Title: Stop TB 3rd Partners' Forum NGO Constituency Consultation
1Stop TB 3rd Partners' ForumNGO Constituency
Consultation Partnership for Tuberculosis Care
and Control, India Dr. Vineet Bhatia Mr
Subrat Mohanty The Union
Rio de Janeiro, 23-25 March 2009
- March 08 GF R 8 provided the opportunity to
bring together organisations with a common goal
and commitment - Formation of India Coalition Against TB (ICAT)
with 16 partners. - Joined by 9 partners in NGO TB Consortium (NTC)
- Secretariat was proposed in the GF R 8 proposal
- August 08 USAID supports jump-start of some
R8 project activities through a World Vision
grant - November 08 First meeting of 44 partners (NGOs,
technical agencies, academia) at LRS Institute,
New Delhi - December 08 Working group constituted to lead
early development - January 09 Secretariat appointed and hosted
within The Union - February 09 Steering committee formed
- March 09 First monthly newsletter draft MoA
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- Vision Contribute to Indias TB control efforts
through a unified response from civil society and
multiple stake holders - Goal
- To bring together and synergise civil society
contribution to TB care in the country and
progress towards achieving the MDGs through. - Draw a combined strategic plan for civil society
- Coordinate TB related activities of partners
- Increase visibility and community ownership of
the national TB programme - Fund resource mobilisation for partners GF R
8/R 9 - Facilitate need based technical support for
partners - Interface with donors and
- Expand membership.
- What works well
- Mutual respect and recognition
- Information sharing with the partners
- Frequent discussions/meetings with partners and
other stakeholders - Clarity of roles and responsibilities
- Coordination with and contribution to National
7Coordination with National Programme
- Regular meetings with the Programme at national
sub-national level - National Programme Manager part of steering
committee - Alignment with programme objectives
- Outcome measurement of activities through
national reporting system - Planned proposal for GF R 9 with the programme
Dual track mechanism of the GF
- Mobilizing resources for
- long term sustainability of the secretariat
current funding upto September 09 only - Partner activities
- Expanding partnership base
- Organizational identity v/s partnership identity
- Meeting the expectations of various
constituencies - Alignment with programme v/s independence
- Maintaining levels of trust between various
constituencies - Projecting partnership as an asset for the
- Secretariat acts as the focal point
- Regular communication
- Sharing information with all partners and the
programme - Monthly newsletter
- E-mailing latest developments
- GF call for proposals and R 9 submissions
- Elections to CCM
- World TB Day
- Bi-annual meeting of partners
- Planned World TB Day activities- includes
national programme
- Has created visibility
- Enhanced communication between the civil society
and the programme - Strengthening the voice of civil society
organizations - How do NGOs show their value added to the
partnership? - Uniformity in approach
- Empowered civil society
- Exchange of information
- Synergy by sharing of resources
- Avoiding duplication of efforts
- The initiative needs to be continued
- Support till it can walk on its own through
external funding (3-5 years) - Pooling of partner resources
- Technical resources technical agencies,
academic institutions, professional bodies - Financial resources corporates
- Human Resource implementation partners
12Lessons learned
- Key contributing factors
- Involvement of key stakeholders at all stages
the Programme, WHO - Transparency
- Regular communication
- Consensus
- Neutral image of the secretariat
- Commitment from all partners
- Respecting diverse experience and expertise
- Willingness to work together as a team
- Partner support
- Motivation is essential - including financial
support for partner activities
- Battle against TB cannot be won by organizations
or institutions working in isolation or in
competition. Partnership is essential to bring
together diverse strengths and harness them in a
synergistic and coherent manner - Interlinking of partnerships is essential to
share experience and best practices, learn from
challenges faced in various settings and leverage
national and international resources
14 15- The civil society partnership is an excellent
initiative which has resulted in bringing
together NGOs working for TB control to support
the Government efforts to achieve the MDG related
goals for Tuberculosis -
- Dr L.S. Chauhan
- Deputy Director General (TB)
- Central TB Division, Government of India
16- USAID is pleased to support this important
initiative, which unites representatives from
NGOs, pharmaceutical companies, patient rights
groups, and the Government of India. - We feel that this partnership has tremendous
potential to raise awareness and foster
cross-sectoral engagement, from the community
level up to the national level -
- Elizabeth Hogan USAID Mission Director/A
17As a large civil society movement in TB Control
in a huge country like India , it is important
that we value each others differences and forge
ahead understanding the value and essence of
synergy. We need to respect each other strengths
and move on from independence to
interdependence Dr.
Vijay Edward, Director Health HIV AIDS ,
World Vision India and Convener, NGO TB
18Our expectations are high given that we have all
come together to address a common problem and are
all deeply committed to ensuring access and
quality care for those suffering from TB
Ms. Jennifer George
Poidatz, Country Representative,
India Programme, Catholic Relief Services
19- We feel this partnership can bring in requisite
technical expertise to industries .. - Mr. Md. Shadab,
- Senior Assistant Director,
- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
20The partnership gives us an opportunity to
learn, share and widen our experiences while at
the same time retaining our identity and
providing scope for innovation Dr.
Nalini Krishnan, Director, Projects, Resource
Group for Education and Advocacy for Community
Health (REACH)
21We can do a lot together and hence I believe in
partnership where everyone joins hands for a
collective goal which is improved TB Care in
Celina Menezes Coordinator, World Care
Council India and President, DMS India
22- We believe that by being in partnership we get
more opportunity to have wider circle of like
minded people and organisations nationally and
globally - Joseph M.Singh
- Chief Functionary
- Mamta Samajik Sanstha