Title: JavaScript Basics
1JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Concepts
- JavaScript in HTML documents
- JavaScript language
- JavaScript samples
3JavaScript Basics
- What JavaScript is
- Extension of HTML
- An object-based scripting language
- What JavaScript isnt
- Java
- A full object-oriented prog. environment
- What JavaScript enables
- Interactivity
4What Can JavaScript Do?
- Accept Input
- Text fields, check boxes, buttons, etc.
- Process Data
- Make decisions, manipulate variables
- Produce Output
- Messages, status lines, windows
- Why?
- HTML doesnt do much
5What Can JavaScripts Do?
- Modify Pages on the Fly
- Change text, replace images, special effects
- Offer Selections to the User
- Drop down menus, check boxes, buttons
- Manipulate Windows
- Open windows, write to them, close them
- BUT no reading or writing to users disk
6Putting JavaScript into Pages
- Direct Insertion
- Inside ltheadgt tags (deferred script)
- Within ltbodygt (immediate script)
- Embedded inline
- Inside other HTML tags (as attribute values)
- External references
- In external .js files (as deferred functions)
7JavaScript Language
- Objects
- Things on a page
- Attributes
- Properties of objects
- Methods
- Actions taken by objects
- Statements
- Lines of assembled components
- Functions
- Reusable groups of statements
8JavaScript Language
- Objects
- Img, form, checkbox, button, textarea
- Attributes
- Height, width, src, href, bgcolor, name
- Methods
- Onclick, focus, alert, getDate(), scroll
- Statements
- Document.myimage.srcsomepic.jpg
- Functions
- Function doSomething()
- statements ..
9Event Handlers
- Special methods assoc.with certain objects.
- Called automatically when events occur
- You specify what happens
- onClick, onMouseDown, onMouseUp
- onFocus, onBlur, onKeyPress
- onLoad, onUnload, onSubmit
10Object Hierarchy
- Fully-qualified location of an Object
- Allows multiple instances of similar objects
- Avoids duplication of object names
- Window
- Document
- Form
- Object
- Property or method
- Value or action
- Document.form1.button3.valueClick me
11Programming JavaScript
- Variables
- Named elements that can change value
- Data types
- Integer, floating-point, boolean, string
- Operators
- Assignment, comparison, boolean, string
- Control statements
- Conditions, loops
- Keywords
- Reserved words with special meaning
12Programming JavaScript
- Variables
- Howdy, numberRight, score, Ralph
- Data types
- 12, 987.654, true/false, Texas Tech
- Operators
- gt, , , , lt, gt, etc.
- Control statements
- If, if.else, for, etc.
- Keywords
- Var, true, false, int, const, new, return
13Programming Rules
- Case matters
- Quotes (or not) matter
- Matching braces matter
- Use indenting and semicolons
- ltscript languagejavascriptgt
- Function msgBox(boxText)
- Alert(boxText)
- lt/scriptgt
14JavaScript Example 1
- Time-sensitive welcome
- Direct insertion script
- Predefined Date() object
- If/Else control
- Variables
- Objects
- Methods
15Example 1 Code
lth2gtExample 1 Time-Sensitive Welcomelt/h2gt ltpgtIn
the next line, this web page says Good Morning,
Good Afternoon, or Good Night to the user,
depending on what time the browser's machine has.
lt/pgt lth3gt ltscript language"javascript"gt var d
new Date() var h d.getHours() if (h lt
12) document.write("Good Morning.") else if
(h lt 17) document.write("Good
Afternoon.") else document.write("Good
Evening.") lt/scriptgt
16JavaScript Example 2
- Mouseover picture change
- Event handlers
- JavaScript as attribute values
- The this object
- Embedded quotes
17Example 2 Code
lth2gtExample 2 Mouseover Picture
Changelt/h2gt ltpgtWhen you move your mouse over
this picture, JavaScript will swap in a second
picture immediately upon the Mouseover
event.nbsp Immediately upon Mouseout,the first
picture will be immediately swapped.lt/pgt ltimg
border"1" src"../images/Locke3.gif" width"108"
height"151" OnMouseOver"this.src'../images/Lock
e1.gif'" ONMouseOut"this.src'../images/Locke3.gi
18JavaScript Example 3
- Smooth Scrolling Button
- Event handler
- JavaScript as attribute value
- External .js function call
- Loop
- Resize Window Button
- Randomization
- arithmetic
19Example 3 Code (html doc)
lthtmlgtltheadgtlttitlegt3368 JavaScript
Exampleslt/titlegt ltlink REL"stylesheet"
HREF"3368style.css" TYPE"text/css"gt ltScript
Language"Javascript" SRC"JavaEx.js"gtlt/Scriptgt
lt/headgt . . . . . lth2gtExample 3 Manipulating
the window through JavaScriptlt/h2gt ltpgtWhen you
click on this button, the window will resize to a
random size. lt/pgt ltFORMgt ltinput typebutton
value"Smooth Scroll" OnClick"SmoothScroll()"gt lti
nput typebutton value"Resize Window"
OnClick"RandomWindow()"gt lt/FORMgt
20Example 3 Code (.js file)
rnd.todaynew Date() rnd.seedrnd.today.getTime()
function rnd() rnd.seed
(rnd.seed930149297) 233280 return
rnd.seed/(233280.0) function rand(number)
return Math.ceil(rnd()number)
21Example 3 Code (.js file contd)
function SmoothScroll() for (I1 Ilt500
I) window.scroll(0, 500-I) function
RandomWindow() window.resizeTo(rand(900)200
, rand(400)200) window.scroll(1000,
- Where do you get help?
- Ask.com, google.com, etc.
- free javascript code, javascript
window,javascript help, etc. - Books
- Idiots Guide, Bible of JavaScript