FT2283 Web Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FT2283 Web Development


body bgcolor='white' font color='green' size=' 3' ... body bgcolor='white' %-- Increment counters --% c:set var='sessionCounter' scope='session' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: FT2283 Web Development

FT228/3 Web Development
multi page applications/ sharing data
  • So far, have looked at examples with just a
    single JSPpage
  • Usually, will need more than one JSP page within
    the application
  • Need to know how to
  • 1) structure a JSP application2) pass control
    from one JSP page to another3) pass data from
    one JSP to another

  • A shopping application that accepts a users
    payment details on a form, validates thedetails
    and displays a confirmation page or error
    depending upon user input
  • Various ways that JSP pages for collection of
    paymentdetails can be structured. Can even have
    everything on a single JSP page (messy for
    anything but simplest apps)
  • Have used 3 JSP pages - payment details on a
    form(userinput.jsp)- validation of the details
    (validateinfo.jsp) - display of a confirmation
    page (confirmed.jsp) or error (userinput.jsp)
    depending upon user input

confirmed.jsp displays a messageto user to
confirmpayment made.
Userinput.jsp Displays a forminto whichuser
enters theirdetails Displays any errors on the
infovalidate.jsp Validates the infoprovided
inuserinput.jspand passes back to
userinput.jspif theres an error, or
confirmed.jspif info is valid.
Structure of JSP pages
  • To determine how pages should be structured (e.g.
    one page vs more than one?)
  • General guide separate the presentation from the
    request processing and business logic.
  • Presentation is the display of the application to
    the userI.e. the screens (e.g. display of the
    user input form, display of the confirmation
  • Request processing and business logic is the
    behind the scenes processing and
    manipulation(e.g. validation of user input)
  • This is the basis of a common application
    architecturecalled the MVC (model-view-controller
    ) architecture

Structure of JSP pages
  • This structure enables easier maintenance of
  • Presentation changes frequently (e.g web page
    enhancements) but business logic changes less
    often. Separation enables easier maintenance of
    presentation pages.
  • May need multiple forms of presentation (e.g. to
    support multiple languages for international
    websites, to enable a variety of client devices)
    easier to do if presentation is separate from
    business logic

Structure of JSP pages example
confirmed.jsp displays a messageto user to
confirmpayment made.
Userinput.jsp Displays a forminto whichuser
enters theirdetails
infovalidate.jsp Validates the infoprovided
inuserinput.jspand passes back to
userinput.jspif theres an error, or
confirmed.jspif info is valid.
Request processing and business logic
Passing control from one page to another
  • Separating presentation pages from request
    processing/business logic -? more than one page
    used to process client request ---? need to be
    able to pass control from one page to another
  • ---? e.g. in the example, infovalidate.jsp need
    to be able to forward to either userinput.jsp or
    confirmed.jsp depending on validation result
  • Can use the ltjspforwardgt standard action tag

Passing control from one page to another
  • ltjspforwardgt has one attribute page target
    pagee.g. ltjspforward page confirmed.jsp/gt
  • Stops processing of one page and starts
    processing of the target page
  • Target page has access to all request parameters
    from original page.
  • Can also add additional request parameters when
    control passed, using ltjspparamgt action.
  • ltjspparamgt action is nested within the
    jspforward action. It takes a name and value

Passing control from one page to another
For example A validation page
(infovalidate.jsp) forward control to a page,
userinput.jsp, in order to display an error
message. Need to include error message in
the the forwarding instruction. ltjspforward
page userinput.jspgt ltjspparam name msg
value invalid credit card
number/gt lt/jspforwardgt
Target page
Name of parameter to be passed
Value of parameter
Passing control from one page to another
ltjspforward page userinput.jspgt
The target page in this example is assumed to be
in the same directory on the web server as the
current JSP page
ltjspforward page /somedir/userinput.jspgt
The target page in this example is assumed to be
in the /somedir/ directory as a subset of the
main applicationdirectory (../webapps/mainapp/)
Note the ltcredirectgt tag is similar to the
ltjspforwardgt tag, but also allows redirection
to a different URL.
Sharing data across pages
  • Often need to be able to share data across pages.
    For example, determine an error message in
    infovalidate.jspand pass this to another page,
    confirmed. jsp
  • Can use a core action ltcsetgt to create a
    variable and save data to this variable. Can
    then access this variable in another part of the
  • ltcsetgt has various attributes (see page 44 of
    JSTL specification) including var, value and
  • For example ltcset varerrormsg"
    valueInvalid entry
    scope requestgt

Sharing data across pages Scope
  • Previous example creates a variable called
    errorMsg, and sets its value to Invalid
    entry. The scope of the variable is request
  • When a JSP page needs to save data for its
    processing, it must specify the scope of the
  • The scope of a data object defines how long the
    data is available for (I.e. how long it

Sharing data across pages Scope
  • there are four Scopes available

Page (I.e. only available within the JSP page.
Page scoped data is destroyed when the page has
finished generating its output.
Request (I.e. available in all pages processing
the same client request. Once the request from
that has completed, the request-scope data is
Session (i.e. available to all requests made from
the same user/client)
Application (I.e available to all users of that
application, while the application is running
Sharing data across pages Scope
  • To creates a variable that will be available to
    any JSP in the application example
  • ltcset varhitcounter" value0"
    scope"application" /gt
  • To retrieve the value of this variable in another
    JSP page ltcout value'hitcounter' /gt

When retrieving a saved value, possible to omit
the scope(as shown). If scope omitted, variable
name is automatically searched for in each of the
scopes, in the order page, request, session,
Sample code
confirmed.jsp displays a messageto user to
confirmpayment made.
Userinput.jsp Displays a forminto whichuser
enters theirdetails Displays any errors on the
infovalidate.jsp Validates the infoprovided
inuserinput.jspand passes back to
userinput.jspif theres an error, or
confirmed.jspif info is valid.
userinput.jsp displays a payment form. when
the user clicks button, infovalidate.jsp is
called. If an entry error is made, the
infovalidate.jsp page forwards back to this with
the error. Note v. simple example for
illustration. Details are not saved to a database
or file.
confirmed.jsp displays the confirmation. called
by the infovalidate.jsp page if no errors
Sample code user input.jsp
lt_at_ taglib prefix"c" uri"http//java.sun.com/jsp
/jstl/core" gt lthtmlgt ltheadgt
lttitlegtPayment Formlt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbody
bgcolor"white"gt ltform action"userinfovalida
te.jsp" method"post"gt lttablegt ltinput
type"hidden" name"submitted" value"true"gt
ltcif test"param.submitted !empty msg"gt
lttrgt lttd colspan"2"gt
ltfont color"red"gt ltcout value
"msg"/gt lt/fontgt lt/tdgt
lt/trgt lt/cifgt
Need to know whether this is thefirst time form
is displayed
Check if there are any error messages to display.
Themsg variable is set in the validation page
Sample code user input.jsp (continued)
lttrgt lttdgtNamelt/tdgt
lttdgt ltinput type"text"
name"userName" value "ltcout value
"param.userName"/gt"gt lt/tdgt
lttdgtCredit card numberlt/tdgt lttdgt
ltinput type"text" name"creditCardNumber" value
"ltcout value "param.creditCardNumber"
/gt"gt lt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt
lttd colspan2gt ltinput
type"submit" value"Send Data"gt
lt/tdgt lttrgt lt/tablegt
lt/formgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Display any previously enter values of
username/credit card number
Sample code infovalidate.jsp
lt_at_ taglib prefix"c" uri"http//java.sun.com/jsp
/jstl/core" gt lt-- tests whether username and
credit card have been entered --gt lt-- if
there's an error, set a msg variable --gt
ltcchoosegt ltcwhen test"empty
param.userName"gt ltcset var "msg" value
"You must enter your username" scope
"request"/gt ltjspforward
page"userinfoinput.jsp" /gt lt/cwhengt
ltcwhen test"empty param.creditCardNumber"gt
ltcset var "msg" value "You must enter
your credit card number" scope
"request"/gt ltjspforward page"userinfoinput.j
sp" /gt lt/cwhengt ltcotherwisegt
ltjspforward page"confirmed.jsp" /gt
lt/cotherwisegt lt/cchoosegt
Username request parameter
Must set scope to request. Otherwise, the message
wont be available to userinputinfo.jsp
Sample code confirmed.jsp
lt-- displays a confirmation screen to the user
--gt lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtUser Info
Validatedlt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbody
bgcolor"white"gt ltfont color"green"
size"3"gt Your payment details are correct
- thank you lt/fontgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Note This page is just template text (apart from
comment) so could be created as a regular HTML
file. Making it a JSP page allows dynamic
content later without changing the referring page
Intro to Sessions
  • Many E-businesses personalise their customers
    browsing experiences by allowing for user
  • Personalisation is done by tracking the users
    movement though the Internet and combining that
    info with data provided by the user (e.g.
    hobbies, address etc)
  • Robust web applications need to interact back and
    forth with the user, remembering information
    about the user between requests
  • Examples are CNN.com, MSN.com

  • Session tracking is the ability to track a set of
    interactions between the client and the server
  • Request/response mechanism for web communication
    is based on HTTP
  • HTTP is a stateless protocol it does not
    support persistent information
  • Web server cannot link requests with particular
  • The client needs to identify itself to the server
    in some way if the server is to recognise the

Session tracking
  • Examples of session tracking information
  • Shopping website Items in a shopping cart
  • -gt Item1, Gone with the Wind)
  • -gtItem2, BeatlesCD)
  • -? Select these on one web page, check-out in a
    different part of the website. Web site
    remembers what you ordered by using session
  • Web banking applicationBank employee selects
    the branch they are a member of. Session stores
    this info in some way -gt branch,
    931012Application remembers the branch
    number so that employee does not have to
    re-enter. Only customers relevant to the branch
    are shown throughout.

Session tracking
  • There are a number of different techniques
    available to web applications to enable session
    tracking, including cookies (next course).
  • In JSP, can be done by simply using the scope
    attribute of whatever needs to be tracked.
  • Set the scope to session, and the relevant
    attribute will be available throughout the entire
    session of the client
  • Example a JSP page that displays two counters
    a hit counter for the session, and a hit counter
    for the application

Session tracking
lt_at_ taglib prefix"c" uri"http//java.sun.com/jst
l/core" gt lthtmlgt ltheadgt header details etc
lt/htmlgt ltbody bgcolor"white"gt lt--
Increment counters --gt ltcset
var"sessionCounter" scope"session"
value"sessionCounter 1" /gt ltcset
var"applCounter" scope"application"
value"applCounter 1" /gt lth1gtCounter
pagelt/h1gt This page has been visited ltbgt
ltcout value"sessionCounter" /gt lt/bgt
times within the current session, and ltbgt
ltcout value"applCounter" /gt lt/bgt times
by all users since the application was started.
lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
will last for the users session only
will be updated by all users of the applicaton
  • Looked at
  • Structuring a JSP application
  • Passing control
  • Sharing data
  • Scope (page, request, session, application)
  • Session tracking
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