Title: Web Design
1Web Design
- Qonita MS, S.Kom
- room 1228 (building A)
- niet_at_cs.ui.ac.id
- Course homepage
- http//www.cs.ui.ac.id/kuliah/webdesign/
3Course Outline
- HTML Introduction
- Microsoft FrontPage / Netscape
Composer - Enhancing a Website
- Project building a website
4First Lecture
- Create web pages as simple as possible
- Use Notepad to create HTML files
- Use HTML codes
5What is HTML?
- HyperText Markup Language
- How web browser displays its multimedia documents
- Documents contain plain text (ASCII characters)
with special tags or codes - Browser interprets tags/codes ? how to display on
the screen
6HTML Tags (1)
- All HTML codes are written using tags
- Tags surrounded by angular brackets lt and gt
- Generally opening closing tags
- E.g. lttaggt some text lt/taggt
- / tells the code to stop tagging
- Unrecognisable tags are ignored
7HTML Tags example (1)
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegt My first web page lt/titlegt lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltcentergt lth1gt My first web page lt/h1gt lt/centergt
- ltpgt
- This is as simple as a web page can get.
- lt/pgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
8HTML Tags example (2)
9HTML Tags (2)
- A web browser does not care if you use upper or
lower case. - E.g. ltH3gt text lt/H3gt is no different from lth3gt
text lt/h3gt
- Open Notepad
- Write HTML codes
- Save as .htm or .html
- Double-click file to display in browser
11More Tags (1)
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegt Web Page Basic
lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbody bgcolor "white" text
"blue"gt ltcentergt lt!show the different height
tagsgt lth1gtBasic Web Page Designlt/h1gt lth3gtBasic
Web Page Designlt/h3gt lth5gtBasic Web Page
Designlt/h5gt lt/centergt
12More Tags (2)
lt!show the type of text tagsgt lthrgt ltpgt This is
an example of a very simple web page. ltigt This
is an example of a very simple web page.
lt/igt ltbgt This is an example of a very simple web
page. lt/bgt ltemgt This is an example of a very
simple web page. lt/emgt This is an example of a
very simple web page. Another line lt/bodygt
13More Tags (3)
14Tags to Watch (1)
- lthtmlgt ... lt/htmlgt to show that the code inside
it is HTML - lttitlegt tag located in the ltheadgt ... lt/headgt
portion of the code ? not visible in browser - ltbodygt (after ltheadgt) is the part that is visible
in browser - bgcolor text (inside ltbodygt) ? indicating
colour of background and text
15Tags to Watch (2)
- lth1gt, lth3gt, lth5gt ? heading types (size)
- ltcentergt
- lthrgt ? horizontal rule
- ltpgt ? paragraph
- ltigt
- ltbgt
- ltemgt (bold/italics depending on your browser)
16Special Characters
- ISO characters, such as ü é, lt or gt
- Some already defined to create HTML codes
- Should write them in different way, e.g. lt
becomes lt (less than) - Try putting a lot of space (press space bar),
what happening? ? needs non-breaking space
character, i.e. nbsp
17Why Learning HTML?
- Those who say that its not needed there are
many WYSIWYG tools for HTML - Why you need to learn it?
- Its always useful to understand the basics
before understanding the complexity of any
language or codes - Helps you to get used to the codes when you
learn web programming
- List of HTML tags http//www.cs.ui.ac.id/kuliah/w
ebdesign/htmltags.html - List of HTML special characters