XML Extensible Markup Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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XML Extensible Markup Language


XML is extensible users can define custom tags. Data can be formatted for displaying ... TR BGCOLOR='#308030' TH Qty /TH TH Units /TH TH Item /TH /TR ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: XML Extensible Markup Language

XMLExtensible Markup Language
  • Kaj A. Jørgensen
  • Aalborg University, Department of Production

Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • XML looks like HTML but is more than HTML
  • XML will not replace HTML XML will complement
  • XML is extensible users can define custom tags
  • Data can be formatted for displaying with HTML
  • With XML, the meaning of data can be represented
  • XML is a metalanguage
  • a language for making new markup languages
  • XML is a simplification of Standard Generalized
    Markup Language (SGML)
  • Public software available for XML processing,
    e.g. i Java

XML Schema Definition and Style Definition
  • XML Schema and Document Type Definition (DTD)
  • Separate files defining the structure of XML
  • Well-formed XML documents folows the rules of XML
  • Valid XML documents are well-formed and conforms
    with a schema file or DTD file
  • Extensible Style Language (XSL)
  • Style sheets can be written in XSL
  • With XSL, XML documents can be formatted, e.g. in
  • Different XSL style sheets can format XML
    documents differently

HTML Example lt!-- The original html recipe
--gt ltHTMLgt ltHEADgtltTITLEgtLime Jello Marshmallow
Cottage Cheese Surpriselt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgt ltBODYgt ltH3gt
Lime Jello Marshmallow Cottage Cheese
Surpriselt/H3gt ltPgtMy grandma's favorite (may she
rest in peace).lt/Pgt ltH4gtIngredientslt/H4gt ltTABLE
BORDER"1"gt ltTR BGCOLOR"308030"gt ltTHgtQtylt/THgtltTH
gtUnitslt/THgtltTHgtItemlt/THgtlt/TRgt ltTRgtltTDgt1lt/TDgtltTDgtbo
xlt/TDgtltTDgtlime gelatinlt/TDgtlt/TRgt ltTRgtltTDgt500lt/TDgtlt
TDgtglt/TDgtltTDgtmulticolored tiny marshmallowslt/TDgtlt/
TRgt ltTRgtltTDgt500lt/TDgtltTDgtmllt/TDgtltTDgtcottage
cheeselt/TDgtlt/TRgt ltTRgtltTDgtlt/TDgtltTDgtdashlt/TDgtltTDgtTab
asco sauce (optional)lt/TDgtlt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt ltH4gtInstr
uctionslt/H4gt ltOLgt ltLIgtPrepare lime gelatin
according to package instructions...lt/LIgt lt!--
and so on --gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • Characteristics of HTML
  • isn't extensible
  • is very display-centric
  • isn't directly reusable
  • only provides one 'view' of data
  • has little or no semantic structure
  • HTML documents are presented with a browser
  • View the HTML document with the IE
    browserexample Recipe.html

XML tags User Definable
  • Start tag

End tag
Empty tag
lt?xml version"1.0"?gtltRecipegt   ltNamegtLime
Jello Marshmallow Cottage Cheese
Surpriselt/Namegt   ltDescriptiongt My grandma's
favorite (may she rest in peace).lt/Descriptiongt  
 ltIngredientsgt      ltIngredientgt         ltQty
unit"box"gt1lt/Qtygt         ltItemgtlime
gelatinlt/Itemgt      lt/Ingredientgt      ltIngredie
ntgt         ltQty unit"g"gt500lt/Qtygt         ltIte
mgtmulticolored tiny marshmallowslt/Itemgt      lt/In
gredientgt      ltIngredientgt         ltQty
unit"ml"gt500lt/Qtygt         ltItemgtCottage
cheeselt/Itemgt      lt/Ingredientgt      ltIngredien
tgt         ltQty unit"dash"/gt         ltItem
optional"1"gtTabasco saucelt/Itemgt      lt/Ingredie
ntgt   lt/Ingredientsgt   ltInstructionsgt      ltSte
pgtPrepare lime gelatin according to package
instructionslt/Stepgt      lt!-- And so on...
--gt   lt/Instructionsgtlt/Recipegt
Characteristics of XML
  • Simple rules
  • No unclosed tags
  • No overlapping tags exampleltTomatogtLet's call
    ltPotatogtthe whole thing offlt/Tomatogtlt/Potatogt
  • Attribute values must be enclosed in quotes
  • The text characters (lt), (gt), and (") must be
    represented by 'character entities' (lt),
    (gt), and (quot)
  • The tag names define the meaning of data
  • Data meaning information
  • The hierarchy of tags define the information
  • The tags don't define how the document is
  • Browsers can display XML documentes example

Document Type Definition (DTD)
  • DTD example
  • lt!ELEMENT Recipe (Name, Description?,
    Ingredients?, Instructions?)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Name (PCDATA)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Description (PCDATA)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Ingredients (Ingredient)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Ingredient (Qty, Item)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Qty (PCDATA)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Item (PCDATA)gt
  • lt!ATTLIST Item optional CDATA "0" isVegetarian
    CDATA "true"gt
  • lt!ELEMENT Instructions (Step)gt

XML Schema example ltxsdschema
xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema"gt ltxsd
element name"shipOrder" type"order"/gt ltxsd
complexType name"order"gt ltxsdelement
name"shipTo" type"shipAddress"/gt
ltxsdelement name"items"
type"cdItems"/gt lt/xsdcomplexTypegt ltxsdcomplexTy
pe name"shipAddress"gt ltxsdelement
name"name" type"xsdstring"/gt
ltxsdelement name"street"
type"xsdstring"/gt ltxsdelement
name"address" type"xsdstring"/gt
ltxsdelement name"country"
type"xsdstring"/gt lt/xsdcomplexTypegt ltxsdcomple
xType name"cdItems"gt ltxsdelement
name"item" type"cdItem"/gt lt/xsdcomplexType
gt ltxsdcomplexType name"cdItem"gt ltxsdelement
name"title" type"xsdstring"/gt
ltxsdelement name"quantity"
type"xsdpositiveInteger"/gt ltxsdelement
name"price" type"xsddecimal"/gt lt/xsdcomple
xTypegt lt/xsdschemagt
XML document conforming to the XML Schema lt?xml
version"1.0"?gt ltshipOrdergt ltshipTogt
ltnamegtTove Svendsonlt/namegt ltstreetgtRagnhildvei
2lt/streetgt ltaddressgt4000 Stavangerlt/addressgt
ltcountrygtNorwaylt/countrygt lt/shipTogt
ltitemsgt ltitemgt lttitlegtEmpire
Burlesquelt/titlegt ltquantitygt1lt/quantitygt
ltpricegt10.90lt/pricegt lt/itemgt ltitemgt
lttitlegtHide your heartlt/titlegt
ltquantitygt1lt/quantitygt ltpricegt9.90lt/pricegt
lt/itemgt lt/itemsgt lt/shipOrdergt
Exchanging XML Documents
Exchanging XML Documents, cont.
Application Integration
New Internet Technologies and Standards
  • An Internet service
  • expose and describe itself to other applications
  • can be located by other applications via
  • can be invoked by using standard protocols
  • XML based standards are currently available
  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
  • Web Services Desription Language (WSDL)
  • Universal Desription, Discovery, and Integrat.
    (UDDI)a standard for new ways of publishing
  • conform to the basic request and response
  • supported by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
  • Lightweight protocol for exchange of information
  • The protocol is XML based, simple and extensible
  • The SOAP standard consists of three parts
  • the SOAP envelope, what message and who should
    handle it
  • the SOAP encoding rules, serialisation mechanisms
  • the SOAP remote procedure call representation
  • SOAP envelope is an XML document with
  • SOAP header, optional
  • SOAP body, the message body, a set of body entries

  • XML Extensible Markup Language
  • Meta language users kan define specific
    languages, custom tags
  • The tag names define the meaning of data
  • XML Schema definition of the structure of XML
  • Extensible Style Language (XSL) document
  • Style sheets are XML documents written in XSL
  • Product data models can be formulated in XML
  • Data exchange can be based on XML and XML Schema
  • International solutions E-business XML, WEB
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