Cryptography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cryptography. What it means, what it does, how to do it, and none of ... Essentially a signed 'blacklist' of certs. List must be actively updated and checked ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cryptography

  • What it means, what it does, how to do it, and
    none of the math

  • Who am I?
  • Just some guy who likes security
  • Head of IT for a mid-sized company
  • Goals of this presentation
  • Show you what can be done
  • Show you why you might want it
  • Show you the tools used to do it
  • Not bore you with inane specifics

What is Crypto? PAIN.
  • Crypto is the use of difficult math to achieve
    things normally done by the difficulty of making
    physical copies of thingsin spite of malicious
    attempts to thwart it
  • Privacy (can anyone else hear our secrets?)
  • Authentication (are you who you claim to be?)
  • Integrity (has this message been altered?)
  • Non-repudiation (can they avoid accountability?)

Goals Privacy
  • What does it mean?
  • Make eavesdropping irrelevant
  • Anonymity to outsiders
  • How long does it have to last?
  • As long as the data must remain private
  • This can mean minutes
  • This can mean years

Goals Authentication
  • What does it mean?
  • Verification that someone is who they claim to be
  • Also referred to as Identity
  • How long does it have to last?
  • As long as the identity is valid
  • Meaning as long as it can still be used

Goals Integrity
  • What does it mean?
  • Verification that the data is unmodified
  • Also called Authenticity
  • How long does it have to last?
  • As long as data integrity matters
  • This isnt very long for check once applications

Goals Non-Repudiation
  • What does it mean?
  • No going back on your word
  • Verification that data hasnt been fabricated
  • How long does it have to last?
  • As long as accountability for the data does

Physical Examples
  • Whispering behind locked doors (privacy)
  • But all network traffic is equally loud
  • Handwritten Signatures (authentication)
  • But digital signatures are trivial to copy
  • Paper and Ink Documents (integrity)
  • But paper and ink dont transmit over a wire
  • Certified Mail (non-repudiation)
  • But theres no paper trail for network traffic
  • Sneakernet (all four)
  • If you were face-to-face, thered be no network

Good Cryptography
  • Easy for good guys (people with keys)
  • Takes little time to encrypt/sign with key
  • Takes little time to decrypt/verify with key
  • Easy to make and securely swap keys
  • Hard for bad guys (people without keys)
  • Takes long time to encrypt/sign without key
  • Takes long time to reverse/verify without key
  • Hard to guess or obtain keys

Good Context-Dependent
  • Constraints on easy
  • How fast must it be computed?
  • How long would it take to compute with the key?
  • Constraints on hard
  • How long does the security have to last?
  • How long would it take to break without the key?
  • Really, its a balancing act
  • Too hard means things take too long
  • Too easy means things arent secure

Tools of Cryptography
  • Irreversible Functions
  • Hash Functions
  • Random Number Generators
  • One-way Translations
  • Key-reversible functions
  • Encryption
  • Signing
  • Key Systems
  • Symmetric Keys
  • Asymmetric Keys

Tools Hash Functions
  • Calculates a constant-sized hash of data
  • Same data always produces same hash
  • Hard to find collisions
  • Hashes are referred to in many ways
  • Message Digests
  • Fingerprints
  • Cryptographic Checksums
  • Message Integrity Check
  • Manipulation Detection Code
  • Examples
  • Crypt, MD5, SHA, RND, CRC, Parity
  • not cryptographically secure

Tools Random Numbers
  • Strong Random Number Generators
  • Entropy-based (irreproducible) random number
  • Pseudo Random Functions
  • Seeded random number generators
  • Generates same numbers with same seed
  • Used for synchronized random streams between
    two hosts
  • Examples
  • HMAC, PRF, /dev/random, /dev/urandom

Tools One-way Translate
  • Translations that cannot be reversed
  • Like a hash function except for size
  • Size of translation depends on data size
  • Useful for making keys or keypairs
  • Examples
  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange, DSA keygen

Tools Encryption
  • Convert data into apparent noise
  • Doesnt give hints about the encrypted data
  • Eavesdroppers wont know your sensitive data
  • Trapdoor one-way translation
  • You can only reverse it if you have the key
  • Eavesdroppers (hopefully) dont have the key

Tools Signing
  • Create a hash using data and key
  • Hash can be used to verify data and key
  • Can be implemented as hashing data appended with
    a key
  • Can be implemented as encrypting hash of data
  • Kind of like hash function
  • Gives a constant-size result (almost always
  • Unlike a hash function
  • Often partially reversible
  • Data and key required to verify

Tools Key Systems
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Same key used for both directions
  • Any string of bits can be a key (so keys are
  • Recipient must know same key
  • Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Keys are created in pairs
  • Forward key is different than reverse key
  • Not every string of bits can be a key (so keys
    are bigger)
  • Recipient must know corresponding key

Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Call one key public and one private
  • Public key
  • Anyone can know the public key
  • Can only be reversed using the private key
  • Private key
  • Never have to share the private key
  • Can only be reversed using the public key
  • Not all asymmetric systems are equal
  • One way
  • Private key is used for signing/decrypting only
  • Public key is used for verifying/encrypting only
  • Two-way
  • Both keys can be used for signing/decrypting or

Meet Mallory, Bad Guy
  • Attacks against Protocols
  • Eavesdropping (looking)
  • Man in the Middle (proxying)
  • Replay (copies)
  • Cheating (breaking the rules)
  • Attacks against Tools
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Chosen Plaintext
  • Chosen Ciphertext

Attacks Against Protocols
  • Eavesdropping
  • Looking at messages in transit
  • Solution Make sure it doesnt matter
  • Man in the Middle
  • Pretending to be the other side to both sides
  • Solution Make sure it cant happen
  • Replay
  • Sending a copy of a previous (encrypted) message
  • Solution Make sure it doesnt do anything bad
  • Cheating
  • Violating protocol to get more information
  • Solution Have a failsafe response

Attacks Against Tools
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Getting data or key information from raw
  • Solution Choose stronger algorithms
  • Chosen Plaintext
  • Getting key information by encrypting specific
  • Solution Dont automatically encrypt things for
  • Chosen Ciphertext
  • Getting key information by decrypting specific
  • Solution dont automatically decrypt things for

How Things Work! PAIN
  • Privacy
  • Symmetric encryption with shared key
  • Fast and easy to compute with key
  • Really hard to reverse without key
  • Asymmetric encryption with unshared key
  • Slow and hard to compute, even with key
  • Insanely hard to reverse without key

How Things Work! PAIN
  • Authentication
  • Shared secret
  • If both sides know the same secret
  • But eavesdroppers can see it
  • Hash of shared secret
  • Like above, without giving away the secret
  • But eavesdroppers can still see it
  • Encryption of challenge data
  • If both sides know the same key
  • Signing of challenge data
  • If both sides have the same (or matching) keys

How Things Work! PAIN
  • Integrity
  • Hash of data
  • If other side computes the same value
  • No guarantee this wont be forged
  • Hash of data shared secret
  • If both sides have the same secret
  • Encryption of hash of data
  • If both sides have the same (or matching) keys
  • Signing of data (or hash of data)
  • If both sides have the same (or matching) keys

How Things Work! PAIN
  • Non-Repudiation
  • Asymmetric signature
  • Only one person can make that sig
  • Shared secrets wont work
  • Lasts a looooooooong time

Practical Considerations
  • Lots of steps to keep track of
  • Lots of keys to keep track of
  • Still have to transfer keys securely
  • Humans are lazy
  • Algorithms become obsolete
  • New algorithms are invented

Modular Frameworks
  • Does it right
  • Makes sure things get done in correct order
  • Stops if anything strange happens
  • Negotiates connection parameters for you
  • Negotiates matching algorithms
  • Negotiates shared keys
  • Negotiates key exchange methods
  • Modular Algorithm Selection
  • Can add or remove algorithms without changing

Examples The List
  • IPSec
  • Securing traffic at the IP level
  • X.509 Certificates
  • A strong authentication framework
  • Securing traffic at the socket level
  • Automatic keying of cryptographic services
  • Others
  • Kerberos, PGP summaries

IPSec General Concepts
  • Provide privacy, authentication, and integrity to
  • Uses symmetric and one-way cryptography
  • Uses IP Address for endpoint authentication
  • Uses sequence numbers to prevent replay
  • Security Associations specify which algorithms
    to use
  • Security Associations and keys must be specified
    at both ends
  • Uses Security Policies for security enforcement

IPSec Protocols
  • Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
  • Provides privacy for IP data
  • Provides integrity for IP data
  • Verifies identity of IP data source
  • Authentication Header (AH)
  • Provides authentication for IP packet
  • Verifies identity of IP packet source

IPSec The ESP Protocol
  • Encryption
  • Symmetric cipher with shared key
  • Adds ESP Header after IP header
  • Encrypts IP data and ESP Trailer
  • Leaves the IP Header alone
  • Authentication
  • Keyed Hash function with shared key
  • Adds ESP Auth trailer at and
  • Authenticates ESP header and encrypted data
  • Leaves the IP Header alone
  • Verifying integrity has the side effect of
    verifying identity

IPSec The ESP Protocol
  • ----------------------------
  • IPv4 orig IP hdr
  • (any options) TCP Data
  • ----------------------------
  • ------------------------------------------
  • IPv4 orig IP hdr ESP ESP
  • (any options) Hdr TCP Data
    Trailer Auth
  • ------------------------------------------
  • lt----- encrypted
  • lt------ authenticated
  • Diagram from RFC 2406 IP Encapsulating Security

IPSec The AH Protocol
  • Not intended for Privacy
  • Protects against packet injection
  • Protects against Man in the Middle
  • Authentication
  • Keyed Hash function with shared key
  • Adds AH header after IP header
  • Authenticates entire IP packet
  • Does not authenticate mutable IP fields
  • Verifying integrity has the side effect of
    verifying identity

IPSec The AH Protocol
  • ----------------------------
  • IPv4 orig IP hdr
  • (any options) TCP Data
  • ----------------------------
  • ---------------------------------
  • IPv4 orig IP hdr
  • (any options) AH TCP Data
  • ---------------------------------
  • lt------- authenticated -------gt
  • except for mutable fields

IPSec Drawbacks
  • Need to set up each SA manually
  • Endpoint IPs
  • Protocol
  • Encryption Algorithm
  • Authentication Algorithm
  • Keys
  • Only does authentication at IP granularity
  • Cannot distinguish between different users
  • Roadwarrior setups are impossible in vanilla
  • Live re-keying is impossible
  • Have to manually re-key both endpoints

X.509 Certificates General Concepts
  • ID Card replacement using asymmetric key pair
  • Public key is on the cert itself, i.e. printed
    on the ID
  • Private key is kept private, i.e. the ability to
  • Uses private key as proof of ID ownership
  • Akin to comparing your face to the picture on an
    actual ID
  • Uses signature of an authority as proof of
  • Akin to checking the watermark on an actual ID
  • Potentially used for all kinds of PAIN
  • Privacy, Authentication, Integrity,

X.509 Certs Format
  • File Format Data
  • Version
  • Serial number
  • Issuer Data
  • Issuer signing algorithm and parameters
  • Issuer ID information (company, host, etc)
  • Expiration
  • Owner Data
  • Owner ID information (company, host, etc)
  • Owner signing algorithm, parameters, and key
  • Extensions (somewhat optional)
  • Fingerprints
  • Usage constraints (including if it can certify
    other certs)
  • Comments
  • Anything else
  • Signature
  • Issuers signature of all of the above

X.509 Certs Issuers
  • Anyone can make a cert
  • Its just a bunch of data thats been signed
  • Issuers are called Certificate Authorities
  • Trusted only as much as the Issuer
  • Issuer is another certificate with the CA flag
  • This flag is just another bit of signed data
  • Trusted only as much as their own Issuer
  • Eventually, you reach a self-signed Root CA

X.509 Certs Hierarchy
  • Issuer trust is a tree hierarchy
  • This hierarchy is called Public Key
  • Trust is obtained by Issuer ancestry and settings
  • Each ancestor is verified by the one preceding it
  • Self-signed CA certs are called Root CA certs.
  • Trusted Certificates and Certificate Authorities
  • You can limit certificate trust to select tasks
  • This can include trusting a CA to issue valid
  • This can include trusting a CA to issue valid CAs

X.509 Certs Revocation
  • IDs can become invalid before they expire
  • Private keys are sometimes compromised
  • The CA can realize that they were duped
  • Revocation Lists
  • Akin to confiscating or destroying a physical ID
  • Essentially a signed blacklist of certs
  • List must be actively updated and checked

X.509 Certs Drawbacks
  • Difficult to enforce revocation
  • Revocation lists arent pushed to clients
  • Cant destroy certs like you can destroy
    physical IDs
  • Must guard against forged certs
  • Anyone can make a CA and sign certs
  • Who decides which CAs to trust, and how much?
  • Difficult to specify depth of trusted chain
  • Trusting a CA doesnt mean trust completely
  • Manually specifying trust for each cert is tedious

Example SSL and TLS
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Developed by Netscape
  • Sets up a secure stream at the socket level
  • Its the S in HTTPS, POP3S, IMAPS, etc.
  • Uses a different port than insecure versions
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • IETF standard to do the same things as SSL
  • Backwards compatible to SSLv3
  • Can handle secure and insecure on same port
  • The S in SMTPS

SSLTLS Concepts
  • Automatically authenticate using X.509 certs
  • Auto-negotiate integrity and privacy algorithms
  • Uses asymmetric crypto to transfer session key
  • Uses synchronized PRF to generate symmetric keys
  • Uses sequence numbers to prevent replay
  • Links stages together to avoid connection

SSLTLS Overview
  • Identity and premaster key exchange
  • Agree on how things will be secured
  • Authenticate to each other
  • Exchange premaster secret
  • Master key generation and private stream
  • Use premaster secret to generate master secret
  • Use master secret to generate algorithm keys
  • Start securing everything with generated keys

SSLTLS First Stage
  • Exchange hello messages
  • Sequence number, random number, SSL/TLS version
  • Server sends certificate
  • If signing only cert, sends DH parameters too
  • Client sends back premaster secret
  • If cert is encryption cert, uses that
  • Otherwise, uses Diffie-Hellman parameters
  • If asked, Client sends certificate
  • Can send if not asked, but will be ignored

SSLTLS Second stage
  • Use hash function to generate master key
  • premaster, client/server random numbers, master
  • Use master key to seed pseudo random function
  • Both sides have same premaster, so same master
  • Use PRF to generate algorithm keys
  • Both sides have same PRF and seed, so same keys
  • Encrypt all further traffic with symmetric keys
  • Generate more pseudo-random bits as algorithm

SSLTLS Drawbacks
  • Only has one secret mechanism (master secret)
  • Will have to change the protocol to add more
  • Cant remove it without destroying the protocol
  • No pluggable key exchange mechanisms
  • Will have to change the protocol to add more
  • Depends on Diffie-Hellman and X.509 keys
  • After authenticating, only uses symmetric
  • Can only generate symmetric keys
  • Cant add asymmetric ciphers without changing

Example ISAKMP
  • Internet Security Association and Key Management
  • Configures security sessions for other services
  • Usually IPSec, but can be used for nearly
  • Can be used securely over a network
  • Port 500/udp, or 4500/udp across a NAT
  • Modularly selected key exchange protocols
  • Oakley, SKEME, IKE

ISAKMP Concepts
  • Phase 1
  • Handled by Key Exchange protocol
  • Negotiate how to authenticate ISAKMP endpoints
  • Negotiate how to secure ISAKMP traffic
  • Authenticate and secure ISAKMP endpoints and
  • Phase 2
  • Format and options depend on service to set up
  • Use secured channel to negotiate service security
  • Configure service security with new settings

ISAKMP Phase 1
  • Main mode
  • Negotiate how ISAKMP traffic will be secured
  • Anonymous encrypted channel set up
  • Identities authenticated over private channel
  • Aggressive mode
  • Identities authenticated over clear channel
  • Other than that, same as main mode
  • Necessary for shared secrets from unknown IPs

ISAKMP Phase 2
  • Quick Mode
  • Negotiate how SERVICE traffic will be secured
  • Sends proposals until one is agreeable
  • Uses application APIs to configure service
  • Notifies requesting service of completion
  • Can be initiated more than once
  • More than one phase 2 may use a single phase 1

Other Examples
  • Kerberos
  • Uses a trusted arbitrator to verify all keys
    using only symmetric cryptography
  • Uses a centralized list of secrets
  • PGP
  • Uses asymmetric cryptography to very strongly
    encrypt and authenticate off-line messages
  • Uses a trust network to verify identity

Skipped Topics
  • Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)
  • Finding one key doesnt give you everything
  • Steganography (Stego)
  • Hiding data in other data, unnoticed
  • Crytanalysis
  • Finding weaknesses in the math of algorithms
  • Per-Algorithm security requirements
  • Constraints on key and data selection

One-Way Algorithm List
  • Hash Functions
  • Crypt, MD2, MD4, MD5, N-Hash, RIPEMD-160, SHA0,
    SHA1, SHA2, MDC-2, MDC-4,
  • Pseudo-Random Functions (aka MAC)
  • HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, Keyed-MD5, Keyed-SHA1,
  • One-way Translate Functions
  • RSA keygen, DSA keygen, DH paramgen

Two-Way Algorithm List
  • Encryption
  • Symmetric DES, 3DES, Blowfish, Cast5, Rijndael,
    Twofish, AES, RC2, RC4
  • Asymmetric RSA, El Gamal
  • Signing
  • Symmetric any encryption of any hash, any hash
    of data and secret
  • Asymmetric DSA, El Gamal, RSA

List of Utilities
  • OpenSSL
  • Commandline openssl utility to manipulate x509
    certificates, hash functions, pseudo-random
    number generators, symmetric ciphers, asymmetric
    ciphers and key generation, and a variety of
    crypto file formats. Used to roll your own PKI,
    among other things.
  • GnuPG
  • Commandline gpg utility to manipulate
    asymmetric keys and ciphers, trust databases,
    signing, and verification. Used mainly for
    secure email.
  • Open/StrongSWAN, KAME
  • Commandline setkey utility to manipulate IPSec
    Security Associations and Security Policies.
    Used mainly to set up static IPSec routes.

  • Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, Protocols,
    Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition
  • RFC 2411, IP Security Document Roadmap
  • RFC 2406, IP Encapsulating Security Payload
  • RFC 2402, IP Authentication Header
  • RFC 2408, The Internet IP Security Domain of
    Interpretation for ISAKMP
  • RFC 2409, The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
  • RFC 2246, The TLS Protocol
  • Netscape Communications Corp, The SSL 3.0

About the Author
  • Robin Battey
  • Public Key http//
  • Key ID 0x6A57B07D
  • Fingerprint 3914 F63C A99C 8EC1 785B
  • 8287 1D8B D2F3 6A57 B07D
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