Title: Nuts and Bolts of Genetically Engineered Crops
1Crop Genetic Engineering Process
5. Transform cultured corn cells
2Transgenic Cell
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12DNA-coated gold particles
h e l i u m
Tissue culture cells
Gene Gun
13h e l i u m
Gene Gun
Cells blasted with the gold
14h e l i u m
Gene Gun
Cells undergo selection
15h e l i u m
Gene Gun
Plants regenerated from tissue culture.
16Gold particle coated with the BT gene
17Gold particle coated with the BT gene
18Gold particle coated with the BT gene
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23Silicon carbide fiber coated with DNA
24Cells are shaken vigorously, fiber or wisker
stabs the cell
25You hope the wisker fiber coated with DNA stabs
into the nucleus
26Agrobacterium is a natural genetic engineer
27Agrobacterium invades a plant
28TI plasmid will leave the bacteria
29Go to the nucleus
30And insert into a chromosome
31Event 1
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331000s of genes per chromosome
34Each genes occupies a small part (locus)
35Event 1
36Event 1
One copy of the transgene (cuts in line)
37Event 1
Or. Several copies can insert
38Event 1
39Event 2
40Event 3
41Different Events have differences in
Event 1
Event 3
Events 1 may have the same gene but give the
plant different levels of resistance
42Event 3
43Event 2
44Event 2
Event 1
45h e l i u m
Gene Gun
Cells undergo selection
46Cell level selection
47Cell level selection only cells with the new
gene can grow
48Cell level selection cells that did not get the
new gene will die
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50Cell Division- Chromosomes Replicate
51Cell Division- Chromosomes Replicate
52Transgenic Plant transgene in every cell
53Bt Gene
antibiotic resistance gene
A marker gene
54Bt Gene
antibiotic resistance gene
A marker gene
Marker Gene
Bt Gene
Marker Gene
Bt Gene
Liberty resistance
Bt Gene
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