Title: SelfConfiguring Heterogeneous Server Clusters
1Self-Configuring Heterogeneous Server Clusters
- Taliver Heath, Bruno Diniz, Enrique Carrera,
Wagner Meira Jr., and Ricardo Bianchini - (Presented by me)
2Conserving Energy for Clusters
- Homogeneous clusters
- Solution Leave fewest number of nodes on to
satisfy requests - Heterogeneous clusters
- Which nodes?
- Request distributions?
3Myth of Homogenous Clusters
- Clusters purchased for expandability
- Upgrades
- Blades for power concerns
- Repairs
- Differentiation
4Heterogeneity in Clusters
- PC
- 800 MHz
- 70W idle
- 94W busy
- FE links
- Blade
- 1200 MHz
- 40W idle
- First - 150W
- 46W busy
- Laptop IDE
- GE and FE links
- Model application
- Performance
- Component utilizations
- Component power consumptions
- Optimize metric
- Ratio of power to performance
- Transform application
- Distribute requests, resources
- Dynamically reconfigure
6Model Overview
- Models throughput by bottleneck analysis
- Models power with linear function
- Solves across all resources simultaneously ?
non-linear, multi-variable optimization
7Model Variables
8Client to Server Distribution
- Vector for distribution of requests
9Probability of node i using resource r on machine
Machine 1 uses own resource
Machine 2 uses resource on machine 3
- Per resource (r), per machine (i)
11Solving for Throughput
12Solving for Power
- For each component we need
- Maximum throughput
- Needs workload characteristics
- Power consumption for a given utilization
- We use several micro-benchmarks combined with
Least-Squares fitting
14Using the Models
- Micro-benchmark
- Optimize metric using simulated annealing
- Generate distribution lookup table
- Throughput ? Configuration
15Instantiation of Models
- Flash-like Web Server
- No cooperation
- Static requests
16Validation of the Models
- 8 node cluster
- 4 - 800 MHz traditional PC
- 4 1.2 MHz blade server
- Modified distribution to nodes
- 100 Mbps ethernet connections
18Experiment Setup
- 2 day trace from World Cup 98
- Accelerated by a factor of 20
19Experiments Conducted
- Energy Oblivious
- All servers on
- Adaptive
- Assumes all machines identical
- Adjusts to match demand
- Model Adaptive
- Recognizes differences in nodes
- Adjusts to optimize metric (P/T)
20Heterogeneous Oblivious
21Heterogeneous Adaptive
22Heterogeneous Model Adaptive
24Why Modeling Wins
25Future Directions
- Dynamic Content
- CGI distributions
- Automatic corrections for errors
- Errors in machine specification
- Errors in application specification
- Best future node addition
- Different budget constraints
- Component-level control
26Related Work
- Cluster power and energy Pinheiro01
- Request distribution Carrera01
- Load balancing in heterogeneous systems Zhou93
- Modeling clusters Maggs95
- Resource management in clusters Aron00
- Models are accurate
- Server configuration saves more energy
- Minor impact on performance
- Possibly design heterogeneous clusters from the
29For more information
- Knowledge required for accurate modeling
- Cluster details
- Application information
- Trace specifics
31Combining Resources
32Finding Resource Utilization
Utilization Vector
Non-local Utilization
33PRESS server
- Cooperative web server
- Locality Conscious
- Developed by Carrera
- For this paper, cooperative nature disabled
- Distribution changes by alerting clients
34Homogeneous Oblivious
35Homogeneous Online Adaptive
36Homogeneous Model Adaptive
37Modeling for Clusters
38Dynamic PRESS
- Idea evolves from Pinheiro01
- Algorithm
Periodically 1. Find required throughput of
cluster 2. Find optimal cluster configuration
for throughput 3. Reconfigure cluster