Title: Tips on Building Your Schools Enrollment
1Tips on Building Your Schools Enrollment
2Create a marketing/promotion team whose purpose
would be to suggest/recommend creative and
high-powered recruiting strategies.
Utilize newspaper coverage widely, i.e. school
events, reaching into the community, special
service projects.
3Develop a school tri-fold display board for use
in local Christian bookstores in a 20-mile radius
of your school.
Participate via a booth at all county/city fairs
and fun days. Pass out pencils, pens, scratch
pads, and brochures/literature.
4Conduct no less than two open houses during the
school year.
Consider including a professionally developed DVD
promo to be placed in your recruitment
packageit tells your story.
5Consider a radio/one-minute blurb on local
Christian radio station - has to be of the
highest quality. Forward an ad to your local
cable station asking that it be aired.
Seek recognition ACSI accreditation/National
Blue Ribbon status. These are distinctive honors
that attract attention.
6Mobilize your alumni more fully. They are a big
underutilized asset. Publish an alumni newsletter
- speaks to the virtues you wish to communicate.
Secure some testimonials from them.
Seek out realtors who might be willing to place
your literature on their resource rack.
7Have you considered license frame IDs - give free
to all parents. They serve as an on the road
Develop a relationship with your local newspaper
reporter. Does a parent know someone who works
for a local TV station?
8Request a five-minute presentation for sharing
attributes of Christian education in all
evangelical churches within a 15-mile radius of
the school. Minimally request permission for a
poster or literature drop.
9Get community leaders and agencies into your
building (health agencies, dentists, career days,
civic leaders, for patriotic programs, etc.).
Does your exterior signage attract positive
attention? How well is the lawn maintained?
Flowers and shrubbery create a welcome touch!
10Like it or not, image is, and always has been,
everything. Attractive displays, a clean
building, courteous children, lack of clutter,
organized, friendly and knowledgeable front
office/reception area, excited teaching staff,
superb recruiting instruments, etc all speak
11Solicit input from your community. How is it
perceived? Are you helping it to become a better
place to reside?
Invite those who make inquiry to tour the school,
preferably during school hours. We probably do
not do enough on follow-up of prospective
12Pastor breakfasts - normally they do not yield
the results we would like. Perhaps we should
reconfigure how these are done i.e. consider
more student involvement, songs, skits, etc.
13(No Transcript)