CT30675E Application Development for the Web - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CT30675E Application Development for the Web


A user can enter anything into a form - including characters we ... bgColor - colour of the page background (same as the bgcolor attribute of the body tag) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CT30675E Application Development for the Web

CT30675E Application Developmentfor the Web
  • Week 9Javascript Object Model Validation

Whats in store this week
  • News
  • Client-side Validation
  • When to use it
  • Javascript Object Model
  • DOM
  • Javascript Validation
  • How to do it

Input Validation
  • In the early weeks of the module, we looked
    briefly at validating user input.
  • A user can enter anything into a form - including
    characters we arent expecting.
  • Validation takes place at two main times
  • On the users side - Client-side validation
  • Within the script - Server-side validation
  • Question Do we need two different approaches?

Input Validation
  • Client-side validation is for the users benefit
  • It can be circumvented, as the users machine has
    ultimate control over what data will be sent to
    the server
  • e.g. switching off Javascript
  • older browsers with no/buggy Javascript
  • appending data using GET method
  • or maybe writing their own web browser?

Input Validation
  • Server-side validation is to ensure that invalid
    data does not cause our application to react in
    unpredictable or undesirable ways.
  • The implications of invalid data will be
    discussed in detail in weeks 10 and 11.
  • It is strongly suggested that you validate
    everything on the server side as a minimum.

Client-Side Validation
  • Why would we want to bother with Client-side
    validation then?
  • It saves bandwidth
  • The data does not have to be sent to the server,
    then an error page generated, and returned to the
  • Processor time
  • The script handling data has to be executed,
    taking up CPU time on the server
  • It avoids unnecessary delays to the user

Client-Side Validation
  • With that in mind, lets look at what can be done
    at the client-side.
  • Where possible, text-based input fields can be
    substituted for radio buttons or drop-down lists.
  • Input fields can be validated for format, size
    etc. using regular expressions (Javascript
    supports regular expressions).
  • Instant feedback can be given to the user, by
    using alert(), or by rewriting HTML pages

Client-Side Validation
  • A form can be stopped from being submitted to its
    final action.
  • Data in fields can be rewritten, and focus on
    screen moved between fields programmatically.
  • However, checks to an external data source such
    as a database is better handled on the
  • Otherwise youd have to send all the
    possibilities to the Form - this will take up
    space, and may reveal sensitive data.

Document Object Model
  • The Document Object Model is a platform- and
    language-neutral interface that will allow
    programs and scripts to dynamically access and
    update the content, structure and style of
    documents. W3C, http//www.w3.org/DOM/
  • The page sitting inside a browser window can be
    viewed as a document, with structure and
  • This document can be structured as a tree.

Document Object Model
From the mirror of Voodoos JavaScript tutorial
at http//mercury.tvu.ac.uk/adw/jsintro/part2/part
Document Object Model
  • We can navigate through the tree manually, using
    the folllowing methods.
  • parentNode - accesses the parent of the current
  • childNodes - accesses the chidren of the
    current element(an array)
  • nodeValue - we can set and get this value for any
    element in the tree.

Document Object Model
  • Or access elements directly
  • getElementsByTagName() - accesses a node by
    HTML tag (in order of occurrence)
  • getElementById() - accesses a node by its name
  • When dealing with the Document Objects used in an
    HTML page, there are easier ways to navigate!

Document Object Model
  • The DOM is divided into three Levels
  • Level 1 core elements HTML
  • Level 2 Stylesheets events (and others)
  • (Level 3 is still under development)
  • Microsoft IE has a slightly different
    interpretation of the DOM, leading to
  • Do other browsers follow the standards (and so
    pages designed for IE might not work), or
    follow IE (and ignore published standards)?

Document Object Model
  • Before the Document Object Model (DOM) was
    standardised by the W3C, each browser had its own
    type of model.
  • This still occurs partly - IE has a slightly
    different DOM to Netscape.
  • A de facto standard DOM supported by almost all
    Javascript-enabled browsers is known as the Level
    0 DOM - but this is very basic.

  • The most basic object in a web browser is the
  • The window forms the key object in
    Browser-oriented Javascript.

Windows - Properties
  • A browser window consists of a number of
  • frames - an array of the frames (if any) making
    up the document. The frames are listed in the
    order they appear in the HTML.
  • location - the Location object representing the
    URL of the window.
  • opener - a reference to the window that created
    this one (if applicable)
  • name - the name of this window
  • document - the document contained in the window.

Windows - Methods
  • ...and methods
  • alert(), confirm(), prompt() - These display
    simple dialogue boxes, and in the case of
    confirm() and prompt() return user response.
  • close() - Closes the window.
  • open() - opens a new top level window.
  • moveBy(), moveTo() - moves the current window
  • resizeBy(), resizeTo() - resizes the current

Document Object Model
  • As just mentioned, every browser window object
    has a document property.
  • This document object represents the HTML document
    which is displayed in the window.
  • The document object contains all the objects
    inside the document - these are (rather
    ambiguously) known as document objects.

DOM - Methods
  • Methods of the document object
  • open() - opens a new document inside the window,
    erasing any already existing document.
  • close() - closes a document which was begun with
  • write() and writeln() - append text into the
    currently open document writeln() additionally
    adds a new line (carriage return) after the text.

Anatomy of a Document
DOM - Properties
  • Links
  • alinkColor - colour of active links.
  • vlinkColor - colour of visited links.
  • linkColor - colour of all other links.
  • anchors - an array containing all anchor
    objects representing the local anchor points in
    the document (lta name".."gt).
  • links - an array containing all the link
    objects representing the links in the document.

DOM - Properties
  • images - an array containing the image objects
    representing each ltimggt tag in the document.
  • As with all arrays mentioned with respect to the
    Document Object Model, the arrays contain
    elements in the order they appear in the HTML

DOM - Properties
  • bgColor - colour of the page background (same as
    the bgcolor attribute of the ltbodygt tag)
  • fgColor - colour of the page text (same as the
    text attribute of the ltbodygt tag)
  • forms - an array containing the form objects
    representing each ltformgt tag in the document.
  • title - the text representing the lttitlegt header
    tag for this document.
  • These properties can only be set before the
    ltbodygt tag is parsed.

DOM - Properties
  • embeds - an array containing any embedded
    objects representing each ltembedgt or ltobjectgt tag
    in the document.
  • URL / location - a string specifying the URL that
    the page was loaded from (this is usually the
    same as the location.href property of the window

Naming of Document Objects
  • A number of document objects (typically, Image
    and Form objects) can be named with the HTML
    parameter name
  • ltform name"logo"gt
  • This adds a new property to the document object
    bearing the same name as the tag.
  • document.forms0
  • (this version will be explained later)
  • document.logo
  • Both these refer to the same form object.

Image objects
  • The main document objects we tend to manipulate
    with Javascript are Form and Image objects.
  • With regards to the Image object, the most
    interesting property is the src property, which
    gives the URL of the image source.
  • If a new value is written to this property, the
    displayed image will be replaced with the URL the
    value represents.

Manipulating images
  • document.images2.src "top.gif"
  • A common use of this is the roll-over - when the
    user moves their mouse over the image, it changes
    to a different image, and when the mouse is moved
    off, it changes back.
  • ltimg name"button" src"off.gif" onMouseOver"doc
    ument.button.src'on.gif'" onMouseOut"document.b

Form objects
  • Since form objects typically contain user
    interface items (buttons, input fields), forms
    are particularly important in browser-oriented
  • Forms (as with images, etc) are stored in an
    array as a property of the document.
  • document.forms0 would be the first form in an
    HTML page.
  • As has been noted, forms can be given a name with
    the name parameter.

Form objects
  • The elements of a form are stored as a property
    of a form object.
  • The array elements.
  • Form elements can also be named. This will
    define a property inside the relevent form
  • e.g. a text field called "input1" inside the
    first form on an HTML page will be

Document Object Model
  • Named sections/fields (using the name
    attribute) appear as children of the document
  • There are also elements to represent the browser
    history, the screen, the links, the images, the
    forms etc. etc.
  • You can access the value of an element directly.

Document Object Model
  • Examples of DOM
  • (We switched to our favourite web browser and
    looked at a couple of web pages, breaking it down
    into a simple partial DOM model on the
    whiteboard. If you missed the lecture, too bad!)

  • Introduced by Netscape in the mid-90s (under the
    names mocha and livescript), and finally
    standardised as ECMAScript during 1997-1999.
  • Not to be confused with Java (it is nothing to do
    Suns product)
  • Microsoft had a rival standard called Jscript.

  • An object based language
  • Case sensitive - Capitalisation matters.
  • Built-in objects
  • Array
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Function
  • Math
  • Number
  • Object
  • RegExp
  • String.

  • Standard control structures (many of which are as
    C or Java)
  • if
  • while
  • do while
  • for
  • for in
  • switch

  • An event-driven structure
  • onFocus - when an element is selected
  • onChange - when an element is changed
  • onClick - when the mouse is clicked
  • onDblClick - when the mouse is double-clicked
  • onMouseOver - when the mouse moves into the
  • onMouseOut - when the mouse moves out of the
  • onMouseUp - when the mouse button is released
  • There are many others

JavaScript Validation
  • You can access the values stored in the DOM and
    use JavaScript to check them
  • The code can be executed on a click of the button
  • The remainder of the workshop will be spent
    looking at HTML pages and accessing the elements
    using JavaScript
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