Results
rGM - rf ß(rm - rf)
-2.590 (1.547)
1.1357 (0.309)
Estimated coefficient Std error of
estimate Variance of residuals 12.601 Std dev
of residuals 3.550 R2 0.575
Beta Coefficients for Selected Australian
Companies (as of 2/8/2005, FinAnalysis)
Components of Risk
  • Market or systematic risk risk related to the
    market portfolio
  • However, it is not possible to get the beta under
    this definition, so the beta is obtained under
    the index model.
  • Unsystematic or firm specific risk risk not
    related to the market portfolio or market index
  • Total risk Systematic Unsystematic

Measuring Components of Risk
  • ?i2 ?i2 ?m2 ?2(ei)
  • where
  • ?i2 total variance
  • ?i2 ?m2 systematic variance
  • ?2(ei) unsystematic variance

Examining Percentage of Variance
  • Running a market model regression first, then we
    can decompose the total variance of a stocks
  • Total Risk Systematic Risk Unsystematic Risk
  • Systematic Risk/Total Risk ?2 R2
  • ßi2 ? m2 / ?2 ?2 ? of systematic
  • ?i2 ?m2 /( ?i2 ?m2 ?2(ei)) ?2

Risk Reduction with Diversification
St. Deviation
Unique Risk s2(eP)s2(e) / n
Market Risk
Number of Securities
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